Source code for amici.amici


Core C++ bindings

This module encompasses the complete public C++ API of AMICI, which was
exposed via swig. All functions listed here are directly accessible in the
main amici package, i.e., :py:class:`amici.amici.ExpData` is available as
Usage of functions and classes from the base ``amici`` package is
generally recommended as they often include convenience wrappers that avoid
common pitfalls when accessing C++ types from python and implement some
nonstandard type conversions.

from __future__ import annotations
import sys
import os
if sys.platform == 'win32' and (dll_dirs := os.environ.get('AMICI_DLL_DIRS')):
    for dll_dir in dll_dirs.split(os.pathsep):
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Iterable, Union
from import Sequence
import numpy as np
    import numpy
from sys import version_info as _swig_python_version_info
if _swig_python_version_info < (2, 7, 0):
    raise RuntimeError('Python 2.7 or later required')
if __package__ or '.' in __name__:
    from . import _amici
    import _amici
    import builtins as __builtin__
except ImportError:
    import __builtin__

def _swig_repr(self):
        strthis = 'proxy of ' + self.this.__repr__()
    except __builtin__.Exception:
        strthis = ''
    return '<%s.%s; %s >' % (self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__, strthis)

def _swig_setattr_nondynamic_instance_variable(set):

    def set_instance_attr(self, name, value):
        if name == 'thisown':
        elif name == 'this':
            set(self, name, value)
        elif hasattr(self, name) and isinstance(getattr(type(self), name), property):
            set(self, name, value)
            raise AttributeError('You cannot add instance attributes to %s' % self)
    return set_instance_attr

def _swig_setattr_nondynamic_class_variable(set):

    def set_class_attr(cls, name, value):
        if hasattr(cls, name) and (not isinstance(getattr(cls, name), property)):
            set(cls, name, value)
            raise AttributeError('You cannot add class attributes to %s' % cls)
    return set_class_attr

def _swig_add_metaclass(metaclass):
    """Class decorator for adding a metaclass to a SWIG wrapped class - a slimmed down version of six.add_metaclass"""

    def wrapper(cls):
        return metaclass(cls.__name__, cls.__bases__, cls.__dict__.copy())
    return wrapper

class _SwigNonDynamicMeta(type):
    """Meta class to enforce nondynamic attributes (no new attributes) for a class"""
    __setattr__ = _swig_setattr_nondynamic_class_variable(type.__setattr__)

class SwigPyIterator(object):
    thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc='The membership flag')

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        raise AttributeError('No constructor defined - class is abstract')
    __repr__ = _swig_repr
    __swig_destroy__ = _amici.delete_SwigPyIterator

    def value(self) -> 'PyObject *':
        return _amici.SwigPyIterator_value(self)

    def incr(self, n: int=1) -> 'swig::SwigPyIterator *':
        return _amici.SwigPyIterator_incr(self, n)

    def decr(self, n: int=1) -> 'swig::SwigPyIterator *':
        return _amici.SwigPyIterator_decr(self, n)

    def distance(self, x: 'SwigPyIterator') -> int:
        return _amici.SwigPyIterator_distance(self, x)

    def equal(self, x: 'SwigPyIterator') -> bool:
        return _amici.SwigPyIterator_equal(self, x)

    def copy(self) -> 'swig::SwigPyIterator *':
        return _amici.SwigPyIterator_copy(self)

    def next(self) -> 'PyObject *':
        return _amici.SwigPyIterator_next(self)

    def __next__(self) -> 'PyObject *':
        return _amici.SwigPyIterator___next__(self)

    def previous(self) -> 'PyObject *':
        return _amici.SwigPyIterator_previous(self)

    def advance(self, n: int) -> 'swig::SwigPyIterator *':
        return _amici.SwigPyIterator_advance(self, n)

    def __eq__(self, x: 'SwigPyIterator') -> bool:
        return _amici.SwigPyIterator___eq__(self, x)

    def __ne__(self, x: 'SwigPyIterator') -> bool:
        return _amici.SwigPyIterator___ne__(self, x)

    def __iadd__(self, n: int) -> 'swig::SwigPyIterator &':
        return _amici.SwigPyIterator___iadd__(self, n)

    def __isub__(self, n: int) -> 'swig::SwigPyIterator &':
        return _amici.SwigPyIterator___isub__(self, n)

    def __add__(self, n: int) -> 'swig::SwigPyIterator *':
        return _amici.SwigPyIterator___add__(self, n)

    def __sub__(self, *args) -> int:
        return _amici.SwigPyIterator___sub__(self, *args)

