Source code for amici.import_utils

"""Miscellaneous functions related to model import, independent of any specific
 model format"""
import enum
import itertools as itt
import numbers
import sys
from typing import (Any, Callable, Dict, Iterable, Optional, Sequence,
                    SupportsFloat, Tuple, Union)

import sympy as sp
from sympy.functions.elementary.piecewise import ExprCondPair
from sympy.logic.boolalg import BooleanAtom
from toposort import toposort

RESERVED_SYMBOLS = ['x', 'k', 'p', 'y', 'w', 'h', 't', 'AMICI_EMPTY_BOLUS']

    import pysb
except ImportError:
    pysb = None

SymbolDef = Dict[sp.Symbol, Union[Dict[str, sp.Expr], sp.Expr]]

# Monkey-patch toposort CircularDependencyError to handle non-sortable objects,
#  such as sympy objects
[docs]class CircularDependencyError(ValueError): def __init__(self, data): # Sort the data just to make the output consistent, for use in # error messages. That's convenient for doctests. s = "Circular dependencies exist among these items: {{{}}}".format( ", ".join( "{!r}:{!r}".format(key, value) for key, value in sorted( {str(k): v for k, v in data.items()}.items()) ) ) super(CircularDependencyError, self).__init__(s) = data
setattr(sys.modules["toposort"], "CircularDependencyError", CircularDependencyError)
[docs]class ObservableTransformation(str, enum.Enum): """ Different modes of observable transformation. """ LOG10 = 'log10' LOG = 'log' LIN = 'lin'
[docs]def noise_distribution_to_observable_transformation( noise_distribution: Union[str, Callable] ) -> ObservableTransformation: """ Parse noise distribution string and extract observable transformation :param noise_distribution: see :func:`noise_distribution_to_cost_function` :return: observable transformation """ if isinstance(noise_distribution, str): if noise_distribution.startswith('log-'): return ObservableTransformation.LOG if noise_distribution.startswith('log10-'): return ObservableTransformation.LOG10 return ObservableTransformation.LIN
[docs]def noise_distribution_to_cost_function( noise_distribution: Union[str, Callable] ) -> Callable[[str], str]: """ Parse noise distribution string to a cost function definition amici can work with. The noise distributions listed in the following are supported. :math:`m` denotes the measurement, :math:`y` the simulation, and :math:`\\sigma` a distribution scale parameter (currently, AMICI only supports a single distribution parameter). - `'normal'`, `'lin-normal'`: A normal distribution: .. math:: \\pi(m|y,\\sigma) = \\frac{1}{\\sqrt{2\\pi}\\sigma}\\ exp\\left(-\\frac{(m-y)^2}{2\\sigma^2}\\right) - `'log-normal'`: A log-normal distribution (i.e. log(m) is normally distributed): .. math:: \\pi(m|y,\\sigma) = \\frac{1}{\\sqrt{2\\pi}\\sigma m}\\ exp\\left(-\\frac{(\\log m - \\log y)^2}{2\\sigma^2}\\right) - `'log10-normal'`: A log10-normal distribution (i.e. log10(m) is normally distributed): .. math:: \\pi(m|y,\\sigma) = \\frac{1}{\\sqrt{2\\pi}\\sigma m \\log(10)}\\ exp\\left(-\\frac{(\\log_{10} m - \\log_{10} y)^2}{2\\sigma^2}\\right) - `'laplace'`, `'lin-laplace'`: A laplace distribution: .. math:: \\pi(m|y,\\sigma) = \\frac{1}{2\\sigma} \\exp\\left(-\\frac{|m-y|}{\\sigma}\\right) - `'log-laplace'`: A log-Laplace distribution (i.e. log(m) is Laplace distributed): .. math:: \\pi(m|y,\\sigma) = \\frac{1}{2\\sigma m} \\exp\\left(-\\frac{|\\log m - \\log y|}{\\sigma}\\right) - `'log10-laplace'`: A log10-Laplace distribution (i.e. log10(m) is Laplace distributed): .. math:: \\pi(m|y,\\sigma) = \\frac{1}{2\\sigma m \\log(10)} \\exp\\left(-\\frac{|\\log_{10} m - \\log_{10} y|}{\\sigma}\\right) - `'binomial'`, `'lin-binomial'`: A (continuation of a discrete) binomial distribution, parameterized via the success probability :math:`p=\\sigma`: .. math:: \\pi(m|y,\\sigma) = \\operatorname{Heaviside}(y-m) \\cdot \\frac{\\Gamma(y+1)}{\\Gamma(m+1) \\Gamma(y-m+1)} \\sigma^m (1-\\sigma)^{(y-m)} - `'negative-binomial'`, `'lin-negative-binomial'`: A (continuation of a discrete) negative binomial distribution, with with `mean = y`, parameterized via success probability `p`: .. math:: \\pi(m|y,\\sigma) = \\frac{\\Gamma(m+r)}{\\Gamma(m+1) \\Gamma(r)} (1-\\sigma)^m \\sigma^r where .. math:: r = \\frac{1-\\sigma}{\\sigma} y The distributions above are for a single data point. For a collection :math:`D=\\{m_i\\}_i` of data points and corresponding simulations :math:`Y=\\{y_i\\}_i` and noise parameters :math:`\\Sigma=\\{\\sigma_i\\}_i`, AMICI assumes independence, i.e. the full distributions is .. math:: \\pi(D|Y,\\Sigma) = \\prod_i\\pi(m_i|y_i,\\sigma_i) AMICI uses the logarithm :math:`\\log(\\pi(m|y,\\sigma)`. In addition to the above mentioned distributions, it is also possible to pass a function taking a symbol string and returning a log-distribution string with variables '{str_symbol}', 'm{str_symbol}', 'sigma{str_symbol}' for y, m, sigma, respectively. :param noise_distribution: An identifier specifying a noise model. Possible values are {`'normal'`, `'lin-normal'`, `'log-normal'`, `'log10-normal'`, `'laplace'`, `'lin-laplace'`, `'log-laplace'`, `'log10-laplace'`, `'binomial'`, `'lin-binomial'`, `'negative-binomial'`, `'lin-negative-binomial'`, `<Callable>`} For the meaning of the values see above. :return: A function that takes a strSymbol and then creates a cost function string (negative log-likelihood) from it, which can be sympified. """ if isinstance(noise_distribution, Callable): return noise_distribution if noise_distribution in ['normal', 'lin-normal']: y_string = '0.5*log(2*pi*{sigma}**2) + 0.5*(({y} - {m}) / {sigma})**2' elif noise_distribution == 'log-normal': y_string = '0.5*log(2*pi*{sigma}**2*{m}**2) ' \ '+ 0.5*((log({y}) - log({m})) / {sigma})**2' elif noise_distribution == 'log10-normal': y_string = '0.5*log(2*pi*{sigma}**2*{m}**2*log(10)**2) ' \ '+ 0.5*((log({y}, 10) - log({m}, 10)) / {sigma})**2' elif noise_distribution in ['laplace', 'lin-laplace']: y_string = 'log(2*{sigma}) + Abs({y} - {m}) / {sigma}' elif noise_distribution == 'log-laplace': y_string = 'log(2*{sigma}*{m}) + Abs(log({y}) - log({m})) / {sigma}' elif noise_distribution == 'log10-laplace': y_string = 'log(2*{sigma}*{m}*log(10)) ' \ '+ Abs(log({y}, 10) - log({m}, 10)) / {sigma}' elif noise_distribution in ['binomial', 'lin-binomial']: # Binomial noise model parameterized via success probability p y_string = '- log(Heaviside({y} - {m})) - loggamma({y}+1) ' \ '+ loggamma({m}+1) + loggamma({y}-{m}+1) ' \ '- {m} * log({sigma}) - ({y} - {m}) * log(1-{sigma})' elif noise_distribution in ['negative-binomial', 'lin-negative-binomial']: # Negative binomial noise model of the number of successes m # (data) before r=(1-sigma)/sigma * y failures occur, # with mean number of successes y (simulation), # parameterized via success probability p = sigma. r = '{y} * (1-{sigma}) / {sigma}' y_string = f'- loggamma({{m}}+{r}) + loggamma({{m}}+1) ' \ f'+ loggamma({r}) - {r} * log(1-{{sigma}}) ' \ f'- {{m}} * log({{sigma}})' else: raise ValueError( f"Cost identifier {noise_distribution} not recognized.") def nllh_y_string(str_symbol): y, m, sigma = _get_str_symbol_identifiers(str_symbol) return y_string.format(y=y, m=m, sigma=sigma) return nllh_y_string
def _get_str_symbol_identifiers(str_symbol: str) -> tuple: """Get identifiers for simulation, measurement, and sigma.""" y, m, sigma = f"{str_symbol}", f"m{str_symbol}", f"sigma{str_symbol}" return y, m, sigma
