Class amioption

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

  • public matlab::mixin::CustomDisplay

Class Documentation

amioption : public matlab::mixin::CustomDisplay

AMIOPTION provides an option container to pass simulation parameters to the simulation routine.

Public Functions

amioption::amioption(matlabtypesubstitute varargin)

amioptions Construct a new amioptions object OPTS = amioption() creates a set of options with each option set to its default value.

OPTS = amioption(PARAM, VAL, …) creates a set of options with the named parameters altered with the specified values.

OPTS = amioption(OLDOPTS, PARAM, VAL, …) creates a copy of OLDOPTS with the named parameters altered with the specified value

Note: to see the parameters, check the documentation page for amioption

param varargin

input to construct amioption object, see function function description

Public Members

matlabtypesubstitute atol   = 1e-16

absolute integration tolerace

Default: 1e-16

matlabtypesubstitute rtol   = 1e-8

relative integration tolerace

Default: 1e-8

matlabtypesubstitute maxsteps   = 1e4

maximum number of integration steps

Default: 1e4

matlabtypesubstitute quad_atol   = 1e-12

absolute quadrature tolerace

Default: 1e-12

matlabtypesubstitute quad_rtol   = 1e-8

relative quadrature tolerace

Default: 1e-8

matlabtypesubstitute maxstepsB   = 0

maximum number of integration steps

Default: 0

matlabtypesubstitute ss_atol   = 1e-16

absolute steady state tolerace

Default: 1e-16

matlabtypesubstitute ss_rtol   = 1e-8

relative steady state tolerace

Default: 1e-8

matlabtypesubstitute sens_ind   = double.empty("")

index of parameters for which the sensitivities are computed

Default: double.empty(“”)

matlabtypesubstitute tstart   = 0

starting time of the simulation

Default: 0

matlabtypesubstitute lmm   = 2

linear multistep method.

Default: 2

matlabtypesubstitute iter   = 2

iteration method for linear multistep.

Default: 2

matlabtypesubstitute linsol   = 9

linear solver

Default: 9

matlabtypesubstitute stldet   = true

stability detection flag

Default: true

matlabtypesubstitute interpType   = 1

interpolation type

Default: 1

matlabtypesubstitute ism   = 1

forward sensitivity mode

Default: 1

matlabtypesubstitute sensi_meth   = 1

sensitivity method

Default: 1


This property has custom functionality when its value is changed.

matlabtypesubstitute sensi_meth_preeq   = 1

sensitivity method for preequilibration

Default: 1

matlabtypesubstitute sensi   = 0

sensitivity order

Default: 0


This property has custom functionality when its value is changed.

matlabtypesubstitute nmaxevent   = 10

number of reported events

Default: 10

matlabtypesubstitute ordering   = 0

reordering of states

Default: 0

matlabtypesubstitute ss   = 0

steady state sensitivity flag

Default: 0

matlabtypesubstitute x0   = double.empty("")

custom initial state

Default: double.empty(“”)

matlabtypesubstitute sx0   = double.empty("")

custom initial sensitivity

Default: double.empty(“”)

matlabtypesubstitute newton_maxsteps   = 40

newton solver: maximum newton steps

Default: 40


This property has custom functionality when its value is changed.

matlabtypesubstitute newton_maxlinsteps   = 100

newton solver: maximum linear steps

Default: 100


This property has custom functionality when its value is changed.

matlabtypesubstitute newton_preeq   = false

preequilibration of system via newton solver

Default: false


This property has custom functionality when its value is changed.

matlabtypesubstitute z2event   = double.empty("")

mapping of event ouputs to events

Default: double.empty(“”)

matlabtypesubstitute pscale   = "[]"

parameter scaling Single value or vector matching sens_ind. Valid options are “log”,”log10” and “lin” for log, log10 or unscaled parameters p. Use [] for default as specified in the model (fallback: lin).

Default: “[]”


This property has custom functionality when its value is changed.

matlabtypesubstitute steadyStateSensitivityMode   = 0

Mode for for computing sensitivities ({0: Newton}, 1: Simulation)

Default: 0

Public Static Functions

mlhsInnerSubst< matlabtypesubstitute > amioption::getIntegerPScale(matlabtypesubstitute pscaleString)

pscaleInt converts a parameter scaling string into the corresponding integer representation

param pscaleString

parameter scaling string


pscaleString – int