Source code for amici.import_utils

"""Miscellaneous functions related to model import, independent of any specific
 model format"""
import enum
import itertools as itt
import numbers
import sys
from typing import (

import sympy as sp
from sympy.functions.elementary.piecewise import ExprCondPair
from sympy.logic.boolalg import BooleanAtom
from toposort import toposort

RESERVED_SYMBOLS = ["x", "k", "p", "y", "w", "h", "t", "AMICI_EMPTY_BOLUS"]

    import pysb
except ImportError:
    pysb = None

[docs]class SBMLException(Exception): pass
SymbolDef = Dict[sp.Symbol, Union[Dict[str, sp.Expr], sp.Expr]] # Monkey-patch toposort CircularDependencyError to handle non-sortable objects, # such as sympy objects
[docs]class CircularDependencyError(ValueError):
[docs] def __init__(self, data): # Sort the data just to make the output consistent, for use in # error messages. That's convenient for doctests. s = "Circular dependencies exist among these items: {{{}}}".format( ", ".join( "{!r}:{!r}".format(key, value) for key, value in sorted({str(k): v for k, v in data.items()}.items()) ) ) super(CircularDependencyError, self).__init__(s) = data
setattr(sys.modules["toposort"], "CircularDependencyError", CircularDependencyError) annotation_namespace = ""
[docs]class ObservableTransformation(str, enum.Enum): """ Different modes of observable transformation. """ LOG10 = "log10" LOG = "log" LIN = "lin"
[docs]def noise_distribution_to_observable_transformation( noise_distribution: Union[str, Callable] ) -> ObservableTransformation: """ Parse noise distribution string and extract observable transformation :param noise_distribution: see :func:`noise_distribution_to_cost_function` :return: observable transformation """ if isinstance(noise_distribution, str): if noise_distribution.startswith("log-"): return ObservableTransformation.LOG if noise_distribution.startswith("log10-"): return ObservableTransformation.LOG10 return ObservableTransformation.LIN
[docs]def noise_distribution_to_cost_function( noise_distribution: Union[str, Callable] ) -> Callable[[str], str]: """ Parse noise distribution string to a cost function definition amici can work with. The noise distributions listed in the following are supported. :math:`m` denotes the measurement, :math:`y` the simulation, and :math:`\\sigma` a distribution scale parameter (currently, AMICI only supports a single distribution parameter). - `'normal'`, `'lin-normal'`: A normal distribution: .. math:: \\pi(m|y,\\sigma) = \\frac{1}{\\sqrt{2\\pi}\\sigma}\\ exp\\left(-\\frac{(m-y)^2}{2\\sigma^2}\\right) - `'log-normal'`: A log-normal distribution (i.e. log(m) is normally distributed): .. math:: \\pi(m|y,\\sigma) = \\frac{1}{\\sqrt{2\\pi}\\sigma m}\\ exp\\left(-\\frac{(\\log m - \\log y)^2}{2\\sigma^2}\\right) - `'log10-normal'`: A log10-normal distribution (i.e. log10(m) is normally distributed): .. math:: \\pi(m|y,\\sigma) = \\frac{1}{\\sqrt{2\\pi}\\sigma m \\log(10)}\\ exp\\left(-\\frac{(\\log_{10} m - \\log_{10} y)^2}{2\\sigma^2}\\right) - `'laplace'`, `'lin-laplace'`: A laplace distribution: .. math:: \\pi(m|y,\\sigma) = \\frac{1}{2\\sigma} \\exp\\left(-\\frac{|m-y|}{\\sigma}\\right) - `'log-laplace'`: A log-Laplace distribution (i.e. log(m) is Laplace distributed): .. math:: \\pi(m|y,\\sigma) = \\frac{1}{2\\sigma m} \\exp\\left(-\\frac{|\\log m - \\log y|}{\\sigma}\\right) - `'log10-laplace'`: A log10-Laplace distribution (i.e. log10(m) is Laplace distributed): .. math:: \\pi(m|y,\\sigma) = \\frac{1}{2\\sigma m \\log(10)} \\exp\\left(-\\frac{|\\log_{10} m - \\log_{10} y|}{\\sigma}\\right) - `'binomial'`, `'lin-binomial'`: A (continuation of a discrete) binomial distribution, parameterized via the success probability :math:`p=\\sigma`: .. math:: \\pi(m|y,\\sigma) = \\operatorname{Heaviside}(y-m) \\cdot \\frac{\\Gamma(y+1)}{\\Gamma(m+1) \\Gamma(y-m+1)} \\sigma^m (1-\\sigma)^{(y-m)} - `'negative-binomial'`, `'lin-negative-binomial'`: A (continuation of a discrete) negative binomial distribution, with with `mean = y`, parameterized via success probability `p`: .. math:: \\pi(m|y,\\sigma) = \\frac{\\Gamma(m+r)}{\\Gamma(m+1) \\Gamma(r)} (1-\\sigma)^m \\sigma^r where .. math:: r = \\frac{1-\\sigma}{\\sigma} y The distributions above are for a single data point. For a collection :math:`D=\\{m_i\\}_i` of data points and corresponding simulations :math:`Y=\\{y_i\\}_i` and noise parameters :math:`\\Sigma=\\{\\sigma_i\\}_i`, AMICI assumes independence, i.e. the full distributions is .. math:: \\pi(D|Y,\\Sigma) = \\prod_i\\pi(m_i|y_i,\\sigma_i) AMICI uses the logarithm :math:`\\log(\\pi(m|y,\\sigma)`. In addition to the above mentioned distributions, it is also possible to pass a function taking a symbol string and returning a log-distribution string with variables '{str_symbol}', 'm{str_symbol}', 'sigma{str_symbol}' for y, m, sigma, respectively. :param noise_distribution: An identifier specifying a noise model. Possible values are {`'normal'`, `'lin-normal'`, `'log-normal'`, `'log10-normal'`, `'laplace'`, `'lin-laplace'`, `'log-laplace'`, `'log10-laplace'`, `'binomial'`, `'lin-binomial'`, `'negative-binomial'`, `'lin-negative-binomial'`, `<Callable>`} For the meaning of the values see above. :return: A function that takes a strSymbol and then creates a cost function string (negative log-likelihood) from it, which can be sympified. """ if isinstance(noise_distribution, Callable): return noise_distribution if noise_distribution in ["normal", "lin-normal"]: y_string = "0.5*log(2*pi*{sigma}**2) + 0.5*(({y} - {m}) / {sigma})**2" elif noise_distribution == "log-normal": y_string = ( "0.5*log(2*pi*{sigma}**2*{m}**2) " "+ 0.5*((log({y}) - log({m})) / {sigma})**2" ) elif noise_distribution == "log10-normal": y_string = ( "0.5*log(2*pi*{sigma}**2*{m}**2*log(10)**2) " "+ 0.5*((log({y}, 10) - log({m}, 10)) / {sigma})**2" ) elif noise_distribution in ["laplace", "lin-laplace"]: y_string = "log(2*{sigma}) + Abs({y} - {m}) / {sigma}" elif noise_distribution == "log-laplace": y_string = "log(2*{sigma}*{m}) + Abs(log({y}) - log({m})) / {sigma}" elif noise_distribution == "log10-laplace": y_string = ( "log(2*{sigma}*{m}*log(10)) " "+ Abs(log({y}, 10) - log({m}, 10)) / {sigma}" ) elif noise_distribution in ["binomial", "lin-binomial"]: # Binomial noise model parameterized via success probability p y_string = ( "- log(Heaviside({y} - {m})) - loggamma({y}+1) " "+ loggamma({m}+1) + loggamma({y}-{m}+1) " "- {m} * log({sigma}) - ({y} - {m}) * log(1-{sigma})" ) elif noise_distribution in ["negative-binomial", "lin-negative-binomial"]: # Negative binomial noise model of the number of successes m # (data) before r=(1-sigma)/sigma * y failures occur, # with mean number of successes y (simulation), # parameterized via success probability p = sigma. r = "{y} * (1-{sigma}) / {sigma}" y_string = ( f"- loggamma({{m}}+{r}) + loggamma({{m}}+1) " f"+ loggamma({r}) - {r} * log(1-{{sigma}}) " f"- {{m}} * log({{sigma}})" ) else: raise ValueError(f"Cost identifier {noise_distribution} not recognized.") def nllh_y_string(str_symbol): y, m, sigma = _get_str_symbol_identifiers(str_symbol) return y_string.format(y=y, m=m, sigma=sigma) return nllh_y_string
def _get_str_symbol_identifiers(str_symbol: str) -> tuple: """Get identifiers for simulation, measurement, and sigma.""" y, m, sigma = f"{str_symbol}", f"m{str_symbol}", f"sigma{str_symbol}" return y, m, sigma
