Source code for amici.pysb_import

PySB Import
This module provides all necessary functionality to import a model specified
in the :class:`pysb.core.Model` format.

from .ode_export import (
    ODEExporter, ODEModel, State, Constant, Parameter, Observable, SigmaY,
    Expression, LogLikelihood, generate_measurement_symbol

from .import_utils import (
    noise_distribution_to_cost_function, _get_str_symbol_identifiers
import logging
from .logging import get_logger, log_execution_time, set_log_level

import sympy as sp
import numpy as np
import itertools
import os
import sys

from typing import (
    List, Union, Dict, Tuple, Set, Iterable, Any, Callable, Optional

CL_Prototype = Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]
ConservationLaw = Dict[str, Union[str, sp.Basic]]

import pysb.bng
import pysb
import pysb.pattern

logger = get_logger(__name__, logging.ERROR)

[docs]def pysb2amici( model: pysb.Model, output_dir: str = None, observables: List[str] = None, constant_parameters: List[str] = None, sigmas: Dict[str, str] = None, noise_distributions: Optional[Dict[str, Union[str, Callable]]] = None, verbose: Union[int, bool] = False, assume_pow_positivity: bool = False, compiler: str = None, compute_conservation_laws: bool = True, compile: bool = True, simplify: Callable = lambda x: sp.powsimp(x, deep=True), ): """ Generate AMICI C++ files for the provided model. :param model: pysb model, :attr:`` will determine the name of the generated module :param output_dir: see :meth:`amici.ode_export.ODEExporter.set_paths` :param observables: list of :class:`pysb.core.Expression` or :class:`pysb.core.Observable` names in the provided model that should be mapped to observables :param sigmas: dict of :class:`pysb.core.Expression` names that should be mapped to sigmas :param noise_distributions: dict with names of observable Expressions as keys and a noise type identifier, or a callable generating a custom noise formula string (see :py:func:`amici.import_utils.noise_distribution_to_cost_function` ). If nothing is passed for some observable id, a normal model is assumed as default. :param constant_parameters: list of :class:`pysb.core.Parameter` names that should be mapped as fixed parameters :param verbose: verbosity level for logging, True/False default to :attr:`logging.DEBUG`/:attr:`logging.ERROR` :param assume_pow_positivity: if set to ``true``, a special pow function is used to avoid problems with state variables that may become negative due to numerical errors :param compiler: distutils/setuptools compiler selection to build the python extension :param compute_conservation_laws: if set to ``true``, conservation laws are automatically computed and applied such that the state-jacobian of the ODE right-hand-side has full rank. This option should be set to ``true`` when using the Newton algorithm to compute steadystates :param compile: If ``true``, build the python module for the generated model. If false, just generate the source code. :param simplify: see :attr:`amici.ODEModel._simplify` """ if observables is None: observables = [] if constant_parameters is None: constant_parameters = [] if sigmas is None: sigmas = {} set_log_level(logger, verbose) ode_model = ode_model_from_pysb_importer( model, constant_parameters=constant_parameters, observables=observables, sigmas=sigmas, noise_distributions=noise_distributions, compute_conservation_laws=compute_conservation_laws, simplify=simplify, verbose=verbose, ) exporter = ODEExporter( ode_model, outdir=output_dir, verbose=verbose, assume_pow_positivity=assume_pow_positivity, compiler=compiler, ) exporter.set_name( exporter.set_paths(output_dir) exporter.generate_model_code() if compile: exporter.compile_model()
