Source code for amici.ode_model

"""Objects for AMICI's internal ODE model representation"""

import sympy as sp
import numpy as np
import re
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import os
import copy
import numbers
import logging
import itertools
import contextlib

    import pysb
except ImportError:
    pysb = None

from typing import (
    Callable, Optional, Union, List, Dict, Tuple, SupportsFloat, Sequence,
    Set, Any
from dataclasses import dataclass
from string import Template
from sympy.matrices.immutable import ImmutableDenseMatrix
from sympy.matrices.dense import MutableDenseMatrix
from sympy.logic.boolalg import BooleanAtom
from itertools import chain
from .cxxcodeprinter import AmiciCxxCodePrinter, get_switch_statement

from . import (
    amiciSwigPath, amiciSrcPath, amiciModulePath, __version__, __commit__,
from .logging import get_logger, log_execution_time, set_log_level
from .constants import SymbolId
from .import_utils import smart_subs_dict, toposort_symbols, \
    ObservableTransformation, generate_measurement_symbol, RESERVED_SYMBOLS
from .import_utils import cast_to_sym

__all__ = [
    'ConservationLaw', 'Constant', 'Event', 'Expression', 'LogLikelihood',
    'ModelQuantity', 'Observable', 'Parameter', 'SigmaY', 'State'

