Source code for amici.de_export

C++ Export
This module provides all necessary functionality to specify a differential
equation model and generate executable C++ simulation code.
The user generally won't have to directly call any function from this module
as this will be done by
:py:func:`amici.sbml_import.SbmlImporter.sbml2amici` and

from __future__ import annotations
import copy
import logging
import os
import re
import shutil
from pathlib import Path
from typing import (
from itertools import chain

import sympy as sp

from . import (
from ._codegen.cxx_functions import (
from ._codegen.model_class import (
from ._codegen.template import apply_template
from .cxxcodeprinter import (
from .jaxcodeprinter import AmiciJaxCodePrinter
from .de_model import DEModel
from .de_model_components import *
from .import_utils import (
from .logging import get_logger, log_execution_time, set_log_level
from .compile import build_model_extension
from .sympy_utils import (


# Template for model simulation main.cpp file
CXX_MAIN_TEMPLATE_FILE = os.path.join(amiciSrcPath, "main.template.cpp")
# Template for model/swig/CMakeLists.txt
    amiciSwigPath, "CMakeLists_model.cmake"
# Template for model/CMakeLists.txt
    amiciSrcPath, "CMakeLists.template.cmake"

IDENTIFIER_PATTERN = re.compile(r"^[a-zA-Z_]\w*$")

#: list of equations that have ids which may not be unique
non_unique_id_symbols = ["x_rdata", "y"]

#: custom c++ function replacements
        "sympy": "polygamma",
        "c++": "boost::math::polygamma",
        "include": "#include <boost/math/special_functions/polygamma.hpp>",
        "build_hint": "Using polygamma requires libboost-math header files.",
    {"sympy": "Heaviside", "c++": "amici::heaviside"},
    {"sympy": "DiracDelta", "c++": "amici::dirac"},

#: python log manager
logger = get_logger(__name__, logging.ERROR)

[docs] class DEExporter: """ The DEExporter class generates AMICI C++ files for a model as defined in symbolic expressions. :ivar model: DE definition :ivar verbose: more verbose output if True :ivar assume_pow_positivity: if set to true, a special pow function is used to avoid problems with state variables that may become negative due to numerical errors :ivar compiler: Absolute path to the compiler executable to be used to build the Python extension, e.g. ``/usr/bin/clang``. :ivar functions: carries C++ function signatures and other specifications :ivar model_name: name of the model that will be used for compilation :ivar model_path: path to the generated model specific files :ivar model_swig_path: path to the generated swig files :ivar allow_reinit_fixpar_initcond: indicates whether reinitialization of initial states depending on fixedParameters is allowed for this model :ivar _build_hints: If the given model uses special functions, this set contains hints for model building. :ivar _code_printer_jax: Code printer to generate JAX code :ivar _code_printer_cpp: Code printer to generate C++ code :ivar generate_sensitivity_code: Specifies whether code for sensitivity computation is to be generated .. note:: When importing large models (several hundreds of species or parameters), import time can potentially be reduced by using multiple CPU cores. This is controlled by setting the ``AMICI_IMPORT_NPROCS`` environment variable to the number of parallel processes that are to be used (default: 1). Note that for small models this may (slightly) increase import times. """
[docs] def __init__( self, de_model: DEModel, outdir: Path | str | None = None, verbose: bool | int | None = False, assume_pow_positivity: bool | None = False, compiler: str | None = None, allow_reinit_fixpar_initcond: bool | None = True, generate_sensitivity_code: bool | None = True, model_name: str | None = "model", ): """ Generate AMICI C++ files for the DE provided to the constructor. :param de_model: DE model definition :param outdir: see :meth:`amici.de_export.DEExporter.set_paths` :param verbose: verbosity level for logging, ``True``/``False`` default to :data:`logging.Error`/:data:`logging.DEBUG` :param assume_pow_positivity: if set to true, a special pow function is used to avoid problems with state variables that may become negative due to numerical errors :param compiler: Absolute path to the compiler executable to be used to build the Python extension, e.g. ``/usr/bin/clang``. :param allow_reinit_fixpar_initcond: see :class:`amici.de_export.DEExporter` :param generate_sensitivity_code: specifies whether code required for sensitivity computation will be generated :param model_name: name of the model to be used during code generation """ set_log_level(logger, verbose) self.verbose: bool = logger.