    def __iter__(self):
        return self

[docs] class DoubleVector(object): thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc='The membership flag') __repr__ = _swig_repr def iterator(self) -> 'swig::SwigPyIterator *': return _amici.DoubleVector_iterator(self) def __iter__(self): return self.iterator() def __nonzero__(self) -> bool: return _amici.DoubleVector___nonzero__(self) def __bool__(self) -> bool: return _amici.DoubleVector___bool__(self) def __len__(self) -> int: return _amici.DoubleVector___len__(self) def __getslice__(self, i: int, j: int) -> 'std::vector< double,std::allocator< double > > *': return _amici.DoubleVector___getslice__(self, i, j) def __setslice__(self, *args): return _amici.DoubleVector___setslice__(self, *args) def __delslice__(self, i: int, j: int): return _amici.DoubleVector___delslice__(self, i, j) def __delitem__(self, *args): return _amici.DoubleVector___delitem__(self, *args) def __getitem__(self, *args) -> float: return _amici.DoubleVector___getitem__(self, *args) def __setitem__(self, *args): return _amici.DoubleVector___setitem__(self, *args) def pop(self) -> float: return _amici.DoubleVector_pop(self) def append(self, x: float): return _amici.DoubleVector_append(self, x) def empty(self) -> bool: return _amici.DoubleVector_empty(self) def size(self) -> int: return _amici.DoubleVector_size(self) def swap(self, v: Sequence[float]): return _amici.DoubleVector_swap(self, v) def begin(self) -> 'std::vector< double >::iterator': return _amici.DoubleVector_begin(self) def end(self) -> 'std::vector< double >::iterator': return _amici.DoubleVector_end(self) def rbegin(self) -> 'std::vector< double >::reverse_iterator': return _amici.DoubleVector_rbegin(self) def rend(self) -> 'std::vector< double >::reverse_iterator': return _amici.DoubleVector_rend(self) def clear(self): return _amici.DoubleVector_clear(self) def get_allocator(self) -> 'std::vector< double >::allocator_type': return _amici.DoubleVector_get_allocator(self) def pop_back(self): return _amici.DoubleVector_pop_back(self) def erase(self, *args) -> 'std::vector< double >::iterator': return _amici.DoubleVector_erase(self, *args) def __init__(self, *args): _amici.DoubleVector_swiginit(self, _amici.new_DoubleVector(*args)) def push_back(self, x: float): return _amici.DoubleVector_push_back(self, x) def front(self) -> float: return _amici.DoubleVector_front(self) def back(self) -> float: return _amici.DoubleVector_back(self) def assign(self, n: int, x: float): return _amici.DoubleVector_assign(self, n, x) def resize(self, *args): return _amici.DoubleVector_resize(self, *args) def insert(self, *args): return _amici.DoubleVector_insert(self, *args) def reserve(self, n: int): return _amici.DoubleVector_reserve(self, n) def capacity(self) -> int: return _amici.DoubleVector_capacity(self) def __repr__(self): return self.this.__repr__()[:-1] + '; ' + repr(np.asarray(self, dtype=np.float64)) + ' >' __swig_destroy__ = _amici.delete_DoubleVector
[docs] class IntVector(object): thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc='The membership flag') __repr__ = _swig_repr def iterator(self) -> 'swig::SwigPyIterator *': return _amici.IntVector_iterator(self) def __iter__(self): return self.iterator() def __nonzero__(self) -> bool: return _amici.IntVector___nonzero__(self) def __bool__(self) -> bool: return _amici.IntVector___bool__(self) def __len__(self) -> int: return _amici.IntVector___len__(self) def __getslice__(self, i: int, j: int) -> 'std::vector< int,std::allocator< int > > *': return _amici.IntVector___getslice__(self, i, j) def __setslice__(self, *args): return _amici.IntVector___setslice__(self, *args) def __delslice__(self, i: int, j: int): return _amici.IntVector___delslice__(self, i, j) def __delitem__(self, *args): return _amici.IntVector___delitem__(self, *args) def __getitem__(self, *args) -> int: return _amici.IntVector___getitem__(self, *args) def __setitem__(self, *args): return _amici.IntVector___setitem__(self, *args) def pop(self) -> int: return _amici.IntVector_pop(self) def append(self, x: int): return _amici.IntVector_append(self, x) def empty(self) -> bool: return _amici.IntVector_empty(self) def size(self) -> int: return _amici.IntVector_size(self) def swap(self, v: Sequence[int]): return _amici.IntVector_swap(self, v) def begin(self) -> 'std::vector< int >::iterator': return _amici.IntVector_begin(self) def end(self) -> 'std::vector< int >::iterator': return _amici.IntVector_end(self) def rbegin(self) -> 'std::vector< int >::reverse_iterator': return _amici.IntVector_rbegin(self) def rend(self) -> 'std::vector< int >::reverse_iterator': return _amici.IntVector_rend(self) def clear(self): return _amici.IntVector_clear(self) def get_allocator(self) -> 'std::vector< int >::allocator_type': return _amici.IntVector_get_allocator(self) def pop_back(self): return _amici.IntVector_pop_back(self) def erase(self, *args) -> 'std::vector< int >::iterator': return _amici.IntVector_erase(self, *args) def __init__(self, *args): _amici.IntVector_swiginit(self, _amici.new_IntVector(*args)) def push_back(self, x: int): return _amici.IntVector_push_back(self, x) def front(self) -> int: return _amici.IntVector_front(self) def back(self) -> int: return _amici.IntVector_back(self) def assign(self, n: int, x: int): return _amici.IntVector_assign(self, n, x) def resize(self, *args): return _amici.IntVector_resize(self, *args) def insert(self, *args): return _amici.IntVector_insert(self, *args) def reserve(self, n: int): return _amici.IntVector_reserve(self, n) def capacity(self) -> int: return _amici.IntVector_capacity(self) def __repr__(self): return self.this.__repr__()[:-1] + '; ' + repr(np.asarray(self, dtype=np.int64)) + ' >' __swig_destroy__ = _amici.delete_IntVector
[docs] class BoolVector(object): thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc='The membership flag') __repr__ = _swig_repr def iterator(self) -> 'swig::SwigPyIterator *': return _amici.BoolVector_iterator(self) def __iter__(self): return self.iterator() def __nonzero__(self) -> bool: return _amici.BoolVector___nonzero__(self) def __bool__(self) -> bool: return _amici.BoolVector___bool__(self) def __len__(self) -> int: return _amici.BoolVector___len__(self) def __getslice__(self, i: int, j: int) -> 'std::vector< bool,std::allocator< bool > > *': return _amici.BoolVector___getslice__(self, i, j) def __setslice__(self, *args): return _amici.BoolVector___setslice__(self, *args) def __delslice__(self, i: int, j: int): return _amici.BoolVector___delslice__(self, i, j) def __delitem__(self, *args): return _amici.BoolVector___delitem__(self, *args) def __getitem__(self, *args) -> bool: return _amici.BoolVector___getitem__(self, *args) def __setitem__(self, *args): return _amici.BoolVector___setitem__(self, *args) def pop(self) -> bool: return _amici.BoolVector_pop(self) def append(self, x: bool): return _amici.BoolVector_append(self, x) def empty(self) -> bool: return _amici.BoolVector_empty(self) def size(self) -> int: return _amici.BoolVector_size(self) def swap(self, v: Sequence[bool]): return _amici.BoolVector_swap(self, v) def begin(self) -> 'std::vector< bool >::iterator': return _amici.BoolVector_begin(self) def end(self) -> 'std::vector< bool >::iterator': return _amici.BoolVector_end(self) def rbegin(self) -> 'std::vector< bool >::reverse_iterator': return _amici.BoolVector_rbegin(self) def rend(self) -> 'std::vector< bool >::reverse_iterator': return _amici.BoolVector_rend(self) def clear(self): return _amici.BoolVector_clear(self) def get_allocator(self) -> 'std::vector< bool >::allocator_type': return _amici.BoolVector_get_allocator(self) def pop_back(self): return _amici.BoolVector_pop_back(self) def erase(self, *args) -> 'std::vector< bool >::iterator': return _amici.BoolVector_erase(self, *args) def __init__(self, *args): _amici.BoolVector_swiginit(self, _amici.new_BoolVector(*args)) def push_back(self, x: bool): return _amici.BoolVector_push_back(self, x) def front(self) -> bool: return _amici.BoolVector_front(self) def back(self) -> bool: return _amici.BoolVector_back(self) def assign(self, n: int, x: bool): return _amici.BoolVector_assign(self, n, x) def resize(self, *args): return _amici.BoolVector_resize(self, *args) def insert(self, *args): return _amici.BoolVector_insert(self, *args) def reserve(self, n: int): return _amici.BoolVector_reserve(self, n) def capacity(self) -> int: return _amici.BoolVector_capacity(self) def __repr__(self): return self.this.__repr__()[:-1] + '; ' + repr(np.asarray(self, dtype=np.bool_)) + ' >' __swig_destroy__ = _amici.delete_BoolVector
[docs] class StringVector(object): thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc='The membership flag') __repr__ = _swig_repr def iterator(self) -> 'swig::SwigPyIterator *': return _amici.StringVector_iterator(self) def __iter__(self): return self.iterator() def __nonzero__(self) -> bool: return _amici.StringVector___nonzero__(self) def __bool__(self) -> bool: return _amici.StringVector___bool__(self) def __len__(self) -> int: return _amici.StringVector___len__(self) def __getslice__(self, i: int, j: int) -> 'std::vector< std::string,std::allocator< std::string > > *': return _amici.StringVector___getslice__(self, i, j) def __setslice__(self, *args): return _amici.StringVector___setslice__(self, *args) def __delslice__(self, i: int, j: int): return _amici.StringVector___delslice__(self, i, j) def __delitem__(self, *args): return _amici.StringVector___delitem__(self, *args) def __getitem__(self, *args) -> str: return _amici.StringVector___getitem__(self, *args) def __setitem__(self, *args): return _amici.StringVector___setitem__(self, *args) def pop(self) -> str: return _amici.StringVector_pop(self) def append(self, x: str): return _amici.StringVector_append(self, x) def empty(self) -> bool: return _amici.StringVector_empty(self) def size(self) -> int: return _amici.StringVector_size(self) def swap(self, v: Sequence[str]): return _amici.StringVector_swap(self, v) def begin(self) -> 'std::vector< std::string >::iterator': return _amici.StringVector_begin(self) def end(self) -> 'std::vector< std::string >::iterator': return _amici.StringVector_end(self) def rbegin(self) -> 'std::vector< std::string >::reverse_iterator': return _amici.StringVector_rbegin(self) def rend(self) -> 'std::vector< std::string >::reverse_iterator': return _amici.StringVector_rend(self) def clear(self): return _amici.StringVector_clear(self) def get_allocator(self) -> 'std::vector< std::string >::allocator_type': return _amici.StringVector_get_allocator(self) def pop_back(self): return _amici.StringVector_pop_back(self) def erase(self, *args) -> 'std::vector< std::string >::iterator': return _amici.StringVector_erase(self, *args) def __init__(self, *args): _amici.StringVector_swiginit(self, _amici.new_StringVector(*args)) def push_back(self, x: str): return _amici.StringVector_push_back(self, x) def front(self) -> str: return _amici.StringVector_front(self) def back(self) -> str: return _amici.StringVector_back(self) def assign(self, n: int, x: str): return _amici.StringVector_assign(self, n, x) def resize(self, *args): return _amici.StringVector_resize(self, *args) def insert(self, *args): return _amici.StringVector_insert(self, *args) def reserve(self, n: int): return _amici.StringVector_reserve(self, n) def capacity(self) -> int: return _amici.StringVector_capacity(self) __swig_destroy__ = _amici.delete_StringVector
[docs] class StringDoubleMap(object): """ Swig-Generated class templating :class:`Dict` [:class:`str`, :class:`float`] to facilitate interfacing with C++ bindings. """ thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc='The membership flag') __repr__ = _swig_repr def iterator(self) -> 'swig::SwigPyIterator *': return _amici.StringDoubleMap_iterator(self) def __iter__(self): return self.iterator() def __nonzero__(self) -> bool: return _amici.StringDoubleMap___nonzero__(self) def __bool__(self) -> bool: return _amici.StringDoubleMap___bool__(self) def __len__(self) -> 'std::map< std::string,double >::size_type': return _amici.StringDoubleMap___len__(self) def __iter__(self): return self.key_iterator() def iterkeys(self): return self.key_iterator() def itervalues(self): return self.value_iterator() def iteritems(self): return self.iterator() def __getitem__(self, key: 'std::map< std::string,double >::key_type const &') -> 'std::map< std::string,double >::mapped_type const &': return _amici.StringDoubleMap___getitem__(self, key) def __delitem__(self, key: 'std::map< std::string,double >::key_type const &'): return _amici.StringDoubleMap___delitem__(self, key) def has_key(self, key: 'std::map< std::string,double >::key_type const &') -> bool: return _amici.StringDoubleMap_has_key(self, key) def keys(self) -> 'PyObject *': return _amici.StringDoubleMap_keys(self) def values(self) -> 'PyObject *': return _amici.StringDoubleMap_values(self) def items(self) -> 'PyObject *': return _amici.StringDoubleMap_items(self) def __contains__(self, key: 'std::map< std::string,double >::key_type const &') -> bool: return _amici.StringDoubleMap___contains__(self, key) def key_iterator(self) -> 'swig::SwigPyIterator *': return _amici.StringDoubleMap_key_iterator(self) def value_iterator(self) -> 'swig::SwigPyIterator *': return _amici.StringDoubleMap_value_iterator(self) def __setitem__(self, *args): return _amici.StringDoubleMap___setitem__(self, *args) def asdict(self) -> 'PyObject *': return _amici.StringDoubleMap_asdict(self) def __init__(self, *args): _amici.StringDoubleMap_swiginit(self, _amici.new_StringDoubleMap(*args)) def empty(self) -> bool: return _amici.StringDoubleMap_empty(self) def size(self) -> 'std::map< std::string,double >::size_type': return _amici.StringDoubleMap_size(self) def swap(self, v: 'StringDoubleMap'): return _amici.StringDoubleMap_swap(self, v) def begin(self) -> 'std::map< std::string,double >::iterator': return _amici.StringDoubleMap_begin(self) def end(self) -> 'std::map< std::string,double >::iterator': return _amici.StringDoubleMap_end(self) def rbegin(self) -> 'std::map< std::string,double >::reverse_iterator': return _amici.StringDoubleMap_rbegin(self) def rend(self) -> 'std::map< std::string,double >::reverse_iterator': return _amici.StringDoubleMap_rend(self) def clear(self): return _amici.StringDoubleMap_clear(self) def get_allocator(self) -> 'std::map< std::string,double >::allocator_type': return _amici.StringDoubleMap_get_allocator(self) def count(self, x: 'std::map< std::string,double >::key_type const &') -> 'std::map< std::string,double >::size_type': return _amici.StringDoubleMap_count(self, x) def erase(self, *args): return _amici.StringDoubleMap_erase(self, *args) def find(self, x: 'std::map< std::string,double >::key_type const &') -> 'std::map< std::string,double >::iterator': return _amici.StringDoubleMap_find(self, x) def lower_bound(self, x: 'std::map< std::string,double >::key_type const &') -> 'std::map< std::string,double >::iterator': return _amici.StringDoubleMap_lower_bound(self, x) def upper_bound(self, x: 'std::map< std::string,double >::key_type const &') -> 'std::map< std::string,double >::iterator': return _amici.StringDoubleMap_upper_bound(self, x) def __repr__(self): return self.this.__repr__()[:-1] + '; ' + repr(dict(self)) + ' >' __swig_destroy__ = _amici.delete_StringDoubleMap