[docs]def smart_subs_dict( sym: sp.Expr, subs: SymbolDef, field: Optional[str] = None, reverse: bool = True ) -> sp.Expr: """ Substitutes expressions completely flattening them out. Requires sorting of expressions with toposort. :param sym: Symbolic expression in which expressions will be substituted :param subs: Substitutions :param field: Field of substitution expressions in subs.values(), if applicable :param reverse: Whether ordering in subs should be reversed. Note that substitution requires the reverse order of what is required for evaluation. :return: Substituted symbolic expression """ s = [ (eid, expr[field] if field is not None else expr) for eid, expr in subs.items() ] if reverse: s.reverse() for substitution in s: # note that substitution may change free symbols, so we have to do # this recursively if sym.has(substitution[0]): sym = sym.subs(*substitution) return sym
[docs]def smart_subs(element: sp.Expr, old: sp.Symbol, new: sp.Expr) -> sp.Expr: """ Optimized substitution that checks whether anything needs to be done first :param element: substitution target :param old: to be substituted :param new: subsitution value :return: substituted expression """ return element.subs(old, new) if element.has(old) else element
[docs]def toposort_symbols(symbols: SymbolDef, field: Optional[str] = None) -> SymbolDef: """ Topologically sort symbol definitions according to their interdependency :param symbols: symbol definitions :param field: field of definition.values() that is used to compute interdependency :return: ordered symbol definitions """ sorted_symbols = toposort( { identifier: { s for s in ( definition[field] if field is not None else definition ).free_symbols if s in symbols } for identifier, definition in symbols.items() } ) return { s: symbols[s] for symbol_group in sorted_symbols for s in sorted(symbol_group, key=str) }
def _parse_special_functions(sym: sp.Expr, toplevel: bool = True) -> sp.Expr: """ Recursively checks the symbolic expression for functions which have be to parsed in a special way, such as piecewise functions :param sym: symbolic expressions :param toplevel: as this is called recursively, are we in the top level expression? """ args = tuple( arg if arg.__class__.__name__ == "piecewise" and sym.__class__.__name__ == "piecewise" else _parse_special_functions(arg, False) for arg in sym.args ) fun_mappings = { "times": sp.Mul, "xor": sp.Xor, "abs": sp.Abs, "min": sp.Min, "max": sp.Max, "ceil": sp.functions.ceiling, "floor": sp.functions.floor, "factorial": sp.functions.factorial, "arcsin": sp.functions.asin, "arccos": sp.functions.acos, "arctan": sp.functions.atan, "arccot": sp.functions.acot, "arcsec": sp.functions.asec, "arccsc": sp.functions.acsc, "arcsinh": sp.functions.asinh, "arccosh": sp.functions.acosh, "arctanh": sp.functions.atanh, "arccoth": sp.functions.acoth, "arcsech": sp.functions.asech, "arccsch": sp.functions.acsch, } if sym.__class__.__name__ in fun_mappings: return fun_mappings[sym.__class__.__name__](*args) elif sym.__class__.__name__ == "piecewise" or isinstance(sym, sp.Piecewise): if isinstance(sym, sp.Piecewise): # this is sympy piecewise, can't be nested denested_args = args else: # this is sbml piecewise, can be nested denested_args = _denest_piecewise(args) return _parse_piecewise_to_heaviside(denested_args) if sym.__class__.__name__ == "plus" and not sym.args: return sp.Float(0.0) if isinstance(sym, (sp.Function, sp.Mul, sp.Add, sp.Pow)): sym._args = args elif toplevel and isinstance(sym, BooleanAtom): # Replace boolean constants by numbers so they can be differentiated # must not replace in Piecewise function. Therefore, we only replace # it the complete expression consists only of a Boolean value. sym = sp.Float(int(bool(sym))) return sym def _denest_piecewise( args: Sequence[Union[sp.Expr, sp.logic.boolalg.Boolean, bool]] ) -> Tuple[Union[sp.Expr, sp.logic.boolalg.Boolean, bool]]: """ Denest piecewise functions that contain piecewise as condition :param args: Arguments to the piecewise function :return: Arguments where conditions no longer contain piecewise functions and the conditional dependency is flattened out """ args_out = [] for coeff, cond in grouper(args, 2, True): # handling of this case is explicitely disabled in # _parse_special_functions as keeping track of coeff/cond # arguments is tricky. Simpler to just parse them out here if coeff.