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.DEBUG self.assume_pow_positivity: bool = assume_pow_positivity self.compiler: str = compiler self.model_path: str = "" self.model_swig_path: str = "" self.set_name(model_name) self.set_paths(outdir) self._code_printer_cpp = AmiciCxxCodePrinter() self._code_printer_jax = AmiciJaxCodePrinter() for fun in CUSTOM_FUNCTIONS: self._code_printer_cpp.known_functions[fun["sympy"]] = fun["c++"] # Signatures and properties of generated model functions (see # include/amici/model.h for details) self.model: DEModel = de_model self._code_printer_cpp.known_functions.update( splines.spline_user_functions( self.model._splines, self._get_index("p") ) ) # To only generate a subset of functions, apply subselection here self.functions: dict[str, _FunctionInfo] = copy.deepcopy(functions) self.allow_reinit_fixpar_initcond: bool = allow_reinit_fixpar_initcond self._build_hints = set() self.generate_sensitivity_code: bool = generate_sensitivity_code
[docs] @log_execution_time("generating cpp code", logger) def generate_model_code(self) -> None: """ Generates the native C++ code for the loaded model and a Matlab script that can be run to compile a mex file from the C++ code """ with _monkeypatched( sp.Pow, "_eval_derivative", _custom_pow_eval_derivative ): self._prepare_model_folder() self._generate_jax_code() self._generate_c_code() self._generate_m_code()
[docs] @log_execution_time("compiling cpp code", logger) def compile_model(self) -> None: """ Compiles the generated code it into a simulatable module """ build_model_extension( package_dir=self.model_path, compiler=self.compiler, verbose=self.verbose, extra_msg="\n".join(self._build_hints), )
def _prepare_model_folder(self) -> None: """ Create model directory or remove all files if the output directory already exists. """ os.makedirs(self.model_path, exist_ok=True) for file in os.listdir(self.model_path): file_path = os.path.join(self.model_path, file) if os.path.isfile(file_path): os.remove(file_path) @log_execution_time("generating jax code", logger) def _generate_jax_code(self) -> None: try: from amici.jax.model import JAXModel except ImportError: logger.warning( "Could not import JAXModel. JAX code will not be generated." ) return eq_names = ( "xdot", "w", "x0", "y", "sigmay", "Jy", "x_solver", "x_rdata", "total_cl", ) sym_names = ("x", "tcl", "w", "my", "y", "sigmay", "x_rdata") indent = 8 def jnp_array_str(array) -> str: elems = ", ".join(str(s) for s in array) return f"jnp.array([{elems}])" # replaces Heaviside variables with corresponding functions subs_heaviside = dict( zip( self.model.sym("h"), [sp.Heaviside(x) for x in self.model.eq("root")], strict=True, ) ) # replaces observables with a generic my variable subs_observables = dict( zip( self.model.sym("my"), [sp.Symbol("my")] * len(self.model.sym("my")), strict=True, ) ) tpl_data = { # assign named variable using corresponding algebraic formula (function body) **{ f"{eq_name.upper()}_EQ": "\n".join( self._code_printer_jax._get_sym_lines( (str(strip_pysb(s)) for s in self.model.sym(eq_name)), self.model.eq(eq_name).subs( {**subs_heaviside, **subs_observables} ), indent, ) )[indent:] # remove indent for first line for eq_name in eq_names }, # create jax array from concatenation of named variables **{ f"{eq_name.upper()}_RET": jnp_array_str( strip_pysb(s) for s in self.model.sym(eq_name) ) if self.model.sym(eq_name) else "jnp.array([])" for eq_name in eq_names }, # assign named variables from a jax array **{ f"{sym_name.upper()}_SYMS": "".join( str(strip_pysb(s)) + ", " for s in self.model.sym(sym_name) ) if self.model.sym(sym_name) else "_" for sym_name in sym_names }, # tuple of variable names (ids as they are unique) **{ f"{sym_name.upper()}_IDS": "".join( f'"{strip_pysb(s)}", ' for s in self.model.sym(sym_name) ) if self.model.sym(sym_name) else "tuple()" for sym_name in ("p", "k", "y", "x") }, **{ # in jax model we do not need to distinguish between p (parameters) and # k (fixed parameters) so we use a single variable combining both "PK_SYMS": "".join( str(strip_pysb(s)) + ", " for s in chain(self.model.sym("p"), self.model.sym("k")) ), "PK_IDS": "".join( f'"{strip_pysb(s)}", ' for s in chain(self.model.sym("p"), self.model.sym("k")) ), "MODEL_NAME": self.model_name, # keep track of the API version that the model was