Struct ModelState
Defined in File model_state.h
Struct Documentation
struct ModelState
Exchange format to store and transfer the state of the model at a specific timepoint.
This is designed to only encompass the minimal number of attributes that need to be transferred.
Public Functions
ModelState() = default
inline explicit ModelState(ModelDimensions const &dim)
Constructor from model dimensions.
- Parameters:
dim – Model dimensions
Public Members
std::vector<realtype> h
Flag indicating whether a certain Heaviside function should be active or not (dimension:
std::vector<realtype> total_cl
Total abundances for conservation laws (dimension:
nx_rdata - nx_solver
std::vector<realtype> stotal_cl
Sensitivities of total abundances for conservation laws (dimension:
(nx_rdata-nx_solver) x np
, row-major)
std::vector<int> plist
Indexes of parameters wrt to which sensitivities are computed (dimension: nplist)
ModelState() = default