Class IDASolver
Defined in File solver_idas.h
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
public amici::Solver
(Class Solver)
Class Documentation
class IDASolver : public amici::Solver
The IDASolver class is a wrapper around the SUNDIALS IDAS solver.
Public Functions
~IDASolver() override = default
virtual void reInitPostProcessF(realtype tnext) const override
reInitPostProcessF postprocessing of the solver memory after a discontinuity in the forward problem
- Parameters:
tnext – next timepoint (defines integration direction)
virtual void reInitPostProcessB(realtype tnext) const override
reInitPostProcessB postprocessing of the solver memory after a discontinuity in the backward problem
- Parameters:
tnext – next timepoint (defines integration direction)
virtual void reInit(realtype t0, AmiVector const &yy0, AmiVector const &yp0) const override
Reinitializes the states in the solver after an event occurrence.
- Parameters:
t0 – reinitialization timepoint
yy0 – initial state variables
yp0 – initial derivative state variables (DAE only)
virtual void sensReInit(AmiVectorArray const &yyS0, AmiVectorArray const &ypS0) const override
Reinitializes the state sensitivities in the solver after an event occurrence.
- Parameters:
yyS0 – new state sensitivity
ypS0 – new derivative state sensitivities (DAE only)
virtual void sensToggleOff() const override
Switches off computation of state sensitivities without deallocating the memory for sensitivities.
virtual void reInitB(int which, realtype tB0, AmiVector const &yyB0, AmiVector const &ypB0) const override
Reinitializes the adjoint states after an event occurrence.
- Parameters:
which – identifier of the backwards problem
tB0 – reinitialization timepoint
yyB0 – new adjoint state
ypB0 – new adjoint derivative state
virtual void quadReInitB(int which, AmiVector const &yQB0) const override
Reinitialize the adjoint states after an event occurrence.
- Parameters:
which – identifier of the backwards problem
yQB0 – new adjoint quadrature state
virtual void quadSStolerancesB(int which, realtype reltolQB, realtype abstolQB) const override
sets relative and absolute tolerances for the quadrature backward problem
- Parameters:
which – identifier of the backwards problem
reltolQB – relative tolerances
abstolQB – absolute tolerances
virtual void quadSStolerances(realtype reltolQ, realtype abstolQ) const override
sets relative and absolute tolerances for the quadrature problem
- Parameters:
reltolQB – relative tolerances
abstolQB – absolute tolerances
virtual int solve(realtype tout, int itask) const override
Solves the forward problem until a predefined timepoint.
- Parameters:
tout – timepoint until which simulation should be performed
itask – task identifier, can be CV_NORMAL or CV_ONE_STEP
- Returns:
status flag indicating success of execution
virtual int solveF(realtype tout, int itask, int *ncheckPtr) const override
Solves the forward problem until a predefined timepoint (adjoint only)
- Parameters:
tout – timepoint until which simulation should be performed
itask – task identifier, can be CV_NORMAL or CV_ONE_STEP
ncheckPtr – pointer to a number that counts the internal checkpoints
- Returns:
status flag indicating success of execution
virtual void solveB(realtype tBout, int itaskB) const override
Solves the backward problem until a predefined timepoint (adjoint only)
- Parameters:
tBout – timepoint until which simulation should be performed
itaskB – task identifier, can be CV_NORMAL or CV_ONE_STEP
virtual void getRootInfo(int *rootsfound) const override
getRootInfo extracts information which event occurred
- Parameters:
rootsfound – array with flags indicating whether the respective event occurred
virtual void getDky(realtype t, int k) const override
interpolates the (derivative of the) solution at the requested timepoint
- Parameters:
t – timepoint
k – derivative order
virtual void getSens() const override
extracts the state sensitivity at the current timepoint from solver memory and writes it to the sx member variable
virtual void getSensDky(realtype t, int k) const override
interpolates the (derivative of the) solution at the requested timepoint
- Parameters:
t – timepoint
k – derivative order
virtual void getB(int which) const override
extracts the adjoint state at the current timepoint from solver memory and writes it to the xB member variable
- Parameters:
which – index of the backwards problem
virtual void getDkyB(realtype t, int k, int which) const override
interpolates the (derivative of the) solution at the requested timepoint
- Parameters:
t – timepoint
k – derivative order
which – index of backward problem
virtual void getQuadB(int which) const override
extracts the adjoint quadrature state at the current timepoint from solver memory and writes it to the xQB member variable
- Parameters:
which – index of the backwards problem
virtual void getQuadDkyB(realtype t, int k, int which) const override
interpolates the (derivative of the) solution at the requested timepoint
- Parameters:
t – timepoint
k – derivative order
which – index of backward problem
virtual void getQuad(realtype &t) const override
extracts the quadrature at the current timepoint from solver memory and writes it to the xQ member variable
- Parameters:
t – timepoint for quadrature extraction
virtual void getQuadDky(realtype t, int k) const override
interpolates the (derivative of the) solution at the requested timepoint
- Parameters:
t – timepoint
k – derivative order
virtual void calcIC(realtype tout1) const override
Calculates consistent initial conditions, assumes initial states to be correct (DAE only)
- Parameters:
tout1 – next timepoint to be computed (sets timescale)
virtual void calcICB(int which, realtype tout1) const override
Calculates consistent initial conditions for the backwards problem, assumes initial states to be correct (DAE only)
- Parameters:
which – identifier of the backwards problem
tout1 – next timepoint to be computed (sets timescale)
virtual void setStopTime(realtype tstop) const override
Sets a timepoint at which the simulation will be stopped.