generated with so we # can flag conflicts in the future "MODEL_API_VERSION": f"'{JAXModel.MODEL_API_VERSION}'", }, } os.makedirs( os.path.join(self.model_path, self.model_name), exist_ok=True ) apply_template( os.path.join(amiciModulePath, ""), os.path.join(self.model_path, self.model_name, ""), tpl_data, ) def _generate_c_code(self) -> None: """ Create C++ code files for the model based on :attribute:`DEExporter.model`. """ for func_name, func_info in self.functions.items(): if ( func_name in sensi_functions + sparse_sensi_functions and not self.generate_sensitivity_code ): continue if func_info.generate_body: dec = log_execution_time(f"writing {func_name}.cpp", logger) dec(self._write_function_file)(func_name) for name in self.model.sym_names(): # only generate for those that have nontrivial implementation, # check for both basic variables (not in functions) and function # computed values if ( ( name in self.functions and not self.functions[name].body and name not in nobody_functions ) or name not in self.functions ) and len(self.model.sym(name)) == 0: continue self._write_index_files(name) self._write_wrapfunctions_cpp() self._write_wrapfunctions_header() self._write_model_header_cpp() self._write_c_make_file() self._write_swig_files() self._write_module_setup() _write_gitignore(Path(self.model_path)) shutil.copy( CXX_MAIN_TEMPLATE_FILE, os.path.join(self.model_path, "main.cpp") ) def _generate_m_code(self) -> None: """ Create a Matlab script for compiling code files to a mex file """ # Second order code is not yet implemented. Once this is done, # those variables will have to be replaced by # "self.model.<var>true()", or the corresponding "model.self.o2flag" nxtrue_rdata = self.model.num_states_rdata() nytrue = self.model.num_obs() nztrue = self.model.num_eventobs() o2flag = 0 lines = [ "% This compile script was automatically created from" " Python SBML import.", "% If mex compiler is set up within MATLAB, it can be run" " from MATLAB ", "% in order to compile a mex-file from the Python" " generated C++ files.", "", f"modelName = '{self.model_name}';", "amimodel.compileAndLinkModel(modelName, '', [], [], [], []);", f"amimodel.generateMatlabWrapper({nxtrue_rdata}, " f"{nytrue}, {self.model.num_par()}, " f"{self.model.num_const()}, {nztrue}, {o2flag}, ...", " [], ['simulate_' modelName '.m'], modelName, ...", " 'lin', 1, 1);", ] # write compile script (for mex) compile_script = os.path.join(self.model_path, "compileMexFile.m") with open(compile_script, "w") as fileout: fileout.write("\n".join(lines)) def _get_index(self, name: str) -> dict[sp.Symbol, int]: """ Compute indices for a symbolic array. :param name: key in self.model._syms for which to obtain the index. :return: a dictionary of symbol/index pairs. """ if name in self.model.sym_names(): if name in sparse_functions: symbols = self.model.sparsesym(name) else: symbols = self.model.sym(name).T else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown symbolic array: {name}") return { strip_pysb(symbol).name: index for index, symbol in enumerate(symbols) } def _write_index_files(self, name: str) -> None: """ Write index file for a symbolic array. :param name: key in ``self.model._syms`` for which the respective file should be written """ if name not in self.model.sym_names(): raise ValueError(f"Unknown symbolic array: {name}") symbols = ( self.model.sparsesym(name) if name in sparse_functions else self.model.sym(name).T ) if not len(symbols): return # flatten multiobs if isinstance(next(iter(symbols), None), list): symbols = [symbol for obs in symbols for symbol in obs] lines = [] for index, symbol in enumerate(symbols): symbol_name = strip_pysb(symbol) if str(symbol) == "0": continue if str(symbol_name) == "": raise ValueError(f'{name} contains a symbol called ""') lines.append(f"#define {symbol_name} {name}[{index}]") if name == "stau": # we only need a single macro, as all entries have the same symbol break filename = os.path.join(self.model_path, f"{name}.h") with open(filename, "w") as fileout: fileout.write("\n".join(lines)) def _write_function_file(self, function: str) -> None: """ Generate equations and write the C++ code for the function ``function``. :param function: name of the function to be written (see ``self.functions``) """ # first generate the equations to make sure we have everything we # need in subsequent steps if function in sparse_functions: equations = self.model.sparseeq(function) elif ( not self.allow_reinit_fixpar_initcond and function == "sx0_fixedParameters" ): # Not required. Will create empty function body. equations = sp.Matrix() elif function == "create_splines": # nothing to do pass else: equations = self.model.eq(function) # function body if function == "create_splines": body = self._get_create_splines_body() else: body = self._get_function_body(function, equations) if not body: return # colptrs / rowvals for sparse matrices if function in sparse_functions: lines = self._generate_function_index(function, "colptrs") lines.extend(self._generate_function_index(function, "rowvals")) lines.append("\n\n") else: lines = [] # function header lines.extend( [ '#include "amici/symbolic_functions.h"', '#include "amici/defines.h"', '#include "sundials/sundials_types.h"', "", "#include <gsl/gsl-lite.hpp>", "#include <algorithm>", "", ] ) if function == "create_splines": lines += [ '#include "amici/splinefunctions.h"', "#include <vector>", ] func_info = self.functions[function] # extract symbols that need definitions from signature # don't add includes for files that won't be generated. # Unfortunately we cannot check for `self.functions[sym].body` # here since it may not have been generated yet. for sym in re.findall( r"const (?:realtype|double) \*([\w]+)[0]*(?:,|$)", func_info.arguments(self.model.is_ode()), ): if sym not in self.model.sym_names(): continue if sym in sparse_functions: iszero = smart_is_zero_matrix(self.model.sparseeq(sym)) elif sym in self.functions: iszero = smart_is_zero_matrix(self.model.eq(sym)) else: iszero = len(self.model.sym(sym)) == 0 if iszero and not ( (sym == "y" and "Jy" in function) or ( sym == "w" and "xdot" in function and len(self.model.sym(sym)) ) ): continue lines.append(f'#include "{sym}.h"') # include return symbols if ( function in self.model.sym_names() and function not in non_unique_id_symbols ): lines.append(f'#include "{function}.h"') lines.extend( [ "", "namespace amici {", f"namespace model_{self.model_name} {{", "", f"{func_info.return_type} {function}_{self.model_name}" f"({func_info.arguments(self.model.is_ode())}){{", ] ) if self.assume_pow_positivity and func_info.assume_pow_positivity: pow_rx = re.compile(r"(^|\W)std::pow\(") body = [ # execute this twice to catch cases where the ending '(' would # be the starting (^|\W) for the following match pow_rx.sub( r"\1amici::pos_pow(", pow_rx.sub(r"\1amici::pos_pow(", line), ) for line in body ] self.functions[function].body = body lines += body lines.extend( [ "}", "", f"}} // namespace model_{self.model_name}", "} // namespace amici\n", ] ) # check custom functions for fun in CUSTOM_FUNCTIONS: if "include" in fun and any(fun["c++"] in line for line in lines): if "build_hint" in fun: self._build_hints.add(fun["build_hint"]) lines.insert(0, fun["include"]) # if not body is None: filename = os.path.join(self.model_path, f"{function}.cpp") with open(filename, "w") as fileout: fileout.write("\n".join(lines)) def _generate_function_index( self, function: str, indextype: Literal["colptrs", "rowvals"] ) -> list[str]: """ Generate equations and C++ code for the function ``function``. :param function: name of the function to be written (see ``self.functions``) :param indextype: type of index {'colptrs', 'rowvals'} :returns: The code lines for the respective function index file """ if indextype == "colptrs": values = self.model.colptrs(function) setter = "indexptrs" elif indextype == "rowvals": values = self.model.rowvals(function) setter = "indexvals" else: raise ValueError( "Invalid value for indextype, must be colptrs or " f"rowvals: {indextype}" ) # function signature if function in multiobs_functions: signature = f"(SUNMatrixWrapper &{function}, int index)" else: signature = f"(SUNMatrixWrapper &{function})" lines = [ '#include "amici/sundials_matrix_wrapper.h"', '#include "sundials/sundials_types.h"', "", "#include <array>", "#include <algorithm>", "", "namespace amici {", f"namespace model_{self.model_name} {{", "", ] # Generate static array with indices if len(values): static_array_name = f"{function}_{indextype}_{self.model_name}_" if function in multiobs_functions: # list of index vectors lines.append( "static constexpr std::array<std::array<sunindextype, " f"{len(values[0])}>, {len(values)}> " f"{static_array_name} = {{{{" ) lines.extend( [ " {" + ", ".join(map(str, index_vector)) + "}, " for index_vector in values ] ) lines.append("}};") else: # single index vector lines.extend( [ "static constexpr