[docs]def smart_subs_dict(sym: sp.Expr, subs: SymbolDef, field: Optional[str] = None, reverse: bool = True) -> sp.Expr: """ Substitutes expressions completely flattening them out. Requires sorting of expressions with toposort. :param sym: Symbolic expression in which expressions will be substituted :param subs: Substitutions :param field: Field of substitution expressions in subs.values(), if applicable :param reverse: Whether ordering in subs should be reversed. Note that substitution requires the reverse order of what is required for evaluation. :return: Substituted symbolic expression """ s = [ (eid, expr[field] if field is not None else expr) for eid, expr in subs.items() ] if reverse: s.reverse() for substitution in s: # note that substitution may change free symbols, so we have to do # this recursively if sym.has(substitution[0]): sym = sym.subs(*substitution) return sym
[docs]def smart_subs(element: sp.Expr, old: sp.Symbol, new: sp.Expr) -> sp.Expr: """ Optimized substitution that checks whether anything needs to be done first :param element: substitution target :param old: to be substituted :param new: subsitution value :return: substituted expression """ return element.subs(old, new) if element.has(old) else element
[docs]def toposort_symbols(symbols: SymbolDef, field: Optional[str] = None) -> SymbolDef: """ Topologically sort symbol definitions according to their interdependency :param symbols: symbol definitions :param field: field of definition.values() that is used to compute interdependency :return: ordered symbol definitions """ sorted_symbols = toposort({ identifier: { s for s in ( definition[field] if field is not None else definition ).free_symbols if s in symbols } for identifier, definition in symbols.items() }) return { s: symbols[s] for symbol_group in sorted_symbols for s in sorted(symbol_group, key=str) }
def _parse_special_functions(sym: sp.Expr, toplevel: bool = True) -> sp.Expr: """ Recursively checks the symbolic expression for functions which have be to parsed in a special way, such as piecewise functions :param sym: symbolic expressions :param toplevel: as this is called recursively, are we in the top level expression? """ args = tuple(arg if arg.__class__.__name__ == 'piecewise' and sym.__class__.__name__ == 'piecewise' else _parse_special_functions(arg, False) for arg in sym.args) fun_mappings = { 'times': sp.Mul, 'xor': sp.Xor, 'abs': sp.Abs, 'min': sp.Min, 'max': sp.Max, 'ceil': sp.functions.ceiling, 'floor': sp.functions.floor, 'factorial': sp.functions.factorial, 'arcsin': sp.functions.asin, 'arccos': sp.functions.acos, 'arctan': sp.functions.atan, 'arccot': sp.functions.acot, 'arcsec': sp.functions.asec, 'arccsc': sp.functions.acsc, 'arcsinh': sp.functions.asinh, 'arccosh': sp.functions.acosh, 'arctanh': sp.functions.atanh, 'arccoth': sp.functions.acoth, 'arcsech': sp.functions.asech, 'arccsch': sp.functions.acsch, } if sym.__class__.__name__ in fun_mappings: return fun_mappings[sym.__class__.__name__](*args) elif sym.__class__.__name__ == 'piecewise' \ or isinstance(sym, sp.Piecewise): if isinstance(sym, sp.Piecewise): # this is sympy piecewise, can't be nested denested_args = args else: # this is sbml piecewise, can be nested denested_args = _denest_piecewise(args) return _parse_piecewise_to_heaviside(denested_args) if sym.__class__.__name__ == 'plus' and not sym.args: return sp.Float(0.0) if isinstance(sym, (sp.Function, sp.Mul, sp.Add, sp.Pow)): sym._args = args elif toplevel and isinstance(sym, BooleanAtom): # Replace boolean constants by numbers so they can be differentiated # must not replace in Piecewise function. Therefore, we only replace # it the complete expression consists only of a Boolean value. sym = sp.Float(int(bool(sym))) return sym def _denest_piecewise( args: Sequence[Union[sp.Expr, sp.logic.boolalg.Boolean, bool]] ) -> Tuple[Union[sp.Expr, sp.logic.boolalg.Boolean, bool]]: """ Denest piecewise functions that contain piecewise as condition :param args: Arguments to the piecewise function :return: Arguments where conditions no longer contain piecewise functions and the conditional dependency is flattened out """ args_out = [] for coeff, cond in grouper(args, 2, True): # handling of this case is explicitely disabled in # _parse_special_functions as keeping track of coeff/cond # arguments is tricky. Simpler to just parse them out here if coeff.