__class__.__name__ == "piecewise": coeff = _parse_special_functions(coeff, False) # we can have conditions that are piecewise function # returning True or False if cond.__class__.__name__ == "piecewise": # this keeps track of conditional that the previous # piece was picked previous_was_picked = sp.false # recursively denest those first for sub_coeff, sub_cond in grouper(_denest_piecewise(cond.args), 2, True): # flatten the individual pieces pick_this = sp.And(sp.Not(previous_was_picked), sub_cond) if sub_coeff == sp.true: args_out.extend([coeff, pick_this]) previous_was_picked = pick_this else: args_out.extend([coeff, cond]) # cut off last condition as that's the default return tuple(args_out[:-1]) def _parse_piecewise_to_heaviside(args: Iterable[sp.Expr]) -> sp.Expr: """ Piecewise functions cannot be transformed into C++ right away, but AMICI has a special interface for Heaviside functions, so we transform them. :param args: symbolic expressions for arguments of the piecewise function """ # how many condition-expression pairs will we have? formula = sp.Float(0.0) not_condition = sp.Float(1.0) if all(isinstance(arg, ExprCondPair) for arg in args): # sympy piecewise grouped_args = args else: # smbl piecewise grouped_args = grouper(args, 2, True) for coeff, trigger in grouped_args: if isinstance(coeff, BooleanAtom): coeff = sp.Float(int(bool(coeff))) if trigger == sp.true: return formula + coeff * not_condition if trigger == sp.false: continue tmp = _parse_heaviside_trigger(trigger) formula += coeff * sp.simplify(not_condition * tmp) not_condition *= 1 - tmp return formula def _parse_heaviside_trigger(trigger: sp.Expr) -> sp.Expr: """ Recursively translates a boolean trigger function into a real valued root function :param trigger: :return: real valued root function expression """ if trigger.is_Relational: root = trigger.args[0] - trigger.args[1] _check_unsupported_functions(root, "sympy.Expression") # normalize such that we always implement <, # this ensures that we can correctly evaluate the condition if # simulation starts at H(0). This is achieved by translating # conditionals into Heaviside functions H that is implemented as unit # step with H(0) = 1 if isinstance(trigger, sp.core.relational.StrictLessThan): # x < y => x - y < 0 => r < 0 return 1 - sp.Heaviside(root) if isinstance(trigger, sp.core.relational.LessThan): # x <= y => not(y < x) => not(y - x < 0) => not -r < 0 return sp.Heaviside(-root) if isinstance(trigger, sp.core.relational.StrictGreaterThan): # y > x => y - x < 0 => -r < 0 return 1 - sp.Heaviside(-root) if isinstance(trigger, sp.core.relational.GreaterThan): # y >= x => not(x < y) => not(x - y < 0) => not r < 0 return sp.Heaviside(root) # or(x,y) = not(and(not(x),not(y)) if isinstance(trigger, sp.Or): return 1 - sp.Mul(*[1 - _parse_heaviside_trigger(arg) for arg in trigger.args]) if isinstance(trigger, sp.And): return sp.Mul(*[_parse_heaviside_trigger(arg) for arg in trigger.args]) raise RuntimeError( "AMICI can not parse piecewise/event trigger functions with argument " f"{trigger}." )
[docs]def grouper(iterable: Iterable, n: int, fillvalue: Any = None) -> Iterable[Tuple[Any]]: """ Collect data into fixed-length chunks or blocks grouper('ABCDEFG', 3, 'x') --> ABC DEF Gxx" :param iterable: any iterable :param n: chunk length :param fillvalue: padding for last chunk if length < n :return: itertools.zip_longest of requested chunks """ args = [iter(iterable)] * n return itt.zip_longest(*args, fillvalue=fillvalue)