std::array<sunindextype, " f"{len(values)}> {static_array_name} = {{", " " + ", ".join(map(str, values)), "};", ] ) lines.extend( [ "", f"void {function}_{indextype}_{self.model_name}{signature}{{", ] ) if len(values): if function in multiobs_functions: lines.append( f" {function}.set_{setter}" f"(gsl::make_span({static_array_name}[index]));" ) else: lines.append( f" {function}.set_{setter}" f"(gsl::make_span({static_array_name}));" ) lines.extend( [ "}" "", f"}} // namespace model_{self.model_name}", "} // namespace amici\n", ] ) return lines def _get_function_body( self, function: str, equations: sp.Matrix ) -> list[str]: """ Generate C++ code for body of function ``function``. :param function: name of the function to be written (see ``self.functions``) :param equations: symbolic definition of the function body :return: generated C++ code """ lines = [] if len(equations) == 0 or ( isinstance(equations, (sp.Matrix, sp.ImmutableDenseMatrix)) and min(equations.shape) == 0 ): # dJydy is a list return lines if not self.allow_reinit_fixpar_initcond and function in { "sx0_fixedParameters", "x0_fixedParameters", }: return lines if function == "sx0_fixedParameters": # here we only want to overwrite values where x0_fixedParameters # was applied lines.extend( [ # Keep list of indices of fixed parameters occurring in x0 " static const std::array<int, " + str(len(self.model._x0_fixedParameters_idx)) + "> _x0_fixedParameters_idxs = {", " " + ", ".join( str(x) for x in self.model._x0_fixedParameters_idx ), " };", "", # Set all parameters that are to be reset to 0, so that the # switch statement below only needs to handle non-zero entries # (which usually reduces file size and speeds up # compilation significantly). " for(auto idx: reinitialization_state_idxs) {", " if(std::find(_x0_fixedParameters_idxs.cbegin(), " "_x0_fixedParameters_idxs.cend(), idx) != " "_x0_fixedParameters_idxs.cend())\n" " sx0_fixedParameters[idx] = 0.0;", " }", ] ) cases = {} for ipar in range(self.model.num_par()): expressions = [] for index, formula in zip( self.model._x0_fixedParameters_idx, equations[:, ipar], strict=True, ): if not formula.is_zero: expressions.extend( [ f"if(std::find(" "reinitialization_state_idxs.cbegin(), " f"reinitialization_state_idxs.cend(), {index}) != " "reinitialization_state_idxs.cend())", f" {function}[{index}] = " f"{self._code_printer_cpp.doprint(formula)};", ] ) cases[ipar] = expressions lines.extend(get_switch_statement("ip", cases, 1)) elif function == "x0_fixedParameters": for index, formula in zip( self.model._x0_fixedParameters_idx, equations, strict=True ): lines.append( f" if(std::find(reinitialization_state_idxs.cbegin(), " f"reinitialization_state_idxs.cend(), {index}) != " "reinitialization_state_idxs.cend())\n " f"{function}[{index}] = " f"{self._code_printer_cpp.doprint(formula)};" ) elif function in event_functions: cases = { ie: self._code_printer_cpp._get_sym_lines_array( equations[ie], function, 0 ) for ie in range(self.model.num_events()) if not smart_is_zero_matrix(equations[ie]) } lines.extend(get_switch_statement("ie", cases, 1)) elif function in event_sensi_functions: outer_cases = {} for ie, inner_equations in enumerate(equations): inner_lines = [] inner_cases = { ipar: self._code_printer_cpp._get_sym_lines_array( inner_equations[:, ipar], function, 0 ) for ipar in range(self.model.num_par()) if not smart_is_zero_matrix(inner_equations[:, ipar]) } inner_lines.extend(get_switch_statement("ip", inner_cases, 0)) outer_cases[ie] = copy.copy(inner_lines) lines.extend(get_switch_statement("ie", outer_cases, 1)) elif ( function in sensi_functions and equations.shape[1] == self.model.num_par() ): cases = { ipar: self._code_printer_cpp._get_sym_lines_array( equations[:, ipar], function, 0 ) for ipar in range(self.model.num_par()) if not smart_is_zero_matrix(equations[:, ipar]) } lines.extend(get_switch_statement("ip", cases, 1)) elif function in multiobs_functions: if function == "dJydy": cases = { iobs: self._code_printer_cpp._get_sym_lines_array( equations[iobs], function, 0 ) for iobs in range(self.model.num_obs()) if not smart_is_zero_matrix(equations[iobs]) } else: cases = { iobs: self._code_printer_cpp._get_sym_lines_array( equations[:, iobs], function, 0 ) for iobs in range(equations.shape[1]) if not smart_is_zero_matrix(equations[:, iobs]) } if function.startswith(("Jz", "dJz", "Jrz", "dJrz")): iterator = "iz" else: iterator = "iy" lines.extend(get_switch_statement(iterator, cases, 1)) elif ( function in self.model.sym_names() and function not in non_unique_id_symbols ): if function in sparse_functions: symbols = list(map(sp.Symbol, self.model.sparsesym(function))) else: symbols = self.model.sym(function) if function in ("w", "dwdw", "dwdx", "dwdp"): # Split into a block of static and dynamic expressions. if len(static_idxs := self.model.static_indices(function)) > 0: tmp_symbols = sp.Matrix( [[symbols[i]] for i in static_idxs] ) tmp_equations = sp.Matrix( [equations[i] for i in static_idxs] ) tmp_lines = self._code_printer_cpp._get_sym_lines_symbols( tmp_symbols, tmp_equations, function, 8, static_idxs, ) if tmp_lines: lines.extend( [ " // static expressions", " if (include_static) {", *tmp_lines, " }", ] ) # dynamic expressions if len(dynamic_idxs := self.model.dynamic_indices(function)): tmp_symbols = sp.Matrix( [[symbols[i]] for i in dynamic_idxs] ) tmp_equations = sp.Matrix( [equations[i] for i in dynamic_idxs] ) tmp_lines = self._code_printer_cpp._get_sym_lines_symbols( tmp_symbols, tmp_equations, function, 4, dynamic_idxs, ) if tmp_lines: lines.append("\n // dynamic expressions") lines.extend(tmp_lines) else: lines += self._code_printer_cpp._get_sym_lines_symbols( symbols, equations, function, 4 ) else: lines += self._code_printer_cpp._get_sym_lines_array( equations, function, 4 ) return [line for line in lines if line] def _get_create_splines_body(self): if not self.model._splines: return [" return {};"] ind4 = " " * 4 ind8 = " " * 8 body = ["return {"] for ispl, spline in enumerate(self.model._splines): if isinstance(spline.nodes, splines.UniformGrid): nodes = ( f"{ind8}{{{spline.nodes.start}, {spline.nodes.stop}}}, " ) else: nodes = f"{ind8}{{{', '.join(map(str, spline.nodes))}}}, " # vector with the node values values = ( f"{ind8}{{{', '.join(map(str, spline.values_at_nodes))}}}, " ) # vector with the slopes if spline.derivatives_by_fd: slopes = f"{ind8}{{}}," else: slopes = f"{ind8}{{{', '.join(map(str, spline.derivatives_at_nodes))}}}," body.extend( [ f"{ind4}HermiteSpline(", nodes, values, slopes, ] ) bc_to_cpp = { None: "SplineBoundaryCondition::given, ", "zeroderivative": "SplineBoundaryCondition::zeroDerivative, ", "natural": "SplineBoundaryCondition::natural, ", "zeroderivative+natural": "SplineBoundaryCondition::naturalZeroDerivative, ", "periodic": "SplineBoundaryCondition::periodic, ", } for bc in spline.bc: try: body.append(ind8 + bc_to_cpp[bc]) except KeyError: raise ValueError( f"Unknown boundary condition '{bc}' " "found in spline object" ) extrapolate_to_cpp = { None: "SplineExtrapolation::noExtrapolation, ", "polynomial": "SplineExtrapolation::polynomial, ", "constant": "SplineExtrapolation::constant, ", "linear": "SplineExtrapolation::linear, ", "periodic": "SplineExtrapolation::periodic, ", } for extr in spline.extrapolate: try: body.append(ind8 + extrapolate_to_cpp[extr]) except KeyError: raise ValueError( f"Unknown extrapolation '{extr}' " "found in spline object" ) line = ind8 line += "true, " if spline.derivatives_by_fd else "false, " line += ( "true, " if isinstance(spline.nodes, splines.UniformGrid) else "false, " ) line += "true" if spline.logarithmic_parametrization else "false" body.append(line) body.append(f"{ind4}),") body.append("};") return [" " + line for line in body] def _write_wrapfunctions_cpp(self) -> None: """ Write model-specific 'wrapper' file (``wrapfunctions.cpp``). """ template_data = {"MODELNAME": self.model_name} apply_template( os.path.join(amiciSrcPath, "wrapfunctions.template.cpp"), os.path.join(self.model_path, "wrapfunctions.cpp"), template_data, ) def _write_wrapfunctions_header(self) -> None: """ Write model-specific header file (``wrapfunctions.h``). """ template_data = {"MODELNAME": str(self.model_name)} apply_template( os.path.join(amiciSrcPath, "wrapfunctions.template.h"), os.path.join(self.model_path, "wrapfunctions.h"), template_data, ) def _write_model_header_cpp(self) -> None: """ Write model-specific header and cpp file (MODELNAME.