_amici.StringDoubleMap_swigregister(StringDoubleMap) def stdVec2ndarray(*args) -> 'PyObject *': """ *Overload 1:* Convert 1D array to *non-owning* numpy ndarray. :type vec: DoubleVector :param vec: :type dim1: int :param dim1: :rtype: PyObject :return: | *Overload 2:* Convert row-major flattened 2D array to *non-owning* numpy ndarray. :type vec: DoubleVector :param vec: :type dim1: int :param dim1: :type dim2: int :param dim2: :rtype: PyObject :return: | *Overload 3:* Convert row-major flattened 3D array to *non-owning* numpy ndarray. :type vec: DoubleVector :param vec: :type dim1: int :param dim1: :type dim2: int :param dim2: :type dim3: int :param dim3: :rtype: PyObject :return: | *Overload 4:* Convert row-major flattened 2D array to *non-owning* numpy ndarray. :type vec: DoubleVector :param vec: :type dim1: int :param dim1: :type dim2: int :param dim2: :type dim3: int :param dim3: :type dim4: int :param dim4: :rtype: PyObject :return: | *Overload 5:* Convert 1D array to *non-owning* numpy ndarray. :type vec: IntVector :param vec: :type dim1: int :param dim1: :rtype: PyObject :return: | *Overload 6:* Convert row-major flattened 2D array to *non-owning* numpy ndarray. :type vec: IntVector :param vec: :type dim1: int :param dim1: :type dim2: int :param dim2: :rtype: PyObject :return: | *Overload 7:* Convert row-major flattened 3D array to *non-owning* numpy ndarray. :type vec: IntVector :param vec: :type dim1: int :param dim1: :type dim2: int :param dim2: :type dim3: int :param dim3: :rtype: PyObject :return: | *Overload 8:* Convert row-major flattened 2D array to *non-owning* numpy ndarray. :type vec: IntVector :param vec: :type dim1: int :param dim1: :type dim2: int :param dim2: :type dim3: int :param dim3: :type dim4: int :param dim4: :rtype: PyObject :return: """ return _amici.stdVec2ndarray(*args)
[docs] class SolverPtr(object): thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc='The membership flag') __repr__ = _swig_repr def __init__(self, *args): _amici.SolverPtr_swiginit(self, _amici.new_SolverPtr(*args)) def __deref__(self) -> 'std::unique_ptr< amici::Solver >::pointer': return _amici.SolverPtr___deref__(self) def release(self) -> 'std::unique_ptr< amici::Solver >::pointer': return _amici.SolverPtr_release(self) def reset(self, *args): return _amici.SolverPtr_reset(self, *args) def swap(self, __u: 'SolverPtr'): return _amici.SolverPtr_swap(self, __u) def get(self) -> 'std::unique_ptr< amici::Solver >::pointer': return _amici.SolverPtr_get(self) def __nonzero__(self): return _amici.SolverPtr___nonzero__(self) __bool__ = __nonzero__ __swig_destroy__ = _amici.delete_SolverPtr def __repr__(self): return _solver_repr(self) def __deepcopy__(self, memo): return self.clone() def clone(self) -> 'Solver': """ Clone this instance :return: The clone """ return _amici.SolverPtr_clone(self) def getSensitivityMethod(self) -> 'SensitivityMethod': """ Return current sensitivity method :return: method enum """ return _amici.SolverPtr_getSensitivityMethod(self) def setSensitivityMethod(self, sensi_meth: 'SensitivityMethod'): """ Set sensitivity method :param sensi_meth: """ return _amici.SolverPtr_setSensitivityMethod(self, sensi_meth) def getSensitivityMethodPreequilibration(self) -> 'SensitivityMethod': """ Return current sensitivity method during preequilibration :return: method enum """ return _amici.SolverPtr_getSensitivityMethodPreequilibration(self) def setSensitivityMethodPreequilibration(self, sensi_meth_preeq: 'SensitivityMethod'): """ Set sensitivity method for preequilibration :param sensi_meth_preeq: """ return _amici.SolverPtr_setSensitivityMethodPreequilibration(self, sensi_meth_preeq) def getNewtonMaxSteps(self) -> int: """ Get maximum number of allowed Newton steps for steady state computation :return: """ return _amici.SolverPtr_getNewtonMaxSteps(self) def setNewtonMaxSteps(self, newton_maxsteps: int): """ Set maximum number of allowed Newton steps for steady state computation :param newton_maxsteps: """ return _amici.SolverPtr_setNewtonMaxSteps(self, newton_maxsteps) def getNewtonDampingFactorMode(self) -> 'NewtonDampingFactorMode': """ Get a state of the damping factor used in the Newton solver :return: """ return _amici.SolverPtr_getNewtonDampingFactorMode(self) def setNewtonDampingFactorMode(self, dampingFactorMode: 'NewtonDampingFactorMode'): """ Turn on/off a damping factor in the Newton method :param dampingFactorMode: """ return _amici.SolverPtr_setNewtonDampingFactorMode(self, dampingFactorMode) def getNewtonDampingFactorLowerBound(self) -> 'float': """ Get a lower bound of the damping factor used in the Newton solver :return: """ return _amici.SolverPtr_getNewtonDampingFactorLowerBound(self) def setNewtonDampingFactorLowerBound(self, dampingFactorLowerBound: 'float'): """ Set a lower bound of the damping factor in the Newton solver :param dampingFactorLowerBound: """ return _amici.SolverPtr_setNewtonDampingFactorLowerBound(self, dampingFactorLowerBound) def getSensitivityOrder(self) -> 'SensitivityOrder': """ Get sensitivity order :return: sensitivity order """ return _amici.SolverPtr_getSensitivityOrder(self) def setSensitivityOrder(self, sensi: 'SensitivityOrder'): """ Set the sensitivity order :param sensi: sensitivity order """ return _amici.SolverPtr_setSensitivityOrder(self, sensi) def getRelativeTolerance(self) -> 'float': """ Get the relative tolerances for the forward problem Same tolerance is used for the backward problem if not specified differently via setRelativeToleranceASA. :return: relative tolerances """ return _amici.SolverPtr_getRelativeTolerance(self) def setRelativeTolerance(self, rtol: 'float'): """ Sets the relative tolerances for the forward problem Same tolerance is used for the backward problem if not specified differently via setRelativeToleranceASA. :param rtol: relative tolerance (non-negative number) """ return _amici.SolverPtr_setRelativeTolerance(self, rtol) def getAbsoluteTolerance(self) -> 'float': """ Get the absolute tolerances for the forward problem Same tolerance is used for the backward problem if not specified differently via setAbsoluteToleranceASA. :return: absolute tolerances """ return _amici.SolverPtr_getAbsoluteTolerance(self) def setAbsoluteTolerance(self, atol: 'float'): """ Sets the absolute tolerances for the forward problem Same tolerance is used for the backward problem if not specified differently via setAbsoluteToleranceASA. :param atol: absolute tolerance (non-negative number) """ return _amici.SolverPtr_setAbsoluteTolerance(self, atol) def getRelativeToleranceFSA(self) -> 'float': """ Returns the relative tolerances for the forward sensitivity problem :return: relative tolerances """ return _amici.SolverPtr_getRelativeToleranceFSA(self) def setRelativeToleranceFSA(self, rtol: 'float'): """ Sets the relative tolerances for the forward sensitivity problem :param rtol: relative tolerance (non-negative number) """ return _amici.SolverPtr_setRelativeToleranceFSA(self, rtol) def getAbsoluteToleranceFSA(self) -> 'float': """ Returns the absolute tolerances for the forward sensitivity problem :return: absolute tolerances """ return _amici.SolverPtr_getAbsoluteToleranceFSA(self) def setAbsoluteToleranceFSA(self, atol: 'float'): """ Sets the absolute tolerances for the forward sensitivity problem :param atol: absolute tolerance (non-negative number) """ return _amici.SolverPtr_setAbsoluteToleranceFSA(self, atol) def getRelativeToleranceB(self) -> 'float': """ Returns the relative tolerances for the adjoint sensitivity problem :return: relative tolerances """ return _amici.SolverPtr_getRelativeToleranceB(self) def setRelativeToleranceB(self, rtol: 'float'): """ Sets the relative tolerances for the adjoint sensitivity problem :param rtol: relative tolerance (non-negative number) """ return _amici.SolverPtr_setRelativeToleranceB(self, rtol) def getAbsoluteToleranceB(self) -> 'float': """ Returns the absolute tolerances for the backward problem for adjoint sensitivity analysis :return: absolute tolerances """ return _amici.SolverPtr_getAbsoluteToleranceB(self) def setAbsoluteToleranceB(self, atol: 'float'): """ Sets the absolute tolerances for the backward problem for adjoint sensitivity analysis :param atol: absolute tolerance (non-negative number) """ return _amici.SolverPtr_setAbsoluteToleranceB(self, atol) def getRelativeToleranceQuadratures(self) -> 'float': """ Returns the relative tolerance for the quadrature problem :return: relative tolerance """ return _amici.SolverPtr_getRelativeToleranceQuadratures(self) def setRelativeToleranceQuadratures(self, rtol: 'float'): """ sets the relative tolerance for the quadrature problem :param rtol: relative tolerance (non-negative number) """ return _amici.SolverPtr_setRelativeToleranceQuadratures(self, rtol) def getAbsoluteToleranceQuadratures(self) -> 'float': """ returns the absolute tolerance for the quadrature problem :return: absolute tolerance """ return _amici.SolverPtr_getAbsoluteToleranceQuadratures(self) def setAbsoluteToleranceQuadratures(self, atol: 'float'): """ sets the absolute tolerance for the quadrature problem :param atol: absolute tolerance (non-negative number) """ return _amici.SolverPtr_setAbsoluteToleranceQuadratures(self, atol) def getSteadyStateToleranceFactor(self) -> 'float': """ returns the steady state simulation tolerance factor. Steady state simulation tolerances are the product of the simulation tolerances and this factor, unless manually set with `set(Absolute/Relative)ToleranceSteadyState()`. :return: steady state simulation tolerance factor """ return _amici.SolverPtr_getSteadyStateToleranceFactor(self) def setSteadyStateToleranceFactor(self, factor: 'float'): """ set the steady state simulation tolerance factor. Steady state simulation tolerances are the product of the simulation tolerances and this factor, unless manually set with `set(Absolute/Relative)ToleranceSteadyState()`. :param factor: tolerance factor (non-negative number) """ return _amici.SolverPtr_setSteadyStateToleranceFactor(self, factor) def getRelativeToleranceSteadyState(self) -> 'float': """ returns the relative tolerance for the steady state problem :return: relative tolerance """ return _amici.SolverPtr_getRelativeToleranceSteadyState(self) def setRelativeToleranceSteadyState(self, rtol: 'float'): """ sets the relative tolerance for the steady state problem :param rtol: relative tolerance (non-negative number) """ return _amici.SolverPtr_setRelativeToleranceSteadyState(self, rtol) def getAbsoluteToleranceSteadyState(self) -> 'float': """ returns the absolute tolerance for the steady state problem :return: absolute tolerance """ return _amici.SolverPtr_getAbsoluteToleranceSteadyState(self) def setAbsoluteToleranceSteadyState(self, atol: 'float'): """ sets the absolute tolerance for the steady state problem :param atol: absolute tolerance (non-negative number) """ return _amici.SolverPtr_setAbsoluteToleranceSteadyState(self, atol) def getSteadyStateSensiToleranceFactor(self) -> 'float': """ returns the steady state sensitivity simulation tolerance factor. Steady state sensitivity simulation tolerances are the product of the sensitivity simulation tolerances and this factor, unless manually set with `set(Absolute/Relative)ToleranceSteadyStateSensi()`. :return: steady state simulation tolerance factor """ return _amici.SolverPtr_getSteadyStateSensiToleranceFactor(self) def setSteadyStateSensiToleranceFactor(self, factor: 'float'): """ set the steady state sensitivity simulation tolerance factor. Steady state sensitivity simulation tolerances are the product of the sensitivity simulation tolerances and this factor, unless manually set with `set(Absolute/Relative)ToleranceSteadyStateSensi()`. :param factor: tolerance factor (non-negative number) """ return _amici.SolverPtr_setSteadyStateSensiToleranceFactor(self, factor) def getRelativeToleranceSteadyStateSensi(self) -> 'float': """ returns the relative tolerance for the sensitivities of the steady state problem :return: relative tolerance """ return _amici.SolverPtr_getRelativeToleranceSteadyStateSensi(self) def setRelativeToleranceSteadyStateSensi(self, rtol: 'float'): """ sets the relative tolerance for the sensitivities of the steady state problem :param rtol: relative tolerance (non-negative number) """ return _amici.SolverPtr_setRelativeToleranceSteadyStateSensi(self, rtol) def getAbsoluteToleranceSteadyStateSensi(self) -> 'float': """ returns the absolute tolerance for the sensitivities of the steady state problem :return: absolute tolerance """ return _amici.SolverPtr_getAbsoluteToleranceSteadyStateSensi(self) def setAbsoluteToleranceSteadyStateSensi(self, atol: 'float'): """ sets the absolute tolerance for the sensitivities of the steady state problem :param atol: absolute tolerance (non-negative number) """ return _amici.SolverPtr_setAbsoluteToleranceSteadyStateSensi(self, atol) def getMaxSteps(self) -> int: """ returns the maximum number of solver steps for the forward problem :return: maximum number of solver steps """ return _amici.SolverPtr_getMaxSteps(self) def setMaxSteps(self, maxsteps: int): """ sets the maximum number of solver steps for the forward problem :param maxsteps: maximum number of solver steps (positive number) """ return _amici.SolverPtr_setMaxSteps(self, maxsteps) def getMaxTime(self) -> 'float': """ Returns the maximum time allowed for integration :return: Time in seconds """ return _amici.SolverPtr_getMaxTime(self) def setMaxTime(self, maxtime: 'float'): """ Set the maximum CPU time allowed for integration :param maxtime: Time in seconds. Zero means infinite time. """ return _amici.SolverPtr_setMaxTime(self, maxtime) def getMaxStepsBackwardProblem(self) -> int: """ returns the maximum number of solver steps for the backward problem :return: maximum number of solver steps """ return _amici.SolverPtr_getMaxStepsBackwardProblem(self) def setMaxStepsBackwardProblem(self, maxsteps: int): """ sets the maximum number of solver steps for the backward problem :param maxsteps: maximum number of solver steps (non-negative number) Notes: default behaviour (100 times the value for the forward problem) can be restored by passing maxsteps=0 """ return _amici.SolverPtr_setMaxStepsBackwardProblem(self, maxsteps) def getLinearMultistepMethod(self) -> 'LinearMultistepMethod': """ returns the linear system multistep method :return: linear system multistep method """ return _amici.SolverPtr_getLinearMultistepMethod(self) def setLinearMultistepMethod(self, lmm: 'LinearMultistepMethod'): """ sets the linear system multistep method :param lmm: linear system multistep method """ return _amici.SolverPtr_setLinearMultistepMethod(self, lmm) def getNonlinearSolverIteration(self) -> 'NonlinearSolverIteration': """ returns the nonlinear system solution method :return: """ return _amici.SolverPtr_getNonlinearSolverIteration(self) def setNonlinearSolverIteration(self, iter: 'NonlinearSolverIteration'): """ sets the nonlinear system solution method :param iter: nonlinear system solution method """ return _amici.SolverPtr_setNonlinearSolverIteration(self, iter) def getInterpolationType(self) -> 'InterpolationType': """ getInterpolationType :return: """ return _amici.SolverPtr_getInterpolationType(self) def setInterpolationType(self, interpType: 'InterpolationType'): """ sets the interpolation of the forward solution that is used for the backwards problem :param interpType: interpolation type """ return _amici.SolverPtr_setInterpolationType(self, interpType) def getStateOrdering(self) -> int: """ Gets KLU / SuperLUMT state ordering mode :return: State-ordering as integer according to SUNLinSolKLU::StateOrdering or SUNLinSolSuperLUMT::StateOrdering (which differ). """ return _amici.SolverPtr_getStateOrdering(self) def setStateOrdering(self, ordering: int): """ Sets KLU / SuperLUMT state ordering mode This only applies when linsol is set to LinearSolver::KLU or LinearSolver::SuperLUMT. Mind the difference between SUNLinSolKLU::StateOrdering and SUNLinSolSuperLUMT::StateOrdering. :param ordering: state ordering """ return _amici.SolverPtr_setStateOrdering(self, ordering) def getStabilityLimitFlag(self) -> bool: """ returns stability limit detection mode :return: stldet can be false (deactivated) or true (activated) """ return _amici.SolverPtr_getStabilityLimitFlag(self) def setStabilityLimitFlag(self, stldet: bool): """ set stability limit detection mode :param stldet: can be false (deactivated) or true (activated) """ return _amici.SolverPtr_setStabilityLimitFlag(self, stldet) def getLinearSolver(self) -> 'LinearSolver': """ getLinearSolver :return: """ return _amici.SolverPtr_getLinearSolver(self) def setLinearSolver(self, linsol: 'LinearSolver'): """ setLinearSolver :param linsol: """ return _amici.SolverPtr_setLinearSolver(self, linsol) def getInternalSensitivityMethod(self) -> 'InternalSensitivityMethod': """ returns the internal sensitivity method :return: internal sensitivity method """ return _amici.SolverPtr_getInternalSensitivityMethod(self) def setInternalSensitivityMethod(self, ism: 'InternalSensitivityMethod'): """ sets the internal sensitivity method :param ism: internal sensitivity method """ return _amici.SolverPtr_setInternalSensitivityMethod(self, ism) def getReturnDataReportingMode(self) -> 'RDataReporting': """ returns the ReturnData reporting mode :return: ReturnData reporting mode """ return _amici.SolverPtr_getReturnDataReportingMode(self) def setReturnDataReportingMode(self, rdrm: 'RDataReporting'): """ sets the ReturnData reporting mode :param rdrm: ReturnData reporting mode """ return _amici.SolverPtr_setReturnDataReportingMode(self, rdrm) def nx(self) -> int: """ number of states with which the solver was initialized :return: x.getLength() """ return _amici.SolverPtr_nx(self) def nplist(self) -> int: """ number of parameters with which the solver was initialized :return: sx.getLength() """ return _amici.SolverPtr_nplist(self) def nquad(self) -> int: """ number of quadratures with which the solver was initialized :return: xQB.getLength() """ return _amici.SolverPtr_nquad(self) def computingFSA(self) -> bool: """ check if FSA is being computed :return: flag """ return _amici.SolverPtr_computingFSA(self) def computingASA(self) -> bool: """ check if ASA is being computed :return: flag """ return _amici.SolverPtr_computingASA(self) def getNewtonStepSteadyStateCheck(self) -> bool: """ Returns how convergence checks for steadystate computation are performed. If activated, convergence checks are limited to every 25 steps in the simulation solver to limit performance impact. :return: boolean flag indicating newton step (true) or the right hand side (false) """ return _amici.SolverPtr_getNewtonStepSteadyStateCheck(self) def getSensiSteadyStateCheck(self) -> bool: """ Returns how convergence checks for steadystate computation are performed. :return: boolean flag indicating state and sensitivity equations (true) or only state variables (false). """ return _amici.SolverPtr_getSensiSteadyStateCheck(self) def setNewtonStepSteadyStateCheck(self, flag: bool): """ Sets how convergence checks for steadystate computation are performed. :param flag: boolean flag to pick newton step (true) or the right hand side (false, default) """ return _amici.SolverPtr_setNewtonStepSteadyStateCheck(self, flag) def setSensiSteadyStateCheck(self, flag: bool): """ Sets for which variables convergence checks for steadystate computation are performed. :param flag: boolean flag to pick state and sensitivity equations (true, default) or only state variables (false). """ return _amici.SolverPtr_setSensiSteadyStateCheck(self, flag) def setMaxNonlinIters(self, max_nonlin_iters: int): """ Set the maximum number of nonlinear solver iterations permitted per step. :param max_nonlin_iters: maximum number of nonlinear solver iterations """ return _amici.SolverPtr_setMaxNonlinIters(self, max_nonlin_iters) def getMaxNonlinIters(self) -> int: """ Get the maximum number of nonlinear solver iterations permitted per step. :return: maximum number of nonlinear solver iterations """ return _amici.SolverPtr_getMaxNonlinIters(self) def setMaxConvFails(self, max_conv_fails: int): """ Set the maximum number of nonlinear solver convergence failures permitted per step. :param max_conv_fails: maximum number of nonlinear solver convergence """ return _amici.SolverPtr_setMaxConvFails(self, max_conv_fails) def getMaxConvFails(self) -> int: """ Get the maximum number of nonlinear solver convergence failures permitted per step. :return: maximum number of nonlinear solver convergence """ return _amici.SolverPtr_getMaxConvFails(self) def setConstraints(self, constraints: Sequence[float]): """ Set constraints on the model state. See :param constraints: """ return _amici.SolverPtr_setConstraints(self, constraints) def getConstraints(self) -> Sequence[float]: """ Get constraints on the model state. :return: constraints """ return _amici.SolverPtr_getConstraints(self) def setMaxStepSize(self, max_step_size: 'float'): """ Set the maximum step size :param max_step_size: maximum step size. `0.0` means no limit. """ return _amici.SolverPtr_setMaxStepSize(self, max_step_size) def getMaxStepSize(self) -> 'float': """ Get the maximum step size :return: maximum step size """ return _amici.SolverPtr_getMaxStepSize(self) logger = property(_amici.SolverPtr_logger_get, _amici.SolverPtr_logger_set, doc=' logger')
[docs] class ReturnDataPtr(object): thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc='The membership flag') __repr__ = _swig_repr def __init__(self, *args): _amici.ReturnDataPtr_swiginit(self, _amici.new_ReturnDataPtr(*args)) def __deref__(self) -> 'std::unique_ptr< amici::ReturnData >::pointer': return _amici.ReturnDataPtr___deref__(self) def release(self) -> 'std::unique_ptr< amici::ReturnData >::pointer': return _amici.ReturnDataPtr_release(self) def reset(self, *args): return _amici.ReturnDataPtr_reset(self, *args) def swap(self, __u: 'ReturnDataPtr'): return _amici.ReturnDataPtr_swap(self, __u) def get(self) -> 'std::unique_ptr< amici::ReturnData >::pointer': return _amici.ReturnDataPtr_get(self) def __nonzero__(self): return _amici.ReturnDataPtr___nonzero__(self) __bool__ = __nonzero__ __swig_destroy__ = _amici.delete_ReturnDataPtr id = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_id_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_id_set, doc='Arbitrary (not necessarily unique) identifier.') ts = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_ts_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_ts_set, doc='timepoints (shape `nt`)') xdot = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_xdot_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_xdot_set, doc=' time derivative (shape `nx`) evaluated at `t_last`.') J = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_J_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_J_set, doc='\n Jacobian of differential equation right hand side (shape `nx` x `nx`,\n row-major) evaluated at `t_last`.\n ') w = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_w_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_w_set, doc='\n w data from the model (recurring terms in xdot, for imported SBML models\n from python, this contains the flux vector) (shape `nt` x `nw`, row\n major)\n ') z = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_z_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_z_set, doc=' event output (shape `nmaxevent` x `nz`, row-major)') sigmaz = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_sigmaz_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_sigmaz_set, doc='\n event output sigma standard deviation (shape `nmaxevent` x `nz`,\n row-major)\n ') sz = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_sz_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_sz_set, doc='\n parameter derivative of event output\n (shape `nmaxevent` x `nplist` x `nz`, row-major)\n ') ssigmaz = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_ssigmaz_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_ssigmaz_set, doc='\n parameter derivative of event output standard deviation\n (shape `nmaxevent` x `nplist` x `nz`, row-major)\n ') rz = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_rz_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_rz_set, doc=' event trigger output (shape `nmaxevent` x `nz`, row-major)') srz = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_srz_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_srz_set, doc='\n parameter derivative of event trigger output\n (shape `nmaxevent` x `nplist` x `nz`, row-major)\n ') s2rz = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_s2rz_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_s2rz_set, doc='\n second-order parameter derivative of event trigger output (shape\n `nmaxevent` x `nztrue` x `nplist` x `nplist`, row-major)\n ') x = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_x_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_x_set, doc=' state (shape `nt` x `nx`, row-major)') sx = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_sx_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_sx_set, doc='parameter derivative of state (shape `nt` x `nplist` x `nx`, row-major)') y = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_y_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_y_set, doc=' observable (shape `nt` x `ny`, row-major)') sigmay = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_sigmay_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_sigmay_set, doc=' observable standard deviation (shape `nt` x `ny`, row-major)') sy = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_sy_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_sy_set, doc='\n parameter derivative of observable (shape `nt` x `nplist` x `ny`,\n row-major)\n ') ssigmay = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_ssigmay_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_ssigmay_set, doc='\n parameter derivative of observable standard deviation\n (shape `nt` x `nplist` x `ny`, row-major)\n ') res = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_res_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_res_set, doc=' observable (shape `nt*ny`, row-major)') sres = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_sres_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_sres_set, doc='parameter derivative of residual (shape `nt*ny` x `nplist`, row-major)') FIM = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_FIM_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_FIM_set, doc=' fisher information matrix (shape `nplist` x `nplist`, row-major)') numsteps = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_numsteps_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_numsteps_set, doc=' number of integration steps forward problem (shape `nt`)') numstepsB = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_numstepsB_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_numstepsB_set, doc=' number of integration steps backward problem (shape `nt`)') numrhsevals = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_numrhsevals_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_numrhsevals_set, doc=' number of right hand side evaluations forward problem (shape `nt`)') numrhsevalsB = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_numrhsevalsB_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_numrhsevalsB_set, doc=' number of right hand side evaluations backward problem (shape `nt`)') numerrtestfails = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_numerrtestfails_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_numerrtestfails_set, doc=' number of error test failures forward problem (shape `nt`)') numerrtestfailsB = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_numerrtestfailsB_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_numerrtestfailsB_set, doc=' number of error test failures backward problem (shape `nt`)') numnonlinsolvconvfails = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_numnonlinsolvconvfails_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_numnonlinsolvconvfails_set, doc='number of linear solver convergence failures forward problem (shape `nt`)') numnonlinsolvconvfailsB = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_numnonlinsolvconvfailsB_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_numnonlinsolvconvfailsB_set, doc='\n number of linear solver convergence failures backward problem (shape\n `nt`)\n ') order = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_order_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_order_set, doc=' employed order forward problem (shape `nt`)') cpu_time = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_cpu_time_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_cpu_time_set, doc='\n computation time of forward solve [ms]\n\n .. warning::\n If AMICI was built without boost, this tracks the CPU-time of the\n current process. Therefore, in a multi-threaded context, this value\n may be incorrect.\n ') cpu_timeB = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_cpu_timeB_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_cpu_timeB_set, doc='\n computation time of backward solve [ms]\n\n .. warning::\n If AMICI was built without boost, this tracks the CPU-time of the\n current process. Therefore, in a multi-threaded context, this value\n may be incorrect.\n ') cpu_time_total = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_cpu_time_total_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_cpu_time_total_set, doc='\n total CPU time from entering runAmiciSimulation until exiting [ms]\n\n .. warning::\n If AMICI was built without boost, this tracks the CPU-time of the\n current process. Therefore, in a multi-threaded context, this value\n may be incorrect.\n ') preeq_status = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_preeq_status_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_preeq_status_set, doc=' flags indicating success of steady state solver (preequilibration)') preeq_cpu_time = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_preeq_cpu_time_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_preeq_cpu_time_set, doc='\n computation time of the steady state solver [ms]\n (preequilibration)\n\n .. warning::\n If AMICI was built without boost, this tracks the CPU-time of the\n current process. Therefore, in a multi-threaded context, this value\n may be incorrect.\n ') preeq_cpu_timeB = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_preeq_cpu_timeB_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_preeq_cpu_timeB_set, doc='\n computation time of the steady state solver of the backward\n problem [ms] (preequilibration)\n\n .. warning::\n If AMICI was built without boost, this tracks the CPU-time of the\n current process. Therefore, in a multi-threaded context, this value\n may be incorrect.\n ') posteq_status = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_posteq_status_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_posteq_status_set, doc=' flags indicating success of steady state solver (postequilibration)') posteq_cpu_time = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_posteq_cpu_time_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_posteq_cpu_time_set, doc='\n computation time of the steady state solver [ms]\n (postequilibration)\n\n .. warning::\n If AMICI was built without boost, this tracks the CPU-time of the\n current process. Therefore, in a multi-threaded context, this value\n may be incorrect.\n ') posteq_cpu_timeB = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_posteq_cpu_timeB_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_posteq_cpu_timeB_set, doc='\n computation time of the steady state solver of the backward\n problem [ms] (postequilibration)\n\n .. warning::\n If AMICI was built without boost, this tracks the CPU-time of the\n current process. Therefore, in a multi-threaded context, this value\n may be incorrect.\n ') preeq_numsteps = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_preeq_numsteps_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_preeq_numsteps_set, doc='\n number of Newton steps for steady state problem (preequilibration)\n [newton, simulation, newton] (length = 3)\n ') preeq_numstepsB = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_preeq_numstepsB_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_preeq_numstepsB_set, doc='\n number of simulation steps for adjoint steady state problem\n (preequilibration) [== 0 if analytical solution worked, > 0 otherwise]\n ') posteq_numsteps = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_posteq_numsteps_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_posteq_numsteps_set, doc='\n number of Newton steps for steady state problem (preequilibration)\n [newton, simulation, newton] (shape `3`) (postequilibration)\n ') posteq_numstepsB = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_posteq_numstepsB_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_posteq_numstepsB_set, doc='\n number of simulation steps for adjoint steady state problem\n (postequilibration) [== 0 if analytical solution worked, > 0 otherwise]\n ') preeq_t = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_preeq_t_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_preeq_t_set, doc='time when steadystate was reached via simulation (preequilibration)') preeq_wrms = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_preeq_wrms_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_preeq_wrms_set, doc='\n weighted root-mean-square of the rhs when steadystate\n was reached (preequilibration)\n ') posteq_t = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_posteq_t_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_posteq_t_set, doc='time when steadystate was reached via simulation (postequilibration)') posteq_wrms = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_posteq_wrms_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_posteq_wrms_set, doc='\n weighted root-mean-square of the rhs when steadystate\n was reached (postequilibration)\n ') x0 = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_x0_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_x0_set, doc=' initial state (shape `nx`)') x_ss = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_x_ss_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_x_ss_set, doc=' preequilibration steady state (shape `nx`)') sx0 = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_sx0_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_sx0_set, doc=' initial sensitivities (shape `nplist` x `nx`, row-major)') sx_ss = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_sx_ss_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_sx_ss_set, doc='\n preequilibration sensitivities\n (shape `nplist` x `nx`, row-major)\n ') llh = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_llh_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_llh_set, doc=' log-likelihood value') chi2 = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_chi2_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_chi2_set, doc=' :math:`\\chi^2` value') sllh = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_sllh_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_sllh_set, doc=' parameter derivative of log-likelihood (shape `nplist`)') s2llh = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_s2llh_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_s2llh_set, doc='\n second-order parameter derivative of log-likelihood\n (shape `nJ-1` x `nplist`, row-major)\n ') status = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_status_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_status_set, doc='\n Simulation status code.\n\n One of:\n\n * AMICI_SUCCESS, indicating successful simulation\n * AMICI_MAX_TIME_EXCEEDED, indicating that the simulation did not finish\n within the allowed time (see Solver.{set,get}MaxTime)\n * AMICI_ERROR, indicating that some error occurred during simulation\n (a more detailed error message will have been printed).\n * AMICI_NOT_RUN, if no simulation was started\n ') nx = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_nx_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_nx_set, doc=' number of states (alias `nx_rdata`, kept for backward compatibility)') nxtrue = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_nxtrue_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_nxtrue_set, doc='\n number of states in the unaugmented system\n (alias nxtrue_rdata, kept for backward compatibility)\n ') nplist = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_nplist_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_nplist_set, doc=' number of parameter for which sensitivities were requested') nmaxevent = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_nmaxevent_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_nmaxevent_set, doc=' maximal number of occurring events (for every event type)') nt = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_nt_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_nt_set, doc=' number of considered timepoints') newton_maxsteps = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_newton_maxsteps_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_newton_maxsteps_set, doc=' maximal number of newton iterations for steady state calculation') pscale = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_pscale_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_pscale_set, doc=' scaling of parameterization') o2mode = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_o2mode_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_o2mode_set, doc=' flag indicating whether second-order sensitivities were requested') sensi = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_sensi_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_sensi_set, doc=' sensitivity order') sensi_meth = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_sensi_meth_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_sensi_meth_set, doc=' sensitivity method') rdata_reporting = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_rdata_reporting_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_rdata_reporting_set, doc=' reporting mode') sigma_res = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_sigma_res_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_sigma_res_set, doc='\n boolean indicating whether residuals for standard deviations have been\n added\n ') messages = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_messages_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_messages_set, doc=' log messages') t_last = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_t_last_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_t_last_set, doc=' The final internal time of the solver.') nx_rdata = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_nx_rdata_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_nx_rdata_set, doc=' Number of states') nxtrue_rdata = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_nxtrue_rdata_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_nxtrue_rdata_set, doc=' Number of states in the unaugmented system') nx_solver = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_nx_solver_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_nx_solver_set, doc=' Number of states with conservation laws applied') nxtrue_solver = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_nxtrue_solver_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_nxtrue_solver_set, doc='\n Number of states in the unaugmented system with conservation laws\n applied\n ') nx_solver_reinit = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_nx_solver_reinit_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_nx_solver_reinit_set, doc=' Number of solver states subject to reinitialization') np = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_np_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_np_set, doc=' Number of parameters') nk = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_nk_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_nk_set, doc=' Number of constants') ny = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_ny_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_ny_set, doc=' Number of observables') nytrue = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_nytrue_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_nytrue_set, doc=' Number of observables in the unaugmented system') nz = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_nz_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_nz_set, doc=' Number of event outputs') nztrue = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_nztrue_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_nztrue_set, doc=' Number of event outputs in the unaugmented system') ne = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_ne_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_ne_set, doc=' Number of events') ne_solver = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_ne_solver_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_ne_solver_set, doc=' Number of events that require root-finding') nspl = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_nspl_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_nspl_set, doc=' Number of spline functions in the model') nw = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_nw_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_nw_set, doc=' Number of common expressions') ndwdx = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_ndwdx_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_ndwdx_set, doc='\n Number of nonzero elements in the `x` derivative of the\n repeating elements\n ') ndwdp = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_ndwdp_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_ndwdp_set, doc='\n Number of nonzero elements in the `p` derivative of the\n repeating elements\n ') ndwdw = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_ndwdw_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_ndwdw_set, doc='\n Number of nonzero elements in the `w` derivative of the\n repeating elements\n ') ndxdotdw = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_ndxdotdw_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_ndxdotdw_set, doc=' Number of nonzero elements in the :math:`w` derivative of :math:`xdot`') ndJydy = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_ndJydy_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_ndJydy_set, doc='\n Number of nonzero elements in the :math:`y` derivative of\n :math:`dJy` (dimension `nytrue`)\n ') ndxrdatadxsolver = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_ndxrdatadxsolver_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_ndxrdatadxsolver_set, doc=' Number of nonzero elements in the :math:`x` derivative of :math:`x_rdata`') ndxrdatadtcl = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_ndxrdatadtcl_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_ndxrdatadtcl_set, doc=' Number of nonzero elements in the :math:`tcl` derivative of :math:`x_rdata`') ndtotal_cldx_rdata = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_ndtotal_cldx_rdata_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_ndtotal_cldx_rdata_set, doc='\n Number of nonzero elements in the :math:`x_rdata` derivative of\n :math:`total_cl`\n ') nnz = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_nnz_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_nnz_set, doc=' Number of nonzero entries in Jacobian') nJ = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_nJ_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_nJ_set, doc=' Dimension of the augmented objective function for 2nd order ASA') ubw = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_ubw_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_ubw_set, doc=' Upper bandwidth of the Jacobian') lbw = property(_amici.ReturnDataPtr_lbw_get, _amici.ReturnDataPtr_lbw_set, doc=' Lower bandwidth of the Jacobian')
[docs] class ModelPtr(object): thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc='The membership flag') __repr__ = _swig_repr def __init__(self, *args): _amici.ModelPtr_swiginit(self, _amici.new_ModelPtr(*args)) def __deref__(self) -> 'std::unique_ptr< amici::Model >::pointer': return _amici.ModelPtr___deref__(self) def release(self) -> 'std::unique_ptr< amici::Model >::pointer': return _amici.ModelPtr_release(self) def reset(self, *args): return _amici.ModelPtr_reset(self, *args) def swap(self, __u: 'ModelPtr'): return _amici.ModelPtr_swap(self, __u) def get(self) -> 'std::unique_ptr< amici::Model >::pointer': return _amici.ModelPtr_get(self) def __nonzero__(self): return _amici.ModelPtr___nonzero__(self) __bool__ = __nonzero__ __swig_destroy__ = _amici.delete_ModelPtr def __deepcopy__(self, memo): return self.clone() def clone(self) -> 'Model': """ Clone this instance. :return: The clone """ return _amici.ModelPtr_clone(self) def initializeSplines(self): """Initialization of spline functions""" return _amici.ModelPtr_initializeSplines(self) def initializeSplineSensitivities(self): """Initialization of spline sensitivity functions""" return _amici.ModelPtr_initializeSplineSensitivities(self) def nplist(self) -> int: """ Get number of parameters wrt to which sensitivities are computed. :return: Length of sensitivity index vector """ return _amici.ModelPtr_nplist(self) def np(self) -> int: """ Get total number of model parameters. :return: Length of parameter vector """ return _amici.ModelPtr_np(self) def nk(self) -> int: """ Get number of constants :return: Length of constant vector """ return _amici.ModelPtr_nk(self) def ncl(self) -> int: """ Get number of conservation laws. :return: Number of conservation laws (i.e., difference between `nx_rdata` and `nx_solver`). """ return _amici.ModelPtr_ncl(self) def nx_reinit(self) -> int: """ Get number of solver states subject to reinitialization. :return: Model member `nx_solver_reinit` """ return _amici.ModelPtr_nx_reinit(self) def k(self) -> 'float': """ Get fixed parameters. :return: Pointer to constants array """ return _amici.ModelPtr_k(self) def nMaxEvent(self) -> int: """ Get maximum number of events that may occur for each type. :return: Maximum number of events that may occur for each type """ return _amici.ModelPtr_nMaxEvent(self) def setNMaxEvent(self, nmaxevent: int): """ Set maximum number of events that may occur for each type. :param nmaxevent: Maximum number of events that may occur for each type """ return _amici.ModelPtr_setNMaxEvent(self, nmaxevent) def nt(self) -> int: """ Get number of timepoints. :return: Number of timepoints """ return _amici.ModelPtr_nt(self) def getParameterScale(self) -> 'ParameterScalingVector': """ Get parameter scale for each parameter. :return: Vector of parameter scales """ return _amici.ModelPtr_getParameterScale(self) def setParameterScale(self, *args): return _amici.ModelPtr_setParameterScale(self, *args) def getUnscaledParameters(self) -> Sequence[float]: """ Get parameters with transformation according to parameter scale applied. :return: Unscaled parameters """ return _amici.ModelPtr_getUnscaledParameters(self) def getParameters(self) -> Sequence[float]: """ Get parameter vector. :return: The user-set parameters (see also `Model::getUnscaledParameters`) """ return _amici.ModelPtr_getParameters(self) def getParameterById(self, par_id: 'str') -> 'float': """ Get value of first model parameter with the specified ID. :param par_id: Parameter ID :return: Parameter value """ return _amici.ModelPtr_getParameterById(self, par_id) def getParameterByName(self, par_name: 'str') -> 'float': """ Get value of first model parameter with the specified name. :param par_name: Parameter name :return: Parameter value """ return _amici.ModelPtr_getParameterByName(self, par_name) def setParameters(self, p: Sequence[float]): """ Set the parameter vector. :param p: Vector of parameters """ return _amici.ModelPtr_setParameters(self, p) def setParameterById(self, *args): """ *Overload 1:* Set model parameters according to the parameter IDs and mapped values. :type p: StringDoubleMap :param p: Map of parameters IDs and values :type ignoreErrors: boolean, optional :param ignoreErrors: Ignore errors such as parameter IDs in p which are not model parameters | *Overload 2:* Set value of first model parameter with the specified ID. :type par_id: str :param par_id: Parameter ID :type value: float :param value: Parameter value """ return _amici.ModelPtr_setParameterById(self, *args) def setParametersByIdRegex(self, par_id_regex: 'str', value: 'float') -> int: """ Set all values of model parameters with IDs matching the specified regular expression. :param par_id_regex: Parameter ID regex :param value: Parameter value :return: Number of parameter IDs that matched the regex """ return _amici.ModelPtr_setParametersByIdRegex(self, par_id_regex, value) def setParameterByName(self, *args): """ *Overload 1:* Set value of first model parameter with the specified name. :type par_name: str :param par_name: Parameter name :type value: float :param value: Parameter value | *Overload 2:* Set model parameters according to the parameter name and mapped values. :type p: StringDoubleMap :param p: Map of parameters names and values :type ignoreErrors: boolean, optional :param ignoreErrors: Ignore errors such as parameter names in p which are not model parameters | *Overload 3:* Set model parameters according to the parameter name and mapped values. :type p: StringDoubleMap :param p: Map of parameters names and values :param ignoreErrors: Ignore errors such as parameter names in p which are not model parameters """ return _amici.ModelPtr_setParameterByName(self, *args) def setParametersByNameRegex(self, par_name_regex: 'str', value: 'float') -> int: """ Set all values of all model parameters with names matching the specified regex. :param par_name_regex: Parameter name regex :param value: Parameter value :return: Number of fixed parameter names that matched the regex """ return _amici.ModelPtr_setParametersByNameRegex(self, par_name_regex, value) def getFixedParameters(self) -> Sequence[float]: """ Get values of fixed parameters. :return: Vector of fixed parameters with same ordering as in Model::getFixedParameterIds """ return _amici.ModelPtr_getFixedParameters(self) def getFixedParameterById(self, par_id: 'str') -> 'float': """ Get value of fixed parameter with the specified ID. :param par_id: Parameter ID :return: Parameter value """ return _amici.ModelPtr_getFixedParameterById(self, par_id) def getFixedParameterByName(self, par_name: 'str') -> 'float': """ Get value of fixed parameter with the specified name. If multiple parameters have the same name, the first parameter with matching name is returned. :param par_name: Parameter name :return: Parameter value """ return _amici.ModelPtr_getFixedParameterByName(self, par_name) def setFixedParameters(self, k: Sequence[float]): """ Set values for constants. :param k: Vector of fixed parameters """ return _amici.ModelPtr_setFixedParameters(self, k) def setFixedParameterById(self, par_id: 'str', value: 'float'): """ Set value of first fixed parameter with the specified ID. :param par_id: Fixed parameter id :param value: Fixed parameter value """ return _amici.ModelPtr_setFixedParameterById(self, par_id, value) def setFixedParametersByIdRegex(self, par_id_regex: 'str', value: 'float') -> int: """ Set values of all fixed parameters with the ID matching the specified regex. :param par_id_regex: Fixed parameter name regex :param value: Fixed parameter value :return: Number of fixed parameter IDs that matched the regex """ return _amici.ModelPtr_setFixedParametersByIdRegex(self, par_id_regex, value) def setFixedParameterByName(self, par_name: 'str', value: 'float'): """ Set value of first fixed parameter with the specified name. :param par_name: Fixed parameter ID :param value: Fixed parameter value """ return _amici.ModelPtr_setFixedParameterByName(self, par_name, value) def setFixedParametersByNameRegex(self, par_name_regex: 'str', value: 'float') -> int: """ Set value of all fixed parameters with name matching the specified regex. :param par_name_regex: Fixed parameter name regex :param value: Fixed parameter value :return: Number of fixed parameter names that matched the regex """ return _amici.ModelPtr_setFixedParametersByNameRegex(self, par_name_regex, value) def getName(self) -> 'str': """ Get the model name. :return: Model name """ return _amici.ModelPtr_getName(self) def hasParameterNames(self) -> bool: """ Report whether the model has parameter names set. :return: Boolean indicating whether parameter names were set. Also returns `true` if the number of corresponding variables is just zero. """ return _amici.ModelPtr_hasParameterNames(self) def getParameterNames(self) -> Sequence[str]: """ Get names of the model parameters. :return: The parameter names """ return _amici.ModelPtr_getParameterNames(self) def hasStateNames(self) -> bool: """ Report whether the model has state names set. :return: Boolean indicating whether state names were set. Also returns `true` if the number of corresponding variables is just zero. """ return _amici.ModelPtr_hasStateNames(self) def getStateNames(self) -> Sequence[str]: """ Get names of the model states. :return: State names """ return _amici.ModelPtr_getStateNames(self) def getStateNamesSolver(self) -> Sequence[str]: """ Get names of the solver states. :return: State names """ return _amici.ModelPtr_getStateNamesSolver(self) def hasFixedParameterNames(self) -> bool: """ Report whether the model has fixed parameter names set. :return: Boolean indicating whether fixed parameter names were set. Also returns `true` if the number of corresponding variables is just zero. """ return _amici.ModelPtr_hasFixedParameterNames(self) def getFixedParameterNames(self) -> Sequence[str]: """ Get names of the fixed model parameters. :return: Fixed parameter names """ return _amici.ModelPtr_getFixedParameterNames(self) def hasObservableNames(self) -> bool: """ Report whether the model has observable names set. :return: Boolean indicating whether observable names were set. Also returns `true` if the number of corresponding variables is just zero. """ return _amici.ModelPtr_hasObservableNames(self) def getObservableNames(self) -> Sequence[str]: """ Get names of the observables. :return: Observable names """ return _amici.ModelPtr_getObservableNames(self) def hasExpressionNames(self) -> bool: """ Report whether the model has expression names set. :return: Boolean indicating whether expression names were set. Also returns `true` if the number of corresponding variables is just zero. """ return _amici.ModelPtr_hasExpressionNames(self) def getExpressionNames(self) -> Sequence[str]: """ Get names of the expressions. :return: Expression names """ return _amici.ModelPtr_getExpressionNames(self) def