- Parameters:
tstop – timepoint until which simulation should be performed
virtual void turnOffRootFinding() const override
Disable rootfinding.
virtual Model const *getModel() const override
Accessor function to the model stored in the user data
- Returns:
user data model
virtual void setLinearSolver() const override
Sets the linear solver for the forward problem.
virtual void setLinearSolverB(int which) const override
Sets the linear solver for the backward problem.
- Parameters:
which – index of the backward problem
virtual void setNonLinearSolver() const override
Set the non-linear solver for the forward problem.
virtual void setNonLinearSolverSens() const override
Set the non-linear solver for sensitivities.
virtual void setNonLinearSolverB(int which) const override
Set the non-linear solver for the backward problem.
- Parameters:
which – index of the backward problem
Solver() = default
Default constructor.
Protected Functions
void reInitPostProcess(void *ida_mem, realtype *t, AmiVector *yout, AmiVector *ypout, realtype tout) const
Postprocessing of the solver memory after a discontinuity.
- Parameters:
ida_mem – pointer to IDAS solver memory object
t – pointer to integration time
yout – new state vector
ypout – new state derivative vector
tout – anticipated next integration timepoint.
virtual void allocateSolver() const override
Create specifies solver method and initializes solver memory for the forward problem.
virtual void setSStolerances(realtype rtol, realtype atol) const override
sets scalar relative and absolute tolerances for the forward problem
- Parameters:
rtol – relative tolerances
atol – absolute tolerances
virtual void setSensSStolerances(realtype rtol, realtype const *atol) const override
activates sets scalar relative and absolute tolerances for the sensitivity variables
- Parameters:
rtol – relative tolerances
atol – array of absolute tolerances for every sensitivity variable
virtual void setSensErrCon(bool error_corr) const override
SetSensErrCon specifies whether error control is also enforced for sensitivities for the forward problem
- Parameters:
error_corr – activation flag
virtual void setQuadErrConB(int which, bool flag) const override
Specifies whether error control is also enforced for the backward quadrature problem.
- Parameters:
which – identifier of the backwards problem
flag – activation flag
virtual void setQuadErrCon(bool flag) const override
Specifies whether error control is also enforced for the forward quadrature problem.
- Parameters:
flag – activation flag
virtual void setUserData() const override
Attaches the user data to the forward problem.
virtual void setUserDataB(int which) const override
attaches the user data to the backward problem
- Parameters:
which – identifier of the backwards problem
virtual void setMaxNumSteps(long int mxsteps) const override
specifies the maximum number of steps for the forward problem
in contrast to the SUNDIALS method, this sets the overall maximum, not the maximum between output times.
- Parameters:
mxsteps – number of steps
virtual void setStabLimDet(int stldet) const override
activates stability limit detection for the forward problem
- Parameters:
stldet – flag for stability limit detection (TRUE or FALSE)
virtual void setStabLimDetB(int which, int stldet) const override
activates stability limit detection for the backward problem
- Parameters:
which – identifier of the backwards problem
stldet – flag for stability limit detection (TRUE or FALSE)
virtual void setId(Model const *model) const override
specify algebraic/differential components (DAE only)
- Parameters:
model – model specification
virtual void setSuppressAlg(bool flag) const override
deactivates error control for algebraic components (DAE only)
- Parameters:
flag – deactivation flag
void resetState(void *ida_mem, const_N_Vector yy0, const_N_Vector yp0) const
resetState reset the IDAS solver to restart integration after a rhs discontinuity.
- Parameters:
ida_mem – pointer to IDAS solver memory object
yy0 – new state vector
yp0 – new state derivative vector
virtual void setSensParams(realtype const *p, realtype const *pbar, int const *plist) const override
specifies the scaling and indexes for sensitivity computation
- Parameters:
p – parameters
pbar – parameter scaling constants
plist – parameter index list
virtual void adjInit() const override
initializes the adjoint problem
virtual void quadInit(AmiVector const &xQ0) const override
initializes the quadratures
- Parameters:
xQ0 – vector with initial values for xQ
virtual void allocateSolverB(int *which) const override
Specifies solver method and initializes solver memory for the backward problem.