[docs]class ModelQuantity: """ Base class for model components """
[docs] def __init__(self, identifier: sp.Symbol, name: str, value: Union[SupportsFloat, numbers.Number, sp.Expr]): """ Create a new ModelQuantity instance. :param identifier: unique identifier of the quantity :param name: individual name of the quantity (does not need to be unique) :param value: either formula, numeric value or initial value """ if not isinstance(identifier, sp.Symbol): raise TypeError(f'identifier must be sympy.Symbol, was ' f'{type(identifier)}') if str(identifier) in RESERVED_SYMBOLS or \ (hasattr(identifier, 'name') and in RESERVED_SYMBOLS): raise ValueError(f'Cannot add model quantity with name "{name}", ' f'please rename.') self._identifier: sp.Symbol = identifier if not isinstance(name, str): raise TypeError(f'name must be str, was {type(name)}') self._name: str = name self._value: sp.Expr = cast_to_sym(value, 'value')
def __repr__(self) -> str: """ Representation of the ModelQuantity object :return: string representation of the ModelQuantity """ return str(self._identifier)
[docs] def get_id(self) -> sp.Symbol: """ ModelQuantity identifier :return: identifier of the ModelQuantity """ return self._identifier
[docs] def get_name(self) -> str: """ ModelQuantity name :return: name of the ModelQuantity """ return self._name
[docs] def get_val(self) -> sp.Expr: """ ModelQuantity value :return: value of the ModelQuantity """ return self._value
[docs] def set_val(self, val: sp.Expr): """ Set ModelQuantity value :return: value of the ModelQuantity """ self._value = cast_to_sym(val, 'value')
[docs]class ConservationLaw(ModelQuantity): """ A conservation law defines the absolute the total amount of a (weighted) sum of states """
[docs] def __init__(self, identifier: sp.Symbol, name: str, value: sp.Expr, coefficients: Dict[sp.Symbol, sp.Expr], state_id: sp.Symbol): """ Create a new ConservationLaw instance. :param identifier: unique identifier of the ConservationLaw :param name: individual name of the ConservationLaw (does not need to be unique) :param value: formula (sum of states) :param coefficients: coefficients of the states in the sum :param state_id: identifier of the state that this conservation law replaces """ self._state_expr: sp.Symbol = identifier - (value - state_id) self._coefficients: Dict[sp.Symbol, sp.Expr] = coefficients self._ncoeff: sp.Expr = coefficients[state_id] super(ConservationLaw, self).__init__(identifier, name, value)
[docs] def get_state(self) -> sp.Symbol: """ Get the identifier of the state that this conservation law replaces :return: identifier of the state """ return self._state_id
[docs] def get_ncoeff(self, state_id) -> Union[sp.Expr, int, float]: """ Computes the normalized coefficient a_i/a_j where i is the index of the provided state_id and j is the index of the state that is replaced by this conservation law. This can be used to compute both dtotal_cl/dx_rdata (=ncoeff) and dx_rdata/dx_solver (=-ncoeff). :param state_id: identifier of the state :return: normalized coefficent of the state """ return self._coefficients.get(state_id, 0.0) / self._ncoeff
[docs] def get_x_rdata(self): """ Returns the expression that allows computation of x_rdata for the state that this conservation law replaces. :return: x_rdata expression """ return self._state_expr
[docs]class State(ModelQuantity): """ A State variable defines an entity that evolves with time according to the provided time derivative, abbreviated by ``x``. :ivar _conservation_law: algebraic formula that allows computation of this state according to a conservation law :ivar _dt: algebraic formula that defines the temporal derivative of this state """ _dt: Union[sp.Expr, None] = None _conservation_law: Union[sp.Expr, None] = None
[docs] def __init__(self, identifier: sp.Symbol, name: str, init: sp.Expr, dt: sp.Expr): """ Create a new State instance. Extends :meth:`ModelQuantity.__init__` by ``dt`` :param identifier: unique identifier of the state :param name: individual name of the state (does not need to be unique) :param init: initial value :param dt: time derivative """ super(State, self).__init__(identifier, name, init) self._dt = cast_to_sym(dt, 'dt') self._conservation_law: Union[ConservationLaw, None] = None
[docs] def set_conservation_law(self, law: ConservationLaw) -> None: """ Sets the conservation law of a state. If a conservation law is set, the respective state will be replaced by an algebraic formula according to the respective conservation law. :param law: linear sum of states that if added to this state remain constant over time """ if not isinstance(law, ConservationLaw): raise TypeError(f'conservation law must have type ConservationLaw' f', was {type(law)}') self._conservation_law = law
[docs] def set_dt(self, dt: sp.Expr) -> None: """ Sets the time derivative :param dt: time derivative """ self._dt = cast_to_sym(dt, 'dt')
[docs] def get_dt(self) -> sp.Expr: """ Gets the time derivative :return: time derivative """ return self._dt
[docs] def get_free_symbols(self) -> Set[sp.Symbol]: """ Gets the set of free symbols in time derivative and initial conditions :return: free symbols """ return self._dt.free_symbols.union(self._value.free_symbols)
[docs] def has_conservation_law(self): """ Checks whether this state has a conservation law assigned. :return: True if assigned, False otherwise """ return self._conservation_law is not None
[docs] def get_x_rdata(self): """ Returns the expression that allows computation of x_rdata for this state, accounting for conservation laws. :return: x_rdata expression """ if self._conservation_law is None: return self.get_id() else: return self._conservation_law.get_x_rdata()