[docs]@log_execution_time('creating ODE model', logger) def ode_model_from_pysb_importer( model: pysb.Model, constant_parameters: List[str] = None, observables: List[str] = None, sigmas: Dict[str, str] = None, noise_distributions: Optional[Dict[str, Union[str, Callable]]] = None, compute_conservation_laws: bool = True, simplify: Callable = sp.powsimp, verbose: Union[int, bool] = False, ) -> ODEModel: """ Creates an :class:`amici.ODEModel` instance from a :class:`pysb.Model` instance. :param model: see :func:`amici.pysb_import.pysb2amici` :param constant_parameters: see :func:`amici.pysb_import.pysb2amici` :param observables: see :func:`amici.pysb_import.pysb2amici` :param sigmas: dict with names of observable Expressions as keys and names of sigma Expressions as value sigma :param noise_distributions: see :func:`amici.pysb_import.pysb2amici` :param compute_conservation_laws: see :func:`amici.pysb_import.pysb2amici` :param simplify: see :attr:`amici.ODEModel._simplify` :param verbose: verbosity level for logging, True/False default to :attr:`logging.DEBUG`/:attr:`logging.ERROR` :return: New ODEModel instance according to pysbModel """ ode = ODEModel(verbose=verbose, simplify=simplify) if constant_parameters is None: constant_parameters = [] if observables is None: observables = [] if sigmas is None: sigmas = {} pysb.bng.generate_equations(model, verbose=verbose) _process_pysb_species(model, ode) _process_pysb_parameters(model, ode, constant_parameters) if compute_conservation_laws: _process_pysb_conservation_laws(model, ode) _process_pysb_observables(model, ode, observables, sigmas, noise_distributions) _process_pysb_expressions(model, ode, observables, sigmas, noise_distributions) ode._has_quadratic_nllh = not noise_distributions or all( noise_distr in ['normal', 'lin-normal'] for noise_distr in noise_distributions.values() ) ode.generate_basic_variables() return ode
@log_execution_time('processing PySB species', logger) def _process_pysb_species(pysb_model: pysb.Model, ode_model: ODEModel) -> None: """ Converts pysb Species into States and adds them to the ODEModel instance :param pysb_model: pysb model instance :param ode_model: ODEModel instance """ xdot = sp.Matrix(pysb_model.odes) for ix, specie in enumerate(pysb_model.species): init = sp.sympify('0.0') for ic in pysb_model.odes.model.initial_conditions: if pysb.pattern.match_complex_pattern(ic[0], specie, exact=True): # we don't want to allow expressions in initial conditions if ic[1] in pysb_model.expressions: init = pysb_model.expressions[ic[1].name].expand_expr() else: init = ic[1] ode_model.add_component( State( sp.Symbol(f'__s{ix}'), f'{specie}', init, xdot[ix] ) ) logger.debug(f'Finished Processing PySB species ') @log_execution_time('processing PySB parameters', logger) def _process_pysb_parameters(pysb_model: pysb.Model, ode_model: ODEModel, constant_parameters: List[str]) -> None: """ Converts pysb parameters into Parameters or Constants and adds them to the ODEModel instance :param pysb_model: pysb model :param constant_parameters: list of Parameters that should be constants :param ode_model: ODEModel instance """ for par in pysb_model.parameters: if in constant_parameters: comp = Constant else: comp = Parameter ode_model.add_component( comp(par, f'{}', par.value) ) @log_execution_time('processing PySB expressions', logger) def _process_pysb_expressions( pysb_model: pysb.Model, ode_model: ODEModel, observables: List[str], sigmas: Dict[str, str], noise_distributions: Optional[Dict[str, Union[str, Callable]]] = None, ) -> None: """ Converts pysb expressions/observables into Observables (with corresponding standard deviation SigmaY and LogLikelihood) or Expressions and adds them to the ODEModel instance :param pysb_model: pysb model :param observables: list of names of :class`pysb.Expression`\\ s or :class:`pysb.Observable`\\ s that are to be mapped to ODEModel observables :param sigmas: dict with names of observable pysb.Expressions/pysb.Observables names as keys and names of sigma pysb.Expressions as values :param noise_distributions: see :func:`amici.pysb_import.pysb2amici` :param ode_model: ODEModel instance """ # we no longer expand expressions here. pysb/bng guarantees that # they are ordered according to their dependency and we can # evaluate them sequentially without reordering. Important to make # sure that observables are processed first though. for expr in pysb_model.expressions: _add_expression(expr,, expr.expr, pysb_model, ode_model, observables, sigmas, noise_distributions) def _add_expression( sym: sp.Symbol, name: str, expr: sp.Basic, pysb_model: pysb.Model, ode_model: ODEModel, observables: List[str], sigmas: Dict[str, str], noise_distributions: Optional[Dict[str, Union[str, Callable]]] = None, ): """ Adds expressions to the ODE model given and adds observables/sigmas if appropriate :param sym: symbol how the expression is referenced in the model :param name: name of the expression :param expr: symbolic expression that the symbol refers to :param pysb_model: see :py:func:`_process_pysb_expressions` :param observables: see :py:func:`_process_pysb_expressions` :param sigmas: see :py:func:`_process_pysb_expressions` :param noise_distributions: see :py:func:`amici.pysb_import.pysb2amici` :param ode_model: see :py:func:`_process_pysb_expressions` """ ode_model.add_component( Expression(sym, name, expr) ) if name in observables: y = sp.Symbol(f'{name}') obs = Observable(y, name, sym) ode_model.add_component(obs) sigma_name, sigma_value = _get_sigma_name_and_value( pysb_model, name, sigmas ) sigma = sp.Symbol(sigma_name) ode_model.add_component(SigmaY(sigma, f'{sigma_name}', sigma_value)) noise_dist = noise_distributions.get(name, 'normal') \ if noise_distributions else 'normal' cost_fun_str = noise_distribution_to_cost_function(noise_dist)(name) my = generate_measurement_symbol(obs.get_id()) cost_fun_expr = sp.sympify(cost_fun_str, locals=dict(zip( _get_str_symbol_identifiers(name), (y, my, sigma)))) ode_model.add_component( LogLikelihood( sp.Symbol(f'llh_{name}'), f'llh_{name}', cost_fun_expr ) ) def _get_sigma_name_and_value( pysb_model: pysb.Model, obs_name: str, sigmas: Dict[str, str]) -> Tuple[str, sp.Basic]: """ Tries to extract standard deviation symbolic identifier and formula for a given observable name from the pysb model and if no specification is available sets default values :param pysb_model: pysb model :param obs_name: name of the observable :param sigmas: dict of :class:`pysb.core.Expression` names that should be mapped to sigmas :return: tuple containing symbolic identifier and formula for the specified observable """ if obs_name in sigmas: sigma_name = sigmas[obs_name] try: # find corresponding Expression instance sigma_expr = next(x for x in pysb_model.expressions if == sigma_name) except StopIteration: raise ValueError(f'value of sigma {obs_name} is not a ' f'valid expression.') sigma_value = sigma_expr.expand_expr() else: sigma_name = f'sigma_{obs_name}' sigma_value = sp.sympify(1.0) return sigma_name, sigma_value @log_execution_time('processing PySB observables', logger) def _process_pysb_observables( pysb_model: pysb.Model, ode_model: ODEModel, observables: List[str], sigmas: Dict[str, str], noise_distributions: Optional[Dict[str, Union[str, Callable]]] = None, ) -> None: """ Converts :class:`pysb.core.Observable` into :class:`ODEModel.Expressions` and adds them to the ODEModel instance :param pysb_model: pysb model :param ode_model: ODEModel instance :param observables: list of names of pysb.Expressions or pysb.Observables that are to be mapped to ODEModel observables :param sigmas: dict with names of observable pysb.Expressions/pysb.Observables names as keys and names of sigma pysb.Expressions as values :param noise_distributions: see :func:`amici.pysb_import.pysb2amici` """ # only add those pysb observables that occur in the added # Observables as expressions for obs in pysb_model.observables: _add_expression(obs,, obs.expand_obs(), pysb_model, ode_model, observables, sigmas, noise_distributions) @log_execution_time('computing PySB conservation laws', logger) def _process_pysb_conservation_laws(pysb_model: pysb.Model, ode_model: ODEModel) -> None: """ Removes species according to conservation laws to ensure that the jacobian has full rank :param pysb_model: pysb model :param ode_model: ODEModel instance """ monomers_without_conservation_law = set() for rule in pysb_model.rules: monomers_without_conservation_law |= \ _get_unconserved_monomers(rule, pysb_model) monomers_without_conservation_law |= \ _compute_monomers_with_fixed_initial_conditions(pysb_model) cl_prototypes = _generate_cl_prototypes( monomers_without_conservation_law, pysb_model, ode_model ) conservation_laws = _construct_conservation_from_prototypes( cl_prototypes, pysb_model ) _add_conservation_for_constant_species(ode_model, conservation_laws) _flatten_conservation_laws(conservation_laws) for cl in conservation_laws: ode_model.add_conservation_law(**cl) def _compute_monomers_with_fixed_initial_conditions( pysb_model: pysb.Model) -> Set[str]: """ Computes the set of monomers in a model with species that have fixed initial conditions :param pysb_model: pysb model :return: set of monomer names with fixed initial conditions """ monomers_with_fixed_initial_conditions = set() for monomer in pysb_model.monomers: # check if monomer has an initial condition that is fixed (means # that corresponding state is constant and all conservation # laws are broken) if any([ ic.fixed # true or false for ic in pysb_model.initials if in extract_monomers(ic.pattern) ]): monomers_with_fixed_initial_conditions |= {} return monomers_with_fixed_initial_conditions def _generate_cl_prototypes(excluded_monomers: Iterable[str], pysb_model: pysb.Model, ode_model: ODEModel) -> CL_Prototype: """ Constructs a dict that contains preprocessed information for the construction of conservation laws :param excluded_monomers: list of monomer names for which no prototypes should be computed :param pysb_model: pysb model :param ode_model: ODEModel instance :return: dict('':{'possible_indices': ..., 'target_indices': ...} """ cl_prototypes = dict() _compute_possible_indices(cl_prototypes, pysb_model, ode_model, excluded_monomers) _compute_dependency_idx(cl_prototypes) _compute_target_index(cl_prototypes, ode_model) return cl_prototypes def _compute_possible_indices(cl_prototypes: CL_Prototype, pysb_model: pysb.Model, ode_model: ODEModel, excluded_monomers: Iterable[str]) -> None: """ Computes viable choices for target_index, ie species that could be removed and replaced by an algebraic expression according to the conservation law :param cl_prototypes: dict in which possible indices will be written :param pysb_model: pysb model :param ode_model: ODEModel instance :param excluded_monomers: monomers for which no conservation laws will be computed """ for monomer in pysb_model.monomers: if not in excluded_monomers: compartments = [ str(mp.compartment) # string based comparison as # compartments are not hashable for cp in pysb_model.species for mp in cp.monomer_patterns if == ] if len(set(compartments)) > 1: raise ValueError('Conservation laws involving species in ' 'multiple compartments are currently not ' 'supported! Please run pysb2amici with ' 'compute_conservation_laws=False') # TODO: implement this, multiply species by the volume of # their respective compartment and allow total_cl to depend # on parameters + constants and update the respective symbolic # derivative accordingly prototype = dict() prototype['possible_indices'] = [ ix for ix, specie in enumerate(pysb_model.species) if in extract_monomers(specie) and not ode_model.state_is_constant(ix) ] prototype['species_count'] = len( prototype['possible_indices'] ) if prototype['possible_indices']: cl_prototypes[] = prototype def _compute_dependency_idx(cl_prototypes: CL_Prototype) -> None: """ Compute connecting species, this allows us to efficiently compute whether the respective conservation law would induce a cyclic dependency. Adds a 'dependency_idx' field to the prototype dict that itself is a dict where keys correspond to indexes that, when used as target index yield dependencies on conservation laws of monomers in the respective values :param cl_prototypes: dict in which possible indices will be written """ # for monomer_i, prototype_i in cl_prototypes.items(): if 'dependency_idx' not in prototype_i: prototype_i['dependency_idx'] = dict() for monomer_j, prototype_j in cl_prototypes.items(): if monomer_i == monomer_j: continue if 'dependency_idx' not in prototype_j: prototype_j['dependency_idx'] = dict() idx_overlap = set(prototype_i['possible_indices']).intersection( set(prototype_j['possible_indices']) ) if len(idx_overlap) == 0: continue for idx in idx_overlap: if idx not in prototype_i['dependency_idx']: prototype_i['dependency_idx'][idx] = set() if idx not in prototype_j['dependency_idx']: prototype_j['dependency_idx'][idx] = set() prototype_i['dependency_idx'][idx] |= {monomer_j} prototype_j['dependency_idx'][idx] |= {monomer_i} def _compute_target_index(cl_prototypes: CL_Prototype, ode_model: ODEModel) -> None: """ Computes the target index for every monomer :param cl_prototypes: dict that contains possible indices for every monomer :param ode_model: ODEModel instance """ possible_indices = list(set(list(itertools.chain(*[ cl_prototypes[monomer]['possible_indices'] for monomer in cl_prototypes ])))) # Note: currently this function is supposed to also count appearances in # expressions. However, expressions are currently still empty as they # are also populated from conservation laws. In case there are many # state heavy expressions in the model (should not be the case for mass # action kinetics). This may lead to suboptimal results and could improved. # As this would require substantial code shuffling, this will only be # fixed if this becomes an actual problem appearance_counts = ode_model.get_appearance_counts(possible_indices) # in this initial guess we ignore the cost of having cyclic dependencies # between conservation laws for monomer in cl_prototypes: prototype = cl_prototypes[monomer] # extract monomer specific appearance counts prototype['appearance_counts'] = \ [ appearance_counts[possible_indices.index(idx)] for idx in prototype['possible_indices'] ] # select target index as possible index with minimal appearance count if len(prototype['appearance_counts']) == 0: raise RuntimeError(f'Failed to compute conservation law for ' f'monomer {monomer}') idx = np.argmin(prototype['appearance_counts']) # remove entries from possible indices and appearance counts so we # do not consider them again in later iterations prototype['target_index'] = prototype['possible_indices'].pop(idx) prototype['appearance_count'] = prototype['appearance_counts'].pop(idx) # this is only an approximation as the effective species count # of other conservation laws may also be affected by the chosen # target index. As long as the number of unique monomers in # multimers has a low upper bound and the species count does not # vary too much across conservation laws, this approximation # should be fine prototype['fillin'] = \ prototype['appearance_count'] * prototype['species_count'] # we might end up with the same index for multiple monomers, so loop until # we have a set of unique target indices while not _cl_prototypes_are_valid(cl_prototypes): _greedy_target_index_update(cl_prototypes) def _cl_prototypes_are_valid(cl_prototypes: CL_Prototype) -> bool: """ Checks consistency of cl_prototypes by asserting that target indices are unique and there are no cyclic dependencies :param cl_prototypes: dict that contains dependency and target indexes for every monomer """ # target indices are unique if len(cl_prototypes) != len(set(_get_target_indices(cl_prototypes))): return False # conservation law dependencies are cycle free if any( _cl_has_cycle(monomer, cl_prototypes) for monomer in cl_prototypes ): return False return True def _cl_has_cycle(monomer: str, cl_prototypes: CL_Prototype) -> bool: """ Checks whether monomer has a conservation law that is part of a cyclic dependency :param monomer: name of monomer for which conservation law is to be checked :param cl_prototypes: dict that contains dependency and target indexes for every monomer :return: boolean indicating whether the conservation law is cyclic """ prototype = cl_prototypes[monomer] if prototype['target_index'] not in prototype['dependency_idx']: return False visited = [monomer] root = monomer return any( _is_in_cycle( connecting_monomer, cl_prototypes, visited, root ) for connecting_monomer in prototype['dependency_idx'][ prototype['target_index'] ] ) def _is_in_cycle(monomer: str, cl_prototypes: CL_Prototype, visited: List[str], root: str) -> bool: """ Recursively checks for cycles in conservation law dependencies via Depth First Search :param monomer: current location in cl dependency graph :param cl_prototypes: dict that contains dependency and target indexes for every monomer :param visited: history of visited monomers with conservation laws :param root: monomer at which the cycle search was started :return: boolean indicating whether the