Class amifun

Class Documentation

class amifun

AMIFUN defines functions which later on will be transformed into appropriate C code.

Public Functions

amifun::amifun(matlabtypesubstitute funstr, matlabtypesubstitute model)

amievent constructs an amifun object from the provided input.

param funstr

name of the requested function

param model

amimodel object which carries all symbolic definitions to construct the function

noret::substitute amifun::writeCcode_sensi(::amimodel model, ::fileid fid)

writeCcode_sensi is a wrapper for writeCcode which loops over parameters and reduces overhead by check nonzero values

param model

model defintion object

param fid

file id in which the final expression is written


fid – void

noret::substitute amifun::writeCcode(::amimodel model, ::fileid fid)

writeCcode is a wrapper for gccode which initialises data and reduces overhead by check nonzero values

param model

model defintion object

param fid

file id in which the final expression is written


fid – void

noret::substitute amifun::writeMcode(::amimodel model)

writeMcode generates matlab evaluable code for specific model functions

param model

model defintion object


model – void

mlhsInnerSubst<::amifun > amifun::gccode(::amimodel model, ::fileid fid)

gccode transforms symbolic expressions into c code and writes the respective expression into a specified file

param model

model definition object

param fid

file id in which the expression should be written


this – function definition object

mlhsInnerSubst<::amifun > amifun::getDeps(::amimodel model)

getDeps populates the sensiflag for the requested function

param model

model definition object


this – updated function definition object

mlhsInnerSubst<::amifun > amifun::getArgs(::amimodel model)

getFArgs populates the fargstr property with the argument string of the respective model function (if applicable). model functions are not wrapped versions of functions which have a model specific name and for which the call is solver specific.

param model

model definition object


this – updated function definition object

mlhsInnerSubst<::amifun > amifun::getNVecs()

getfunargs populates the nvecs property with the names of the N_Vector elements which are required in the execution of the function (if applicable). the information is directly extracted from the argument string


this – updated function definition object

mlhsInnerSubst<::amifun > amifun::getCVar()

getCVar populates the cvar property


this – updated function definition object

mlhsInnerSubst<::amifun > amifun::getSensiFlag()

getSensiFlag populates the sensiflag property


this – updated function definition object

mlhsSubst< mlhsInnerSubst<::amifun >,mlhsInnerSubst<::amimodel > > amifun::getSyms(::amimodel model)

getSyms computes the symbolic expression for the requested function

param model

model definition object

  • this – updated function definition object

  • model – updated model definition object

Public Members

::symbolic sym   = sym("[]")

symbolic definition struct

Default: sym(“[]”)

::symbolic sym_noopt   = sym("[]")

symbolic definition which was not optimized (no dependencies on w)

Default: sym(“[]”)

::symbolic strsym   = sym("[]")

short symbolic string which can be used for the reuse of precomputed values

Default: sym(“[]”)

::symbolic strsym_old   = sym("[]")

short symbolic string which can be used for the reuse of old values

Default: sym(“[]”)

::char funstr   = char.empty("")

name of the model

Default: char.empty(“”)

::char cvar   = char.empty("")

name of the c variable

Default: char.empty(“”)

::char argstr   = char.empty("")

argument string (solver specific)

Default: char.empty(“”)

::cell deps   = cell.empty("")

dependencies on other functions

Default: cell.empty(“”)

matlabtypesubstitute nvecs   = cell.empty("")

nvec dependencies

Default: cell.empty(“”)

matlabtypesubstitute sensiflag   = logical.empty("")

indicates whether the function is a sensitivity or derivative with respect to parameters

Default: logical.empty(“”)