hasParameterIds(self) -> bool: """ Report whether the model has parameter IDs set. :return: Boolean indicating whether parameter IDs were set. Also returns `true` if the number of corresponding variables is just zero. """ return _amici.ModelPtr_hasParameterIds(self) def getParameterIds(self) -> Sequence[str]: """ Get IDs of the model parameters. :return: Parameter IDs """ return _amici.ModelPtr_getParameterIds(self) def hasStateIds(self) -> bool: """ Report whether the model has state IDs set. :return: Boolean indicating whether state IDs were set. Also returns `true` if the number of corresponding variables is just zero. """ return _amici.ModelPtr_hasStateIds(self) def getStateIds(self) -> Sequence[str]: """ Get IDs of the model states. :return: State IDs """ return _amici.ModelPtr_getStateIds(self) def getStateIdsSolver(self) -> Sequence[str]: """ Get IDs of the solver states. :return: State IDs """ return _amici.ModelPtr_getStateIdsSolver(self) def hasFixedParameterIds(self) -> bool: """ Report whether the model has fixed parameter IDs set. :return: Boolean indicating whether fixed parameter IDs were set. Also returns `true` if the number of corresponding variables is just zero. """ return _amici.ModelPtr_hasFixedParameterIds(self) def getFixedParameterIds(self) -> Sequence[str]: """ Get IDs of the fixed model parameters. :return: Fixed parameter IDs """ return _amici.ModelPtr_getFixedParameterIds(self) def hasObservableIds(self) -> bool: """ Report whether the model has observable IDs set. :return: Boolean indicating whether observable ids were set. Also returns `true` if the number of corresponding variables is just zero. """ return _amici.ModelPtr_hasObservableIds(self) def getObservableIds(self) -> Sequence[str]: """ Get IDs of the observables. :return: Observable IDs """ return _amici.ModelPtr_getObservableIds(self) def hasExpressionIds(self) -> bool: """ Report whether the model has expression IDs set. :return: Boolean indicating whether expression ids were set. Also returns `true` if the number of corresponding variables is just zero. """ return _amici.ModelPtr_hasExpressionIds(self) def getExpressionIds(self) -> Sequence[str]: """ Get IDs of the expression. :return: Expression IDs """ return _amici.ModelPtr_getExpressionIds(self) def hasQuadraticLLH(self) -> bool: """ Checks whether the defined noise model is gaussian, i.e., the nllh is quadratic :return: boolean flag """ return _amici.ModelPtr_hasQuadraticLLH(self) def getTimepoints(self) -> Sequence[float]: """ Get the timepoint vector. :return: Timepoint vector """ return _amici.ModelPtr_getTimepoints(self) def getTimepoint(self, it: int) -> 'float': """ Get simulation timepoint for time index `it`. :param it: Time index :return: Timepoint """ return _amici.ModelPtr_getTimepoint(self, it) def setTimepoints(self, ts: Sequence[float]): """ Set the timepoint vector. :param ts: New timepoint vector """ return _amici.ModelPtr_setTimepoints(self, ts) def t0(self) -> 'float': """ Get simulation start time. :return: Simulation start time """ return _amici.ModelPtr_t0(self) def setT0(self, t0: 'float'): """ Set simulation start time. Output timepoints are absolute timepoints, independent of :math:`t_{0}`. For output timepoints :math:`t < t_{0}`, the initial state will be returned. :param t0: Simulation start time """ return _amici.ModelPtr_setT0(self, t0) def getStateIsNonNegative(self) -> Sequence[bool]: """ Get flags indicating whether states should be treated as non-negative. :return: Vector of flags """ return _amici.ModelPtr_getStateIsNonNegative(self) def setStateIsNonNegative(self, stateIsNonNegative: Sequence[bool]): """ Set flags indicating whether states should be treated as non-negative. :param stateIsNonNegative: Vector of flags """ return _amici.ModelPtr_setStateIsNonNegative(self, stateIsNonNegative) def setAllStatesNonNegative(self): """ Set flags indicating that all states should be treated as non-negative. """ return _amici.ModelPtr_setAllStatesNonNegative(self) def setMinimumSigmaResiduals(self, min_sigma: 'float'): """ Sets the estimated lower boundary for sigma_y. When :meth:`setAddSigmaResiduals` is activated, this lower boundary must ensure that log(sigma) + min_sigma > 0. :param min_sigma: lower boundary """ return _amici.ModelPtr_setMinimumSigmaResiduals(self, min_sigma) def getMinimumSigmaResiduals(self) -> 'float': """ Gets the specified estimated lower boundary for sigma_y. :return: lower boundary """ return _amici.ModelPtr_getMinimumSigmaResiduals(self) def setAddSigmaResiduals(self, sigma_res: bool): """ Specifies whether residuals should be added to account for parameter dependent sigma. If set to true, additional residuals of the form :math:`\\sqrt{\\log(\\sigma) +C}` will be added. This enables least-squares optimization for variables with Gaussian noise assumption and parameter dependent standard deviation sigma. The constant :math:`C` can be set via :meth:`setMinimumSigmaResiduals`. :param sigma_res: if true, additional residuals are added """ return _amici.ModelPtr_setAddSigmaResiduals(self, sigma_res) def getAddSigmaResiduals(self) -> bool: """ Checks whether residuals should be added to account for parameter dependent sigma. :return: sigma_res """ return _amici.ModelPtr_getAddSigmaResiduals(self) def getParameterList(self) -> Sequence[int]: """ Get the list of parameters for which sensitivities are computed. :return: List of parameter indices """ return _amici.ModelPtr_getParameterList(self) def plist(self, pos: int) -> int: """ Get entry in parameter list by index. :param pos: Index in sensitivity parameter list :return: Index in parameter list """ return _amici.ModelPtr_plist(self, pos) def setParameterList(self, plist: Sequence[int]): """ Set the list of parameters for which sensitivities are to be computed. NOTE: Resets initial state sensitivities. :param plist: List of parameter indices """ return _amici.ModelPtr_setParameterList(self, plist) def getInitialStates(self) -> Sequence[float]: """ Get the initial states. :return: Initial state vector """ return _amici.ModelPtr_getInitialStates(self) def setInitialStates(self, x0: Sequence[float]): """ Set the initial states. :param x0: Initial state vector """ return _amici.ModelPtr_setInitialStates(self, x0) def hasCustomInitialStates(self) -> bool: """ Return whether custom initial states have been set. :return: `true` if has custom initial states, otherwise `false` """ return _amici.ModelPtr_hasCustomInitialStates(self) def getInitialStateSensitivities(self) -> Sequence[float]: """ Get the initial states sensitivities. :return: vector of initial state sensitivities """ return _amici.ModelPtr_getInitialStateSensitivities(self) def setInitialStateSensitivities(self, sx0: Sequence[float]): """ Set the initial state sensitivities. :param sx0: vector of initial state sensitivities with chainrule applied. This could be a slice of ReturnData::sx or ReturnData::sx0 """ return _amici.ModelPtr_setInitialStateSensitivities(self, sx0) def hasCustomInitialStateSensitivities(self) -> bool: """ Return whether custom initial state sensitivities have been set. :return: `true` if has custom initial state sensitivities, otherwise `false`. """ return _amici.ModelPtr_hasCustomInitialStateSensitivities(self) def setUnscaledInitialStateSensitivities(self, sx0: Sequence[float]): """ Set the initial state sensitivities. :param sx0: Vector of initial state sensitivities without chainrule applied. This could be the readin from a `model.sx0data` saved to HDF5. """ return _amici.ModelPtr_setUnscaledInitialStateSensitivities(self, sx0) def setSteadyStateComputationMode(self, mode: int): """ Set the mode how steady state is computed in the steadystate simulation. :param mode: Steadystate computation mode """ return _amici.ModelPtr_setSteadyStateComputationMode(self, mode) def getSteadyStateComputationMode(self) -> int: """ Gets the mode how steady state is computed in the steadystate simulation. :return: Mode """ return _amici.ModelPtr_getSteadyStateComputationMode(self) def setSteadyStateSensitivityMode(self, mode: 'SteadyStateSensitivityMode'): """ Set the mode how sensitivities are computed in the steadystate simulation. :param mode: Steadystate sensitivity mode """ return _amici.ModelPtr_setSteadyStateSensitivityMode(self, mode) def getSteadyStateSensitivityMode(self) -> 'SteadyStateSensitivityMode': """ Gets the mode how sensitivities are computed in the steadystate simulation. :return: Mode """ return _amici.ModelPtr_getSteadyStateSensitivityMode(self) def setReinitializeFixedParameterInitialStates(self, flag: bool): """ Set whether initial states depending on fixed parameters are to be reinitialized after preequilibration and presimulation. :param flag: Fixed parameters reinitialized? """ return _amici.ModelPtr_setReinitializeFixedParameterInitialStates(self, flag) def getReinitializeFixedParameterInitialStates(self) -> bool: """ Get whether initial states depending on fixedParameters are to be reinitialized after preequilibration and presimulation. :return: flag `true` / `false` """ return _amici.ModelPtr_getReinitializeFixedParameterInitialStates(self) def requireSensitivitiesForAllParameters(self): """ Require computation of sensitivities for all parameters p [[ in natural order. NOTE: Resets initial state sensitivities. """ return _amici.ModelPtr_requireSensitivitiesForAllParameters(self) def getObservableScaling(self, iy: int) -> int: """ Get scaling type for observable :param iy: observable index :return: scaling type """ return _amici.ModelPtr_getObservableScaling(self, iy) def setAlwaysCheckFinite(self, alwaysCheck: bool): """ Set whether the result of every call to `Model::f*` should be checked for finiteness. :param alwaysCheck: """ return _amici.ModelPtr_setAlwaysCheckFinite(self, alwaysCheck) def getAlwaysCheckFinite(self) -> bool: """ Get setting of whether the result of every call to `Model::f*` should be checked for finiteness. :return: that """ return _amici.ModelPtr_getAlwaysCheckFinite(self) def setReinitializationStateIdxs(self, idxs: Sequence[int]): """ Set indices of states to be reinitialized based on provided constants / fixed parameters :param idxs: Array of state indices """ return _amici.ModelPtr_setReinitializationStateIdxs(self, idxs) def getReinitializationStateIdxs(self) -> Sequence[int]: """ Return indices of states to be reinitialized based on provided constants / fixed parameters :return: Those indices. """ return _amici.ModelPtr_getReinitializationStateIdxs(self) pythonGenerated = property(_amici.ModelPtr_pythonGenerated_get, _amici.ModelPtr_pythonGenerated_set, doc=' Flag indicating Matlab- or Python-based model generation') def get_trigger_timepoints(self) -> Sequence[float]: """ Get trigger times for events that don't require root-finding. :return: List of unique trigger points for events that don't require root-finding (i.e. that trigger at predetermined timepoints), in ascending order. """ return _amici.ModelPtr_get_trigger_timepoints(self) def get_steadystate_mask(self) -> Sequence[float]: """ Get steady-state mask as std::vector. See `set_steadystate_mask` for details. :return: Steady-state mask """ return _amici.ModelPtr_get_steadystate_mask(self) def set_steadystate_mask(self, mask: Sequence[float]): """ Set steady-state mask. The mask is used to exclude certain state variables from the steady-state convergence check. Positive values indicate that the corresponding state variable should be included in the convergence check, while non-positive values indicate that the corresponding state variable should be excluded. An empty mask is interpreted as including all state variables. :param mask: Mask of length `nx_solver`. """ return _amici.ModelPtr_set_steadystate_mask(self, mask) o2mode = property(_amici.ModelPtr_o2mode_get, _amici.ModelPtr_o2mode_set, doc='\n Flag indicating whether for\n `amici::Solver::sensi_` == `amici::SensitivityOrder::second`\n directional or full second order derivative will be computed\n ') idlist = property(_amici.ModelPtr_idlist_get, _amici.ModelPtr_idlist_set, doc=' Flag array for DAE equations') logger = property(_amici.ModelPtr_logger_get, _amici.ModelPtr_logger_set, doc=' Logger') state_independent_events_ = property(_amici.ModelPtr_state_independent_events__get, _amici.ModelPtr_state_independent_events__set, doc="\n Map of trigger timepoints to event indices for events that don't\n require root-finding.