specified monomer is part of a cyclic conservation law """ if monomer == root: return True # we found a cycle and root is part of it if monomer in visited: return False # we found a cycle but root is not part of it visited.append(monomer) prototype = cl_prototypes[monomer] if prototype['target_index'] not in prototype['dependency_idx']: return False return any( _is_in_cycle( connecting_monomer, cl_prototypes, visited, root ) for connecting_monomer in prototype['dependency_idx'][ prototype['target_index'] ] ) def _greedy_target_index_update(cl_prototypes: CL_Prototype) -> None: """ Computes unique target indices for conservation laws from possible indices such that expected fill in in symbolic derivatives is minimized :param cl_prototypes: dict that contains possible indices and non-unique target indices for every monomer """ target_indices = _get_target_indices(cl_prototypes) for monomer, prototype in cl_prototypes.items(): if target_indices.count(prototype['target_index']) > 1 or \ _cl_has_cycle(monomer, cl_prototypes): # compute how much fillin the next best target_index would yield # we exclude already existing target indices to avoid that # updating the target index removes uniqueness from already unique # target indices, this may slightly reduce chances of finding a # solution but prevents infinite loops for target_index in list(set(target_indices)): try: local_idx = prototype['possible_indices'].index( target_index ) except ValueError: local_idx = None if local_idx: del prototype['possible_indices'][local_idx] del prototype['appearance_counts'][local_idx] if len(prototype['possible_indices']) == 0: prototype['diff_fillin'] = -1 continue idx = np.argmin(prototype['appearance_counts']) prototype['local_index'] = idx prototype['alternate_target_index'] = \ prototype['possible_indices'][idx] prototype['alternate_appearance_count'] = \ prototype['appearance_counts'][idx] prototype['alternate_fillin'] = \ prototype['alternate_appearance_count'] \ * prototype['species_count'] prototype['diff_fillin'] = \ prototype['alternate_fillin'] - prototype['fillin'] else: prototype['diff_fillin'] = -1 if all( prototype['diff_fillin'] == -1 for prototype in cl_prototypes.values() ): raise RuntimeError('Could not compute a valid set of conservation ' 'laws for this model!') # this puts prototypes with high diff_fillin last cl_prototypes = sorted( cl_prototypes.items(), key=lambda kv: kv[1]['diff_fillin'] ) cl_prototypes = { proto[0]: proto[1] for proto in cl_prototypes } for monomer in cl_prototypes: prototype = cl_prototypes[monomer] # we check that we # A) have an alternative index computed, i.e. that # that monomer originally had a non-unique target_index # B) that the target_index still is not unique or part of a cyclic # dependency. due to the sorting, this will always be the monomer # with the highest diff_fillin (note that the target index counts # are recomputed on the fly) if prototype['diff_fillin'] > -1 \ and ( _get_target_indices(cl_prototypes).count( prototype['target_index'] ) > 1 or _cl_has_cycle(monomer, cl_prototypes) ): prototype['fillin'] = prototype['alternate_fillin'] prototype['target_index'] = prototype['alternate_target_index'] prototype['appearance_count'] = \ prototype['alternate_appearance_count'] del prototype['possible_indices'][prototype['local_index']] del prototype['appearance_counts'][prototype['local_index']] def _get_target_indices( cl_prototypes: CL_Prototype) -> List[List[int]]: """ Computes the list target indices for the current conservation law prototype :param cl_prototypes: dict that contains target indices for every monomer :return: List of lists of target indices """ return [ prototype['target_index'] for prototype in cl_prototypes.values() ] def _construct_conservation_from_prototypes( cl_prototypes: CL_Prototype, pysb_model: pysb.Model ) -> List[ConservationLaw]: """ Computes the algebraic expression for the total amount of a given monomer :param cl_prototypes: see return of :func:`_generate_cl_prototypes` :param pysb_model: pysb model :return: list of dicts describing conservation laws """ conservation_laws = [] for monomer_name in cl_prototypes: target_index = cl_prototypes[monomer_name]['target_index'] # T = sum_i(a_i * x_i) # x_j = (T - sum_i≠j(a_i * x_i))/a_j # law: sum_i≠j(a_i * x_i))/a_j # state: x_j target_expression = sum( sp.Symbol(f'__s{ix}') * extract_monomers(specie).count(monomer_name) for ix, specie in enumerate(pysb_model.species) if ix != target_index ) / extract_monomers(pysb_model.species[ target_index ]).count(monomer_name) # normalize by the stoichiometry of the target species target_state = sp.Symbol(f'__s{target_index}') # = x_j total_abundance = sp.Symbol(f'tcl__s{target_index}') # = T/a_j state_expr = total_abundance - target_expression # x_j = T/a_j - sum_i≠j(a_i * x_i)/a_j abundance_expr = target_expression + target_state # T/a_j = sum_i≠j(a_i * x_i)/a_j + x_j conservation_laws.append({ 'state': target_state, 'total_abundance': total_abundance, 'state_expr': state_expr, 'abundance_expr': abundance_expr, }) return conservation_laws def _add_conservation_for_constant_species( ode_model: ODEModel, conservation_laws: List[ConservationLaw] ) -> None: """ Computes the algebraic expression for the total amount of a given monomer :param ode_model: ODEModel instance to which the conservation laws will be added :param conservation_laws: see return of :func:`_construct_conservation_from_prototypes` """ for ix in range(ode_model.num_states_rdata()): if ode_model.state_is_constant(ix): target_state = sp.Symbol(f'__s{ix}') total_abundance = sp.Symbol(f'tcl__s{ix}') conservation_laws.append({ 'state': target_state, 'total_abundance': total_abundance, 'state_expr': total_abundance, 'abundance_expr': target_state, }) def _flatten_conservation_laws( conservation_laws: List[ConservationLaw]) -> None: """ Flatten the conservation laws such that the state_expr not longer depend on any states that are replaced by conservation laws :param conservation_laws: see return of :func:`_construct_conservation_from_prototypes` """ conservation_law_subs = \ _get_conservation_law_subs(conservation_laws) while len(conservation_law_subs): for cl in conservation_laws: if _sub_matches_cl( conservation_law_subs, cl['state_expr'], cl['state'] ): # this optimization is done by subs anyways, but we dont # want to recompute the subs if we did not change anything valid_subs = _select_valid_cls( conservation_law_subs, cl['state'] ) if len(valid_subs) > 0: cl['state_expr'] = cl['state_expr'].subs(valid_subs) conservation_law_subs = \ _get_conservation_law_subs(conservation_laws) def _select_valid_cls(subs: Iterable[Tuple[sp.Symbol, sp.Basic]], state: sp.Symbol) -> List[Tuple[sp.Symbol, sp.Basic]]: """ Subselect substitutions such that we do not end up with conservation laws that are self-referential :param subs: substitutions in tuple format :param state: target symbolic state to which substitutions will be applied :return: list of valid substitutions """ return [ sub for sub in subs if str(state) not in [str(symbol) for symbol in sub[1].free_symbols] ] def _sub_matches_cl(subs: Iterable[Tuple[sp.Symbol, sp.Basic]], state_expr: sp.Basic, state: sp.Basic) -> bool: """ Checks whether any of the substitutions in subs will be applied to state_expr :param subs: substitutions in tuple format :param state_expr: target symbolic expressions in which substitutions will be applied :param state: target symbolic state to which substitutions will be applied :return: boolean indicating positive match """ sub_symbols = set( sub[0] for sub in subs if str(state) not in [ str(symbol) for symbol in sub[1].free_symbols ] ) return len(sub_symbols.intersection(state_expr.free_symbols)) > 0 def _get_conservation_law_subs( conservation_laws: List[ConservationLaw] ) -> List[Tuple[sp.Symbol, sp.Basic]]: """ Computes a list of (state, law) tuples for conservation laws that still appear in other conservation laws :param conservation_laws: see return of :func:`_flatten_conservation_laws` :return: list of tuples containing substitution rules to be used with sympy subs """ free_symbols_cl = _conservation_law_variables(conservation_laws) return [ (cl['state'], cl['state_expr']) for cl in conservation_laws if cl['state'] in free_symbols_cl ] def _conservation_law_variables( conservation_laws: List[ConservationLaw]) -> Set[sp.Symbol]: """ Construct the set of all free variables from a list of conservation laws :param conservation_laws: list of conservation laws :return: free variables in conservation laws """ variables = set() for cl in conservation_laws: variables |= cl['state_expr'].free_symbols return variables
