Source code for amici.petab_simulate

PEtab Simulate
Functionality related to the use of AMICI for simulation with PEtab's
Simulator class.

Use cases:

- generate data for use with PEtab's plotting methods
- generate synthetic data

import inspect
import sys
from typing import Callable

import pandas as pd
import petab
from amici import AmiciModel, SensitivityMethod_none
from amici.petab_import import import_petab_problem
from amici.petab_objective import (

AMICI_MODEL = "amici_model"
AMICI_SOLVER = "solver"
MODEL_NAME = "model_name"
MODEL_OUTPUT_DIR = "model_output_dir"

PETAB_PROBLEM = "petab_problem"

[docs]class PetabSimulator(petab.simulate.Simulator): """Implementation of the PEtab `Simulator` class that uses AMICI."""
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, amici_model: AmiciModel = None, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.amici_model = amici_model
[docs] def simulate_without_noise(self, **kwargs) -> pd.DataFrame: """ See :py:func:`petab.simulate.Simulator.simulate()` docstring. Additional keyword arguments can be supplied to specify arguments for the AMICI PEtab import, simulate, and export methods. See the docstrings for the respective methods for argument options: - :py:func:`amici.petab_import.import_petab_problem`, and - :py:func:`amici.petab_objective.simulate_petab`. Note that some arguments are expected to have already been specified in the Simulator constructor (including the PEtab problem). """ if AMICI_MODEL in {*kwargs, *dir(self)} and ( any( k in kwargs for k in inspect.signature(import_petab_problem).parameters ) ): print( "Arguments related to the PEtab import are unused if " f"`{AMICI_MODEL}` is specified, or the " "`PetabSimulator.simulate()` method was previously called." ) kwargs[PETAB_PROBLEM] = self.petab_problem # The AMICI model instance for the PEtab problem is saved in the state, # such that it need not be supplied with each request for simulated # data. Any user-supplied AMICI model will overwrite the model saved # in the state. if AMICI_MODEL not in kwargs: if self.amici_model is None: if MODEL_NAME not in kwargs: kwargs[MODEL_NAME] = AMICI_MODEL # If the model name is the name of a module that is already # cached, it can cause issues during import. while kwargs[MODEL_NAME] in sys.modules: kwargs[MODEL_NAME] += str(self.rng.integers(10)) if MODEL_OUTPUT_DIR not in kwargs: kwargs[MODEL_OUTPUT_DIR] = self.working_dir self.amici_model = _subset_call(import_petab_problem, kwargs) kwargs[AMICI_MODEL] = self.amici_model self.amici_model = kwargs[AMICI_MODEL] if AMICI_SOLVER not in kwargs: kwargs[AMICI_SOLVER] = self.amici_model.getSolver() kwargs[AMICI_SOLVER].setSensitivityMethod(SensitivityMethod_none) result = _subset_call(simulate_petab, kwargs) return rdatas_to_measurement_df( result[RDATAS], self.amici_model, self.petab_problem.measurement_df )
def _subset_call(method: Callable, kwargs: dict): """ Helper function to call a method with the intersection of arguments in the method signature and the supplied arguments. :param method: The method to be called. :param kwargs: The argument superset as a dictionary, similar to ``**kwargs`` in method signatures. :return: The output of ``method``, called with the applicable arguments in ``kwargs``. """ method_args = inspect.signature(method).parameters subset_kwargs = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k in method_args} return method(**subset_kwargs)