__class__.__name__ == 'piecewise': coeff = _parse_special_functions(coeff, False) # we can have conditions that are piecewise function # returning True or False if cond.__class__.__name__ == 'piecewise': # this keeps track of conditional that the previous # piece was picked previous_was_picked = sp.false # recursively denest those first for sub_coeff, sub_cond in grouper( _denest_piecewise(cond.args), 2, True ): # flatten the individual pieces pick_this = sp.And( sp.Not(previous_was_picked), sub_cond ) if sub_coeff == sp.true: args_out.extend([coeff, pick_this]) previous_was_picked = pick_this else: args_out.extend([coeff, cond]) # cut off last condition as that's the default return tuple(args_out[:-1]) def _parse_piecewise_to_heaviside(args: Iterable[sp.Expr]) -> sp.Expr: """ Piecewise functions cannot be transformed into C++ right away, but AMICI has a special interface for Heaviside functions, so we transform them. :param args: symbolic expressions for arguments of the piecewise function """ # how many condition-expression pairs will we have? formula = sp.Float(0.0) not_condition = sp.Float(1.0) if all(isinstance(arg, ExprCondPair) for arg in args): # sympy piecewise grouped_args = args else: # smbl piecewise grouped_args = grouper(args, 2, True) for coeff, trigger in grouped_args: if isinstance(coeff, BooleanAtom): coeff = sp.Float(int(bool(coeff))) if trigger == sp.true: return formula + coeff * not_condition if trigger == sp.false: continue tmp = _parse_heaviside_trigger(trigger) formula += coeff * sp.simplify(not_condition * tmp) not_condition *= (1-tmp) return formula def _parse_heaviside_trigger(trigger: sp.Expr) -> sp.Expr: """ Recursively translates a boolean trigger function into a real valued root function :param trigger: :return: real valued root function expression """ if trigger.is_Relational: root = trigger.args[0] - trigger.args[1] _check_unsupported_functions(root, 'sympy.Expression') # normalize such that we always implement <, # this ensures that we can correctly evaluate the condition if # simulation starts at H(0). This is achieved by translating # conditionals into Heaviside functions H that is implemented as unit # step with H(0) = 1 if isinstance(trigger, sp.core.relational.StrictLessThan): # x < y => x - y < 0 => r < 0 return 1 - sp.Heaviside(root) if isinstance(trigger, sp.core.relational.LessThan): # x <= y => not(y < x) => not(y - x < 0) => not -r < 0 return sp.Heaviside(-root) if isinstance(trigger, sp.core.relational.StrictGreaterThan): # y > x => y - x < 0 => -r < 0 return 1 - sp.Heaviside(-root) if isinstance(trigger, sp.core.relational.GreaterThan): # y >= x => not(x < y) => not(x - y < 0) => not r < 0 return sp.Heaviside(root) # or(x,y) = not(and(not(x),not(y)) if isinstance(trigger, sp.Or): return 1-sp.Mul(*[1-_parse_heaviside_trigger(arg) for arg in trigger.args]) if isinstance(trigger, sp.And): return sp.Mul(*[_parse_heaviside_trigger(arg) for arg in trigger.args]) raise RuntimeError( 'AMICI can not parse piecewise/event trigger functions with argument ' f'{trigger}.' )
[docs]def grouper(iterable: Iterable, n: int, fillvalue: Any = None) -> Iterable[Tuple[Any]]: """ Collect data into fixed-length chunks or blocks grouper('ABCDEFG', 3, 'x') --> ABC DEF Gxx" :param iterable: any iterable :param n: chunk length :param fillvalue: padding for last chunk if length < n :return: itertools.zip_longest of requested chunks """ args = [iter(iterable)] * n return itt.zip_longest(*args, fillvalue=fillvalue)