[docs]def has_fixed_parameter_ic(specie: pysb.core.ComplexPattern, pysb_model: pysb.Model, ode_model: ODEModel) -> bool: """ Wrapper to interface :meth:`ode_export.ODEModel.state_has_fixed_parameter_initial_condition` from a pysb specie/model arguments :param specie: pysb species :param pysb_model: pysb model :param ode_model: ODE model :return: ``False`` if the species does not have an initial condition at all. Otherwise the return value of :meth:`ode_export.ODEModel.state_has_fixed_parameter_initial_condition` """ # ComplexPatterns are not hashable, so we have to compare by string ic_index = next( ( ic for ic, condition in enumerate(pysb_model.initials) if pysb.pattern.match_complex_pattern(condition[0], specie, exact=True) ), None ) if ic_index is None: return False else: return ode_model.state_has_fixed_parameter_initial_condition( ic_index )
[docs]def extract_monomers( complex_patterns: Union[pysb.ComplexPattern, List[pysb.ComplexPattern]] ) -> List[str]: """ Constructs a list of monomer names contained in complex patterns. Multiplicity of names corresponds to the stoichiometry in the complex. :param complex_patterns: (list of) complex pattern(s) :return: list of monomer names """ if not isinstance(complex_patterns, list): complex_patterns = [complex_patterns] return [ for cp in complex_patterns if cp is not None for mp in cp.monomer_patterns ]
def _get_unconserved_monomers(rule: pysb.Rule, pysb_model: pysb.Model) -> Set[str]: """ Constructs the set of monomer names for which the specified rule changes the stoichiometry of the monomer in the specified model. :param rule: the pysb rule :param pysb_model: pysb model :return: set of monomer names for which the stoichiometry is not conserved """ unconserved_monomers = set() if not rule.delete_molecules \ and len(rule.product_pattern.complex_patterns) == 0: # if delete_molecules is not True but we have a degradation rule, # we have to actually go through the reactions that are created by # the rule for reaction in [r for r in pysb_model.reactions if in r['rule']]: unconserved_monomers |= _get_changed_stoichiometries( [pysb_model.species[ix] for ix in reaction['reactants']], [pysb_model.species[ix] for ix in reaction['products']] ) else: # otherwise we can simply extract all information for the rule # itself, which is computationally much more efficient unconserved_monomers |= _get_changed_stoichiometries( rule.reactant_pattern.complex_patterns, rule.product_pattern.complex_patterns ) return unconserved_monomers def _get_changed_stoichiometries( reactants: Union[pysb.ComplexPattern, List[pysb.ComplexPattern]], products: Union[pysb.ComplexPattern, List[pysb.ComplexPattern]] ) -> Set[str]: """ Constructs the set of monomer names which have different stoichiometries in reactants and products. :param reactants: (list of) complex pattern(s) :param products: (list of) complex pattern(s) :returns: set of monomer name for which the stoichiometry changed """ changed_stoichiometries = set() reactant_monomers = extract_monomers( reactants ) product_monomers = extract_monomers( products ) for monomer in set(reactant_monomers + product_monomers): if reactant_monomers.count(monomer) != product_monomers.count(monomer): changed_stoichiometries.add(monomer) return changed_stoichiometries
[docs]def pysb_model_from_path(pysb_model_file: str) -> pysb.Model: """Load a pysb model module and return the :class:`pysb.Model` instance :param pysb_model_file: Full or relative path to the PySB model module :return: The pysb Model instance """ pysb_model_module_name = \ os.path.splitext(os.path.split(pysb_model_file)[-1])[0] import importlib.util spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location( pysb_model_module_name, pysb_model_file) module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) sys.modules[pysb_model_module_name] = module spec.loader.exec_module(module) return module.model