- Parameters:
which – identifier of the backwards problem
virtual void setMaxNumStepsB(int which, long int mxstepsB) const override
specifies the maximum number of steps for the forward problem
in contrast to the SUNDIALS method, this sets the overall maximum, not the maximum between output times.
- Parameters:
which – identifier of the backwards problem
mxstepsB – number of steps
virtual void setSStolerancesB(int which, realtype relTolB, realtype absTolB) const override
sets relative and absolute tolerances for the backward problem
- Parameters:
which – identifier of the backwards problem
relTolB – relative tolerances
absTolB – absolute tolerances
virtual void diag() const override
attaches a diagonal linear solver to the forward problem
virtual void diagB(int which) const override
attaches a diagonal linear solver to the backward problem
- Parameters:
which – identifier of the backwards problem
virtual void getNumSteps(void const *ami_mem, long int *numsteps) const override
reports the number of solver steps
- Parameters:
ami_mem – pointer to the solver memory instance (can be from forward or backward problem)
numsteps – output array
virtual void getNumRhsEvals(void const *ami_mem, long int *numrhsevals) const override
reports the number of right hand evaluations
- Parameters:
ami_mem – pointer to the solver memory instance (can be from forward or backward problem)
numrhsevals – output array
virtual void getNumErrTestFails(void const *ami_mem, long int *numerrtestfails) const override
reports the number of local error test failures
- Parameters:
ami_mem – pointer to the solver memory instance (can be from forward or backward problem)
numerrtestfails – output array
virtual void getNumNonlinSolvConvFails(void const *ami_mem, long int *numnonlinsolvconvfails) const override
reports the number of nonlinear convergence failures
- Parameters:
ami_mem – pointer to the solver memory instance (can be from forward or backward problem)
numnonlinsolvconvfails – output array
virtual void getLastOrder(void const *ami_mem, int *order) const override
Reports the order of the integration method during the last internal step.
- Parameters:
ami_mem – pointer to the solver memory instance (can be from forward or backward problem)
order – output array
virtual void *getAdjBmem(void *ami_mem, int which) const override
Retrieves the solver memory instance for the backward problem.
- Parameters:
which – identifier of the backwards problem
ami_mem – pointer to the forward solver memory instance
- Returns:
A (void *) pointer to the CVODES memory allocated for the backward problem.
virtual void init(realtype t0, AmiVector const &x0, AmiVector const &dx0) const override
Initializes the states at the specified initial timepoint.
- Parameters:
t0 – initial timepoint
x0 – initial states
dx0 – initial derivative states
virtual void initSteadystate(realtype const t0, AmiVector const &x0, AmiVector const &dx0) const override
Initializes the states at the specified initial timepoint.
- Parameters:
t0 – initial timepoint
x0 – initial states
dx0 – initial derivative states
virtual void sensInit1(AmiVectorArray const &sx0, AmiVectorArray const &sdx0) const override
Initializes the forward sensitivities.
- Parameters:
sx0 – initial states sensitivities
sdx0 – initial derivative states sensitivities
virtual void binit(int which, realtype tf, AmiVector const &xB0, AmiVector const &dxB0) const override
Initialize the adjoint states at the specified final timepoint.
- Parameters:
which – identifier of the backwards problem
tf – final timepoint
xB0 – initial adjoint state
dxB0 – initial adjoint derivative state
virtual void qbinit(int which, AmiVector const &xQB0) const override
Initialize the quadrature states at the specified final timepoint.
- Parameters:
which – identifier of the backwards problem
xQB0 – initial adjoint quadrature state
virtual void rootInit(int ne) const override
Initializes the rootfinding for events.
- Parameters:
ne – number of different events
virtual void setDenseJacFn() const override
Set the dense Jacobian function.
virtual void setSparseJacFn() const override
sets the sparse Jacobian function
virtual void setBandJacFn() const override
sets the banded Jacobian function
virtual void setJacTimesVecFn() const override
sets the Jacobian vector multiplication function
virtual void setDenseJacFnB(int which) const override
sets the dense Jacobian function
- Parameters:
which – identifier of the backwards problem
virtual void setSparseJacFnB(int which) const override
sets the sparse Jacobian function
- Parameters:
which – identifier of the backwards problem
virtual void setBandJacFnB(int which) const override
sets the banded Jacobian function
- Parameters:
which – identifier of the backwards problem
virtual void setJacTimesVecFnB(int which) const override
sets the Jacobian vector multiplication function
- Parameters:
which – identifier of the backwards problem
virtual void setSparseJacFn_ss() const override
sets the sparse Jacobian function for backward steady state case
virtual void apply_max_nonlin_iters() const override
Apply the maximum number of nonlinear solver iterations permitted per step.
virtual void apply_max_conv_fails() const override
Apply the maximum number of nonlinear solver convergence failures permitted per step.
virtual void apply_constraints() const override
Apply the constraints to the solver.
virtual void apply_max_step_size() const override
Apply the allowed maximum stepsize to the solver.
~IDASolver() override = default