def _check_unsupported_functions(sym: sp.Expr, expression_type: str, full_sym: Optional[sp.Expr] = None): """ Recursively checks the symbolic expression for unsupported symbolic functions :param sym: symbolic expressions :param expression_type: type of expression, only used when throwing errors :param full sym: outermost symbolic expression in recursive checks, only used for errors """ if full_sym is None: full_sym = sym # note that sp.functions.factorial, sp.functions.ceiling, # sp.functions.floor applied to numbers should be simplified out and # thus pass this test unsupported_functions = ( sp.functions.factorial, sp.functions.ceiling, sp.functions.floor, sp.functions.sec,, sp.functions.cot, sp.functions.asec, sp.functions.acsc, sp.functions.acot, sp.functions.acsch, sp.functions.acoth, sp.Mod, sp.core.function.UndefinedFunction ) if isinstance(sym.func, unsupported_functions) \ or isinstance(sym, unsupported_functions): raise RuntimeError(f'Encountered unsupported expression ' f'"{sym.func}" of type ' f'"{type(sym.func)}" as part of a ' f'{expression_type}: "{full_sym}"!') for arg in list(sym.args): _check_unsupported_functions(arg, expression_type)
[docs]def cast_to_sym(value: Union[SupportsFloat, sp.Expr, BooleanAtom], input_name: str) -> sp.Expr: """ Typecasts the value to :py:class:`sympy.Float` if possible, and ensures the value is a symbolic expression. :param value: value to be cast :param input_name: name of input variable :return: typecast value """ if isinstance(value, (sp.RealNumber, numbers.Number)): value = sp.Float(float(value)) elif isinstance(value, BooleanAtom): value = sp.Float(float(bool(value))) if not isinstance(value, sp.Expr): raise TypeError(f"Couldn't cast {input_name} to sympy.Expr, was " f"{type(value)}") return value
[docs]def generate_measurement_symbol(observable_id: Union[str, sp.Symbol]): """ Generates the appropriate measurement symbol for the provided observable :param observable_id: symbol (or string representation) of the observable :return: symbol for the corresponding measurement """ if not isinstance(observable_id, str): observable_id = strip_pysb(observable_id) return symbol_with_assumptions(f'm{observable_id}')
[docs]def generate_regularization_symbol(observable_id: Union[str, sp.Symbol]): """ Generates the appropriate regularization symbol for the provided observable :param observable_id: symbol (or string representation) of the observable :return: symbol for the corresponding regularization """ if not isinstance(observable_id, str): observable_id = strip_pysb(observable_id) return symbol_with_assumptions(f'r{observable_id}')
[docs]def generate_flux_symbol( reaction_index: int, name: Optional[str] = None ) -> sp.Symbol: """ Generate identifier symbol for a reaction flux. This function will always return the same unique python object for a given entity. :param reaction_index: index of the reaction to which the flux corresponds :param name: an optional identifier of the reaction to which the flux corresponds :return: identifier symbol """ if name is not None: return symbol_with_assumptions(name) return symbol_with_assumptions(f'flux_r{reaction_index}')
[docs]def symbol_with_assumptions(name: str): """ Central function to create symbols with consistent, canonical assumptions :param name: name of the symbol :return: symbol with canonical assumptions """ return sp.Symbol(name, real=True)
[docs]def strip_pysb(symbol: sp.Basic) -> sp.Basic: """ Strips pysb info from a :class:`pysb.Component` object :param symbol: symbolic expression :return: stripped expression """ # strip pysb type and transform into a flat sympy.Symbol. # this ensures that the pysb type specific __repr__ is used when converting # to string if pysb and isinstance(symbol, pysb.Component): return sp.Symbol(, real=True) else: # in this case we will use sympy specific transform anyways return symbol