Using PEtab

This notebook illustrates how to run model simulations based on PEtab problems with AMICI.

PEtab is a format for specifying parameter estimation problems in systems biology. It is based on SBML and TSV files. (AMICI also supports PySB-based PEtab problems, that will be covered by PEtab v2). The Python package pyPESTO provides a convenient interface for parameter estimation with PEtab problems and uses AMICI as a backend. However, AMICI can also be used directly to simulate PEtab problems. This is illustrated in this notebook.

import petab

from amici import runAmiciSimulation
from amici.petab.petab_import import import_petab_problem
from amici.petab.petab_problem import PetabProblem
from amici.petab.simulations import simulate_petab
from amici.plotting import plot_state_trajectories

Importing a PEtab problem

We use the Boehm_JProteomeRes2014 example model from the benchmark collection:

model_name = "Boehm_JProteomeRes2014"
# local path or URL to the yaml file for the PEtab problem
petab_yaml = f"{model_name}/{model_name}.yaml"
# load the problem using the PEtab library
petab_problem = petab.Problem.from_yaml(petab_yaml)

Next, we import the model to amici using import_petab_problem. import_petab_problem has many options to choose between faster importer or more flexible or faster model simulations. We import the model with default settings, and we obtain an AMICI model instance:

amici_model = import_petab_problem(petab_problem, verbose=False)

That’s it. Now, we can use the model to perform simulations.

Simulating a PEtab problem

For simple simulations, a function simulate_petab is available. This function will simulate the model for all conditions specified in the PEtab problem and compute the objective value (and if requested, the gradient). simulate_petab is mostly useful for running individual simulations. If large numbers of model simulations are required, there are more efficient means. In particular, for parameter estimation, consider using the optimized objective function provided by pyPESTO.

We use the simulate_petab function to simulate the model at the nominal parameters (i.e., the parameters specified in the PEtab problem in the nominalValue column of the parameter table):

simulate_petab(petab_problem, amici_model)
{'llh': -138.22199760826,
 'sllh': None,
 'rdatas': [<ReturnDataView(id='model1_data1', status=AMICI_SUCCESS)>],
 'edatas': [<Swig Object of type 'std::vector< amici::ExpData * >::value_type' at 0x7fe210b82910
    condition 'model1_data1' starting at t=0.0 with custom parameter scales, constants, parameters
    16x3 time-resolved datapoints
      (48/48 measurements & 0/48 sigmas set)
    10x0 event-resolved datapoints
      (0/0 measurements & 0/0 sigmas set)

Parameters can also be directly specified, both scaled and unscaled:

parameters = {
    x_id: x_val
    for x_id, x_val in zip(petab_problem.x_ids, petab_problem.x_nominal_scaled)
    # Fixed parameters cannot be changed in `simulate_petab`, unless we explicitly pass
    #  a `parameter_mapping` that was generated with `fill_fixed_parameters=False`
    if x_id not in amici_model.getFixedParameterIds()
{'llh': -138.22199760826,
 'sllh': None,
 'rdatas': [<ReturnDataView(id='model1_data1', status=AMICI_SUCCESS)>],
 'edatas': [<Swig Object of type 'std::vector< amici::ExpData * >::value_type' at 0x7fe210cfac40
    condition 'model1_data1' starting at t=0.0 with custom parameter scales, constants, parameters
    16x3 time-resolved datapoints
      (48/48 measurements & 0/48 sigmas set)
    10x0 event-resolved datapoints
      (0/0 measurements & 0/0 sigmas set)

Working with PEtab-defined simulation conditions

simulate_petab is convenient for quickly simulating PEtab-based problems, but for certain applications it may be too inflexible. For example, it is not easily possible to obtain model outputs for time points other than the measurement timepoints specified in the PEtab problem. In such a case, the PetabProblem class can be used to easily generate AMICI ExpData objects representing PEtab-defined simulation conditions:

app = PetabProblem(petab_problem)

# ExpData for all conditions:

# ExpData for a single condition:
edata = app.get_edata("model1_data1")
rdata = runAmiciSimulation(amici_model, solver=amici_model.getSolver(), edata=edata)
<ReturnDataView(id='model1_data1', status=AMICI_SUCCESS)>

For further information, check out the AMICI documentation.