{h,cpp}). """ model_type = "ODE" if self.model.is_ode() else "DAE" tpl_data = { "MODEL_TYPE_LOWER": model_type.lower(), "MODEL_TYPE_UPPER": model_type, "MODELNAME": self.model_name, "NX_RDATA": self.model.num_states_rdata(), "NXTRUE_RDATA": self.model.num_states_rdata(), "NX_SOLVER": self.model.num_states_solver(), "NXTRUE_SOLVER": self.model.num_states_solver(), "NX_SOLVER_REINIT": self.model.num_state_reinits(), "NY": self.model.num_obs(), "NYTRUE": self.model.num_obs(), "NZ": self.model.num_eventobs(), "NZTRUE": self.model.num_eventobs(), "NEVENT": self.model.num_events(), "NEVENT_SOLVER": self.model.num_events_solver(), "NOBJECTIVE": "1", "NSPL": len(self.model._splines), "NW": len(self.model.sym("w")), "NDWDP": len( self.model.sparsesym( "dwdp", force_generate=self.generate_sensitivity_code ) ), "NDWDX": len(self.model.sparsesym("dwdx")), "NDWDW": len(self.model.sparsesym("dwdw")), "NDXDOTDW": len(self.model.sparsesym("dxdotdw")), "NDXDOTDP_EXPLICIT": len( self.model.sparsesym( "dxdotdp_explicit", force_generate=self.generate_sensitivity_code, ) ), "NDXDOTDX_EXPLICIT": len(self.model.sparsesym("dxdotdx_explicit")), "NDJYDY": "std::vector<int>{%s}" % ",".join(str(len(x)) for x in self.model.sparsesym("dJydy")), "NDXRDATADXSOLVER": len(self.model.sparsesym("dx_rdatadx_solver")), "NDXRDATADTCL": len(self.model.sparsesym("dx_rdatadtcl")), "NDTOTALCLDXRDATA": len(self.model.sparsesym("dtotal_cldx_rdata")), "UBW": self.model.num_states_solver(), "LBW": self.model.num_states_solver(), "NP": self.model.num_par(), "NK": self.model.num_const(), "O2MODE": "amici::SecondOrderMode::none", # using code printer ensures proper handling of nan/inf "PARAMETERS": self._code_printer_cpp.doprint(self.model.val("p"))[ 1:-1 ], "FIXED_PARAMETERS": self._code_printer_cpp.doprint( self.model.val("k") )[1:-1], "PARAMETER_NAMES_INITIALIZER_LIST": self._get_symbol_name_initializer_list( "p" ), "STATE_NAMES_INITIALIZER_LIST": self._get_symbol_name_initializer_list( "x_rdata" ), "FIXED_PARAMETER_NAMES_INITIALIZER_LIST": self._get_symbol_name_initializer_list( "k" ), "OBSERVABLE_NAMES_INITIALIZER_LIST": self._get_symbol_name_initializer_list( "y" ), "OBSERVABLE_TRAFO_INITIALIZER_LIST": "\n".join( f"ObservableScaling::{trafo.value}, // y[{idx}]" for idx, trafo in enumerate( self.model.get_observable_transformations() ) ), "EXPRESSION_NAMES_INITIALIZER_LIST": self._get_symbol_name_initializer_list( "w" ), "PARAMETER_IDS_INITIALIZER_LIST": self._get_symbol_id_initializer_list( "p" ), "STATE_IDS_INITIALIZER_LIST": self._get_symbol_id_initializer_list( "x_rdata" ), "FIXED_PARAMETER_IDS_INITIALIZER_LIST": self._get_symbol_id_initializer_list( "k" ), "OBSERVABLE_IDS_INITIALIZER_LIST": self._get_symbol_id_initializer_list( "y" ), "EXPRESSION_IDS_INITIALIZER_LIST": self._get_symbol_id_initializer_list( "w" ), "STATE_IDXS_SOLVER_INITIALIZER_LIST": ", ".join( str(idx) for idx, state in enumerate(self.model.states()) if not state.has_conservation_law() ), "REINIT_FIXPAR_INITCOND": AmiciCxxCodePrinter.print_bool( self.allow_reinit_fixpar_initcond ), "AMICI_VERSION_STRING": __version__, "AMICI_COMMIT_STRING": __commit__, "W_RECURSION_DEPTH": self.model._w_recursion_depth, "QUADRATIC_LLH": AmiciCxxCodePrinter.print_bool( self.model._has_quadratic_nllh ), "ROOT_INITIAL_VALUES": ", ".join( map( lambda event: AmiciCxxCodePrinter.print_bool( event.get_initial_value() ),, ) ), "Z2EVENT": ", ".join(map(str, self.model._z2event)), "STATE_INDEPENDENT_EVENTS": get_state_independent_event_intializer( ), "ID": ", ".join( str(float(isinstance(s, DifferentialState))) for s in self.model.states() if not s.has_conservation_law() ), } for func_name, func_info in self.functions.items(): if func_name in nobody_functions: continue if not func_info.body: tpl_data[f"{func_name.upper()}_DEF"] = "" if ( func_name in sensi_functions + sparse_sensi_functions and not self.generate_sensitivity_code ): impl = "" else: impl = get_model_override_implementation( func_name, self.model_name, self.model.is_ode(), nobody=True, ) tpl_data[f"{func_name.upper()}_IMPL"] = impl if func_name in sparse_functions: for indexfield in ["colptrs", "rowvals"]: if ( func_name in sparse_sensi_functions and not self.generate_sensitivity_code ): impl = "" else: impl = get_sunindex_override_implementation( func_name, self.model_name, indexfield, nobody=True, ) tpl_data[ f"{func_name.upper()}_{indexfield.upper()}_DEF" ] = "" tpl_data[ f"{func_name.upper()}_{indexfield.upper()}_IMPL" ] = impl continue tpl_data[f"{func_name.upper()}_DEF"] = ( get_function_extern_declaration( func_name, self.model_name, self.model.is_ode() ) ) tpl_data[f"{func_name.upper()}_IMPL"] = ( get_model_override_implementation( func_name, self.model_name, self.model.is_ode() ) ) if func_name in sparse_functions: tpl_data[f"{func_name.upper()}_COLPTRS_DEF"] = ( get_sunindex_extern_declaration( func_name, self.model_name, "colptrs" ) ) tpl_data[f"{func_name.upper()}_COLPTRS_IMPL"] = ( get_sunindex_override_implementation( func_name, self.model_name, "colptrs" ) ) tpl_data[f"{func_name.upper()}_ROWVALS_DEF"] = ( get_sunindex_extern_declaration( func_name, self.model_name, "rowvals" ) ) tpl_data[f"{func_name.upper()}_ROWVALS_IMPL"] = ( get_sunindex_override_implementation( func_name, self.model_name, "rowvals" ) ) if