[docs] def get_dx_rdata_dx_solver(self, state_id): """ Returns the expression that allows computation of ``dx_rdata_dx_solver`` for this state, accounting for conservation laws. :return: dx_rdata_dx_solver expression """ if self._conservation_law is None: return sp.Integer(self._identifier == state_id) else: return -self._conservation_law.get_ncoeff(state_id)
[docs]class Observable(ModelQuantity): """ An Observable links model simulations to experimental measurements, abbreviated by ``y``. :ivar _measurement_symbol: sympy symbol used in the objective function to represent measurements to this observable :ivar trafo: observable transformation, only applies when evaluating objective function or residuals """ _measurement_symbol: Union[sp.Symbol, None] = None
[docs] def __init__(self, identifier: sp.Symbol, name: str, value: sp.Expr, measurement_symbol: Optional[sp.Symbol] = None, transformation: Optional[ObservableTransformation] = 'lin'): """ Create a new Observable instance. :param identifier: unique identifier of the Observable :param name: individual name of the Observable (does not need to be unique) :param value: formula :param transformation: observable transformation, only applies when evaluating objective function or residuals """ super(Observable, self).__init__(identifier, name, value) self._measurement_symbol = measurement_symbol self.trafo = transformation
[docs] def get_measurement_symbol(self) -> sp.Symbol: if self._measurement_symbol is None: self._measurement_symbol = generate_measurement_symbol( self.get_id() ) return self._measurement_symbol
[docs]class SigmaY(ModelQuantity): """ A Standard Deviation SigmaY rescales the distance between simulations and measurements when computing residuals or objective functions, abbreviated by ``sigmay``. """
[docs] def __init__(self, identifier: sp.Symbol, name: str, value: sp.Expr): """ Create a new Standard Deviation instance. :param identifier: unique identifier of the Standard Deviation :param name: individual name of the Standard Deviation (does not need to be unique) :param value: formula """ super(SigmaY, self).__init__(identifier, name, value)
[docs]class Expression(ModelQuantity): """ An Expression is a recurring elements in symbolic formulas. Specifying this may yield more compact expression which may lead to substantially shorter model compilation times, but may also reduce model simulation time. Abbreviated by ``w``. """
[docs] def __init__(self, identifier: sp.Symbol, name: str, value: sp.Expr): """ Create a new Expression instance. :param identifier: unique identifier of the Expression :param name: individual name of the Expression (does not need to be unique) :param value: formula """ super(Expression, self).__init__(identifier, name, value)
[docs]class Parameter(ModelQuantity): """ A Parameter is a free variable in the model with respect to which sensitivities may be computed, abbreviated by ``p``. """
[docs] def __init__(self, identifier: sp.Symbol, name: str, value: numbers.Number): """ Create a new Expression instance. :param identifier: unique identifier of the Parameter :param name: individual name of the Parameter (does not need to be unique) :param value: numeric value """ super(Parameter, self).__init__(identifier, name, value)
[docs]class Constant(ModelQuantity): """ A Constant is a fixed variable in the model with respect to which sensitivities cannot be computed, abbreviated by ``k``. """
[docs] def __init__(self, identifier: sp.Symbol, name: str, value: numbers.Number): """ Create a new Expression instance. :param identifier: unique identifier of the Constant :param name: individual name of the Constant (does not need to be unique) :param value: numeric value """ super(Constant, self).__init__(identifier, name, value)
[docs]class LogLikelihood(ModelQuantity): """ A LogLikelihood defines the distance between measurements and experiments for a particular observable. The final LogLikelihood value in the simulation will be the sum of all specified LogLikelihood instances evaluated at all timepoints, abbreviated by ``Jy``. """
[docs] def __init__(self, identifier: sp.Symbol, name: str, value: sp.Expr): """ Create a new Expression instance. :param identifier: unique identifier of the LogLikelihood :param name: individual name of the LogLikelihood (does not need to be unique) :param value: formula """ super(LogLikelihood, self).__init__(identifier, name, value)
[docs]class Event(ModelQuantity): """ An Event defines either a SBML event or a root of the argument of a Heaviside function. The Heaviside functions will be tracked via the vector ``h`` during simulation and are needed to inform the ODE solver about a discontinuity in either the right-hand side or the states themselves, causing a reinitialization of the solver. """
[docs] def __init__(self, identifier: sp.Symbol, name: str, value: sp.Expr, state_update: Union[sp.Expr, None], event_observable: Union[sp.Expr, None]): """ Create a new Event instance. :param identifier: unique identifier of the Event :param name: individual name of the Event (does not need to be unique) :param value: formula for the root / trigger function :param state_update: formula for the bolus function (None for Heaviside functions, zero vector for events without bolus) :param event_observable: formula a potential observable linked to the event (None for Heaviside functions, empty events without observable) """ super(Event, self).__init__(identifier, name, value) # add the Event specific components self._state_update = state_update self._observable = event_observable
def __eq__(self, other): """ Check equality of events at the level of trigger/root functions, as we need to collect unique root functions for ``roots.cpp`` """ return self.get_val() == other.get_val()