def _check_unsupported_functions( sym: sp.Expr, expression_type: str, full_sym: Optional[sp.Expr] = None ): """ Recursively checks the symbolic expression for unsupported symbolic functions :param sym: symbolic expressions :param expression_type: type of expression, only used when throwing errors :param full sym: outermost symbolic expression in recursive checks, only used for errors """ if full_sym is None: full_sym = sym # note that sp.functions.factorial, sp.functions.ceiling, # sp.functions.floor applied to numbers should be simplified out and # thus pass this test unsupported_functions = ( sp.functions.factorial, sp.functions.ceiling, sp.functions.floor, sp.functions.sec,, sp.functions.cot, sp.functions.asec, sp.functions.acsc, sp.functions.acot, sp.functions.acsch, sp.functions.acoth, sp.Mod, sp.core.function.UndefinedFunction, ) if isinstance(sym.func, unsupported_functions) or isinstance( sym, unsupported_functions ): raise RuntimeError( f"Encountered unsupported expression " f'"{sym.func}" of type ' f'"{type(sym.func)}" as part of a ' f'{expression_type}: "{full_sym}"!' ) for arg in list(sym.args): _check_unsupported_functions(arg, expression_type)
[docs]def cast_to_sym( value: Union[SupportsFloat, sp.Expr, BooleanAtom], input_name: str ) -> sp.Expr: """ Typecasts the value to :py:class:`sympy.Float` if possible, and ensures the value is a symbolic expression. :param value: value to be cast :param input_name: name of input variable :return: typecast value """ if isinstance(value, (sp.RealNumber, numbers.Number)): value = sp.Float(float(value)) elif isinstance(value, BooleanAtom): value = sp.Float(float(bool(value))) if not isinstance(value, sp.Expr): raise TypeError( f"Couldn't cast {input_name} to sympy.Expr, was " f"{type(value)}" ) return value
[docs]def generate_measurement_symbol(observable_id: Union[str, sp.Symbol]): """ Generates the appropriate measurement symbol for the provided observable :param observable_id: symbol (or string representation) of the observable :return: symbol for the corresponding measurement """ if not isinstance(observable_id, str): observable_id = strip_pysb(observable_id) return symbol_with_assumptions(f"m{observable_id}")
[docs]def generate_regularization_symbol(observable_id: Union[str, sp.Symbol]): """ Generates the appropriate regularization symbol for the provided observable :param observable_id: symbol (or string representation) of the observable :return: symbol for the corresponding regularization """ if not isinstance(observable_id, str): observable_id = strip_pysb(observable_id) return symbol_with_assumptions(f"r{observable_id}")
[docs]def generate_flux_symbol(reaction_index: int, name: Optional[str] = None) -> sp.Symbol: """ Generate identifier symbol for a reaction flux. This function will always return the same unique python object for a given entity. :param reaction_index: index of the reaction to which the flux corresponds :param name: an optional identifier of the reaction to which the flux corresponds :return: identifier symbol """ if name is not None: return symbol_with_assumptions(name) return symbol_with_assumptions(f"flux_r{reaction_index}")
[docs]def symbol_with_assumptions(name: str): """ Central function to create symbols with consistent, canonical assumptions :param name: name of the symbol :return: symbol with canonical assumptions """ return sp.Symbol(name, real=True)
[docs]def strip_pysb(symbol: sp.Basic) -> sp.Basic: """ Strips pysb info from a :class:`pysb.Component` object :param symbol: symbolic expression :return: stripped expression """ # strip pysb type and transform into a flat sympy.Symbol. # this ensures that the pysb type specific __repr__ is used when converting # to string if pysb and isinstance(symbol, pysb.Component): return sp.Symbol(, real=True) else: # in this case we will use sympy specific transform anyways return symbol
sbml_time_symbol = symbol_with_assumptions("time") amici_time_symbol = symbol_with_assumptions("t")