self.model.num_states_solver() == self.model.num_states_rdata(): tpl_data["X_RDATA_DEF"] = "" tpl_data["X_RDATA_IMPL"] = "" tpl_data = {k: str(v) for k, v in tpl_data.items()} apply_template( os.path.join(amiciSrcPath, "model_header.template.h"), os.path.join(self.model_path, f"{self.model_name}.h"), tpl_data, ) apply_template( os.path.join(amiciSrcPath, "model.template.cpp"), os.path.join(self.model_path, f"{self.model_name}.cpp"), tpl_data, ) def _get_symbol_name_initializer_list(self, name: str) -> str: """ Get SBML name initializer list for vector of names for the given model entity :param name: any key present in ``self.model._syms`` :return: Template initializer list of names """ return "\n".join( f'"{symbol}", // {name}[{idx}]' for idx, symbol in enumerate( ) def _get_symbol_id_initializer_list(self, name: str) -> str: """ Get C++ initializer list for vector of names for the given model entity :param name: any key present in ``self.model._syms`` :return: Template initializer list of ids """ return "\n".join( f'"{self._code_printer_cpp.doprint(symbol)}", // {name}[{idx}]' for idx, symbol in enumerate(self.model.sym(name)) ) def _write_c_make_file(self): """Write CMake ``CMakeLists.txt`` file for this model.""" sources = "\n".join( sorted( f + " " for f in os.listdir(self.model_path) if f.endswith( (".cpp", ".h"), ) and f != "main.cpp" ) ) template_data = { "MODELNAME": self.model_name, "SOURCES": sources, "AMICI_VERSION": __version__, } apply_template( MODEL_CMAKE_TEMPLATE_FILE, Path(self.model_path, "CMakeLists.txt"), template_data, ) def _write_swig_files(self) -> None: """Write SWIG interface files for this model.""" Path(self.model_swig_path).mkdir(exist_ok=True) template_data = {"MODELNAME": self.model_name} apply_template( Path(amiciSwigPath, "modelname.template.i"), Path(self.model_swig_path, self.model_name + ".i"), template_data, ) shutil.copy( SWIG_CMAKE_TEMPLATE_FILE, Path(self.model_swig_path, "CMakeLists.txt"), ) def _write_module_setup(self) -> None: """ Create a setuptools ```` file for compile the model module. """ template_data = { "MODELNAME": self.model_name, "AMICI_VERSION": __version__, "PACKAGE_VERSION": "0.1.0", } apply_template( Path(amiciModulePath, ""), Path(self.model_path, ""), template_data, ) apply_template( Path(amiciModulePath, ""), Path(self.model_path, ""), {}, ) # write for the model module Path(self.model_path, self.model_name).mkdir(exist_ok=True) apply_template( Path(amiciModulePath, ""), Path(self.model_path, self.model_name, ""), template_data, )
[docs] def set_paths(self, output_dir: str | Path | None = None) -> None: """ Set output paths for the model and create if necessary :param output_dir: relative or absolute path where the generated model code is to be placed. If ``None``, this will default to ``amici-{self.model_name}`` in the current working directory. will be created if it does not exist. """ if output_dir is None: output_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), f"amici-{self.model_name}") self.model_path = os.path.abspath(output_dir) self.model_swig_path = os.path.join(self.model_path, "swig")
[docs] def set_name(self, model_name: str) -> None: """ Sets the model name :param model_name: name of the model (may only contain upper and lower case letters, digits and underscores, and must not start with a digit) """ if not is_valid_identifier(model_name): raise ValueError( f"'{model_name}' is not a valid model name. " "Model name may only contain upper and lower case letters, " "digits and underscores, and must not start with a digit." ) self.model_name = model_name
[docs] def is_valid_identifier(x: str) -> bool: """ Check whether `x` is a valid identifier for conditions, parameters, observables... . Identifiers may only contain upper and lower case letters, digits and underscores, and must not start with a digit. :param x: string to check :return: ``True`` if valid, ``False`` otherwise """ return IDENTIFIER_PATTERN.match(x) is not None
def _write_gitignore(dest_dir: Path) -> None: """Write .gitignore file. Generate a `.gitignore` file to ignore a model directory. :param dest_dir: Path to the directory to write the `.gitignore` file to. """ dest_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) with open(dest_dir / ".gitignore", "w") as f: f.write("**")