\n ") def getSolver(self) -> 'Solver': """ Retrieves the solver object :return: The Solver instance """ return _amici.ModelPtr_getSolver(self) def getAmiciVersion(self) -> 'str': """ Returns the AMICI version that was used to generate the model :return: AMICI version string """ return _amici.ModelPtr_getAmiciVersion(self) def getAmiciCommit(self) -> 'str': """ Returns the AMICI commit that was used to generate the model :return: AMICI commit string """ return _amici.ModelPtr_getAmiciCommit(self) def isFixedParameterStateReinitializationAllowed(self) -> bool: """ Function indicating whether reinitialization of states depending on fixed parameters is permissible :return: flag indicating whether reinitialization of states depending on fixed parameters is permissible """ return _amici.ModelPtr_isFixedParameterStateReinitializationAllowed(self) def fdsigmaydy(self, dsigmaydy: 'float', t: 'float', p: 'float', k: 'float', y: 'float'): """ Model-specific implementation of fsigmay :param dsigmaydy: partial derivative of standard deviation of measurements w.r.t. model outputs :param t: current time :param p: parameter vector :param k: constant vector :param y: model output at timepoint t """ return _amici.ModelPtr_fdsigmaydy(self, dsigmaydy, t, p, k, y) def fdx_rdatadx_solver(self, dx_rdatadx_solver: 'float', x: 'float', tcl: 'float', p: 'float', k: 'float'): """ Compute dx_rdata / dx_solver :param dx_rdatadx_solver: dx_rdata / dx_solver :param p: parameter vector :param k: constant vector :param x: State variables with conservation laws applied :param tcl: Total abundances for conservation laws """ return _amici.ModelPtr_fdx_rdatadx_solver(self, dx_rdatadx_solver, x, tcl, p, k) def fdx_rdatadp(self, dx_rdatadp: 'float', x: 'float', tcl: 'float', p: 'float', k: 'float', ip: int): """ Compute dx_rdata / dp :param dx_rdatadp: dx_rdata / dp :param p: parameter vector :param k: constant vector :param x: State variables with conservation laws applied :param tcl: Total abundances for conservation laws :param ip: Sensitivity index """ return _amici.ModelPtr_fdx_rdatadp(self, dx_rdatadp, x, tcl, p, k, ip) def fdx_rdatadtcl(self, dx_rdatadtcl: 'float', x: 'float', tcl: 'float', p: 'float', k: 'float'): """ Compute dx_rdata / dtcl :param dx_rdatadtcl: dx_rdata / dtcl :param p: parameter vector :param k: constant vector :param x: State variables with conservation laws applied :param tcl: Total abundances for conservation laws """ return _amici.ModelPtr_fdx_rdatadtcl(self, dx_rdatadtcl, x, tcl, p, k) def fdtotal_cldp(self, dtotal_cldp: 'float', x_rdata: 'float', p: 'float', k: 'float', ip: int): """ Compute dtotal_cl / dp :param dtotal_cldp: dtotal_cl / dp :param x_rdata: State variables with conservation laws applied :param p: parameter vector :param k: constant vector :param ip: Sensitivity index """ return _amici.ModelPtr_fdtotal_cldp(self, dtotal_cldp, x_rdata, p, k, ip) def fdtotal_cldx_rdata(self, dtotal_cldx_rdata: 'float', x_rdata: 'float', p: 'float', k: 'float', tcl: 'float'): """ Compute dtotal_cl / dx_rdata :param dtotal_cldx_rdata: dtotal_cl / dx_rdata :param x_rdata: State variables with conservation laws applied :param p: parameter vector :param k: constant vector :param tcl: Total abundances for conservation laws """ return _amici.ModelPtr_fdtotal_cldx_rdata(self, dtotal_cldx_rdata, x_rdata, p, k, tcl) def fdspline_valuesdp(self, dspline_valuesdp: 'float', p: 'float', k: 'float', ip: int): """ Model-specific implementation the parametric derivatives of spline node values :param dspline_valuesdp: vector to which derivatives will be written :param p: parameter vector :param k: constants vector :param ip: Sensitivity index """ return _amici.ModelPtr_fdspline_valuesdp(self, dspline_valuesdp, p, k, ip) def fdspline_slopesdp(self, dspline_slopesdp: 'float', p: 'float', k: 'float', ip: int): """ Model-specific implementation the parametric derivatives of slopevalues at spline nodes :param dspline_slopesdp: vector to which derivatives will be written :param p: parameter vector :param k: constants vector :param ip: Sensitivity index """ return _amici.ModelPtr_fdspline_slopesdp(self, dspline_slopesdp, p, k, ip) nx_rdata = property(_amici.ModelPtr_nx_rdata_get, _amici.ModelPtr_nx_rdata_set, doc=' Number of states') nxtrue_rdata = property(_amici.ModelPtr_nxtrue_rdata_get, _amici.ModelPtr_nxtrue_rdata_set, doc=' Number of states in the unaugmented system') nx_solver = property(_amici.ModelPtr_nx_solver_get, _amici.ModelPtr_nx_solver_set, doc=' Number of states with conservation laws applied') nxtrue_solver = property(_amici.ModelPtr_nxtrue_solver_get, _amici.ModelPtr_nxtrue_solver_set, doc='\n Number of states in the unaugmented system with conservation laws\n applied\n ') nx_solver_reinit = property(_amici.ModelPtr_nx_solver_reinit_get, _amici.ModelPtr_nx_solver_reinit_set, doc=' Number of solver states subject to reinitialization') ny = property(_amici.ModelPtr_ny_get, _amici.ModelPtr_ny_set, doc=' Number of observables') nytrue = property(_amici.ModelPtr_nytrue_get, _amici.ModelPtr_nytrue_set, doc=' Number of observables in the unaugmented system') nz = property(_amici.ModelPtr_nz_get, _amici.ModelPtr_nz_set, doc=' Number of event outputs') nztrue = property(_amici.ModelPtr_nztrue_get, _amici.ModelPtr_nztrue_set, doc=' Number of event outputs in the unaugmented system') ne = property(_amici.ModelPtr_ne_get, _amici.ModelPtr_ne_set, doc=' Number of events') ne_solver = property(_amici.ModelPtr_ne_solver_get, _amici.ModelPtr_ne_solver_set, doc=' Number of events that require root-finding') nspl = property(_amici.ModelPtr_nspl_get, _amici.ModelPtr_nspl_set, doc=' Number of spline functions in the model') nw = property(_amici.ModelPtr_nw_get, _amici.ModelPtr_nw_set, doc=' Number of common expressions') ndwdx = property(_amici.ModelPtr_ndwdx_get, _amici.ModelPtr_ndwdx_set, doc='\n Number of nonzero elements in the `x` derivative of the\n repeating elements\n ') ndwdp = property(_amici.ModelPtr_ndwdp_get, _amici.ModelPtr_ndwdp_set, doc='\n Number of nonzero elements in the `p` derivative of the\n repeating elements\n ') ndwdw = property(_amici.ModelPtr_ndwdw_get, _amici.ModelPtr_ndwdw_set, doc='\n Number of nonzero elements in the `w` derivative of the\n repeating elements\n ') ndxdotdw = property(_amici.ModelPtr_ndxdotdw_get, _amici.ModelPtr_ndxdotdw_set, doc=' Number of nonzero elements in the :math:`w` derivative of :math:`xdot`') ndJydy = property(_amici.ModelPtr_ndJydy_get, _amici.ModelPtr_ndJydy_set, doc='\n Number of nonzero elements in the :math:`y` derivative of\n :math:`dJy` (dimension `nytrue`)\n ') ndxrdatadxsolver = property(_amici.ModelPtr_ndxrdatadxsolver_get, _amici.ModelPtr_ndxrdatadxsolver_set, doc=' Number of nonzero elements in the :math:`x` derivative of :math:`x_rdata`') ndxrdatadtcl = property(_amici.ModelPtr_ndxrdatadtcl_get, _amici.ModelPtr_ndxrdatadtcl_set, doc=' Number of nonzero elements in the :math:`tcl` derivative of :math:`x_rdata`') ndtotal_cldx_rdata = property(_amici.ModelPtr_ndtotal_cldx_rdata_get, _amici.ModelPtr_ndtotal_cldx_rdata_set, doc='\n Number of nonzero elements in the :math:`x_rdata` derivative of\n :math:`total_cl`\n ') nnz = property(_amici.ModelPtr_nnz_get, _amici.ModelPtr_nnz_set, doc=' Number of nonzero entries in Jacobian') nJ = property(_amici.ModelPtr_nJ_get, _amici.ModelPtr_nJ_set, doc=' Dimension of the augmented objective function for 2nd order ASA') ubw = property(_amici.ModelPtr_ubw_get, _amici.ModelPtr_ubw_set, doc=' Upper bandwidth of the Jacobian') lbw = property(_amici.ModelPtr_lbw_get, _amici.ModelPtr_lbw_set, doc=' Lower bandwidth of the Jacobian')
[docs] class ExpDataPtr(object): thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc='The membership flag') __repr__ = _swig_repr def __init__(self, *args): _amici.ExpDataPtr_swiginit(self, _amici.new_ExpDataPtr(*args)) def __deref__(self) -> 'std::unique_ptr< amici::ExpData >::pointer': return _amici.ExpDataPtr___deref__(self) def release(self) -> 'std::unique_ptr< amici::ExpData >::pointer': return _amici.ExpDataPtr_release(self) def reset(self, *args): return _amici.ExpDataPtr_reset(self, *args) def swap(self, __u: 'ExpDataPtr'): return _amici.ExpDataPtr_swap(self, __u) def get(self) -> 'std::unique_ptr< amici::ExpData >::pointer': return _amici.ExpDataPtr_get(self) def __nonzero__(self): return _amici.ExpDataPtr___nonzero__(self) __bool__ = __nonzero__ __swig_destroy__ = _amici.delete_ExpDataPtr def __repr__(self): return _edata_repr(self) def nytrue(self) -> int: """ number of observables of the non-augmented model :return: number of observables of the non-augmented model """ return _amici.ExpDataPtr_nytrue(self) def nztrue(self) -> int: """ number of event observables of the non-augmented model :return: number of event observables of the non-augmented model """ return _amici.ExpDataPtr_nztrue(self) def nmaxevent(self) -> int: """ maximal number of events to track :return: maximal number of events to track """ return _amici.ExpDataPtr_nmaxevent(self) def nt(self) -> int: """ number of timepoints :return: number of timepoints """ return _amici.ExpDataPtr_nt(self) def setTimepoints(self, ts: Sequence[float]): """ Set output timepoints. If the number of timepoint increases, this will grow the observation/sigma matrices and fill new entries with NaN. If the number of timepoints decreases, this will shrink the observation/sigma matrices. Note that the mapping from timepoints to measurements will not be preserved. E.g., say there are measurements at t = 2, and this function is called with [1, 2], then the old measurements will belong to t = 1. :param ts: timepoints """ return _amici.ExpDataPtr_setTimepoints(self, ts) def getTimepoints(self) -> Sequence[float]: """ Get output timepoints. :return: ExpData::ts """ return _amici.ExpDataPtr_getTimepoints(self) def getTimepoint(self, it: int) -> 'float': """ Get timepoint for the given index :param it: timepoint index :return: timepoint timepoint at index """ return _amici.ExpDataPtr_getTimepoint(self, it) def setObservedData(self, *args): """ *Overload 1:* Set all measurements. :type observedData: DoubleVector :param observedData: observed data (dimension: nt x nytrue, row-major) | *Overload 2:* Set measurements for a given observable index :type observedData: DoubleVector :param observedData: observed data (dimension: nt) :type iy: int :param iy: observed data index """ return _amici.ExpDataPtr_setObservedData(self, *args) def isSetObservedData(self, it: int, iy: int) -> bool: """ Whether there is a measurement for the given time- and observable- index. :param it: time index :param iy: observable index :return: boolean specifying if data was set """ return _amici.ExpDataPtr_isSetObservedData(self, it, iy) def getObservedData(self) -> Sequence[float]: """ Get all measurements. :return: observed data (dimension: nt x nytrue, row-major) """ return _amici.ExpDataPtr_getObservedData(self) def getObservedDataPtr(self, it: int) -> 'float': """ Get measurements for a given timepoint index. :param it: timepoint index :return: pointer to observed data at index (dimension: nytrue) """ return _amici.ExpDataPtr_getObservedDataPtr(self, it) def setObservedDataStdDev(self, *args): """ *Overload 1:* Set standard deviations for measurements. :type observedDataStdDev: DoubleVector :param observedDataStdDev: standard deviation of observed data (dimension: nt x nytrue, row-major) | *Overload 2:* Set identical standard deviation for all measurements. :type stdDev: float :param stdDev: standard deviation (dimension: scalar) | *Overload 3:* Set standard deviations of observed data for a specific observable index. :type observedDataStdDev: DoubleVector :param observedDataStdDev: standard deviation of observed data (dimension: nt) :type iy: int :param iy: observed data index | *Overload 4:* Set all standard deviation for a given observable index to the input value. :type stdDev: float :param stdDev: standard deviation (dimension: scalar) :type iy: int :param iy: observed data index """ return _amici.ExpDataPtr_setObservedDataStdDev(self, *args) def isSetObservedDataStdDev(self, it: int, iy: int) -> bool: """ Whether standard deviation for a measurement at specified timepoint- and observable index has been set. :param it: time index :param iy: observable index :return: boolean specifying if standard deviation of data was set """ return _amici.ExpDataPtr_isSetObservedDataStdDev(self, it, iy) def getObservedDataStdDev(self) -> Sequence[float]: """ Get measurement standard deviations. :return: standard deviation of observed data """ return _amici.ExpDataPtr_getObservedDataStdDev(self) def getObservedDataStdDevPtr(self, it: int) -> 'float': """ Get pointer to measurement standard deviations. :param it: timepoint index :return: pointer to standard deviation of observed data at index """ return _amici.ExpDataPtr_getObservedDataStdDevPtr(self, it) def setObservedEvents(self, *args): """ *Overload 1:* Set observed event data. :type observedEvents: DoubleVector :param observedEvents: observed data (dimension: nmaxevent x nztrue, row-major) | *Overload 2:* Set observed event data for specific event observable. :type observedEvents: DoubleVector :param observedEvents: observed data (dimension: nmaxevent) :type iz: int :param iz: observed event data index """ return _amici.ExpDataPtr_setObservedEvents(self, *args) def isSetObservedEvents(self, ie: int, iz: int) -> bool: """ Check whether event data at specified indices has been set. :param ie: event index :param iz: event observable index :return: boolean specifying if data was set """ return _amici.ExpDataPtr_isSetObservedEvents(self, ie, iz) def getObservedEvents(self) -> Sequence[float]: """ Get observed event data. :return: observed event data """ return _amici.ExpDataPtr_getObservedEvents(self) def getObservedEventsPtr(self, ie: int) -> 'float': """ Get pointer to observed data at ie-th occurrence. :param ie: event occurrence :return: pointer to observed event data at ie-th occurrence """ return _amici.ExpDataPtr_getObservedEventsPtr(self, ie) def setObservedEventsStdDev(self, *args): """ *Overload 1:* Set standard deviation of observed event data. :type observedEventsStdDev: DoubleVector :param observedEventsStdDev: standard deviation of observed event data | *Overload 2:* Set standard deviation of observed event data. :type stdDev: float :param stdDev: standard deviation (dimension: scalar) | *Overload 3:* Set standard deviation of observed data for a specific observable. :type observedEventsStdDev: DoubleVector :param observedEventsStdDev: standard deviation of observed data (dimension: nmaxevent) :type iz: int :param iz: observed data index | *Overload 4:* Set all standard deviations of a specific event-observable. :type stdDev: float :param stdDev: standard deviation (dimension: scalar) :type iz: int :param iz: observed data index """ return _amici.ExpDataPtr_setObservedEventsStdDev(self, *args) def isSetObservedEventsStdDev(self, ie: int, iz: int) -> bool: """ Check whether standard deviation of event data at specified indices has been set. :param ie: event index :param iz: event observable index :return: boolean specifying if standard deviation of event data was set """ return _amici.ExpDataPtr_isSetObservedEventsStdDev(self, ie, iz) def getObservedEventsStdDev(self) -> Sequence[float]: """ Get standard deviation of observed event data. :return: standard deviation of observed event data """ return _amici.ExpDataPtr_getObservedEventsStdDev(self) def getObservedEventsStdDevPtr(self, ie: int) -> 'float': """ Get pointer to standard deviation of observed event data at ie-th occurrence. :param ie: event occurrence :return: pointer to standard deviation of observed event data at ie-th occurrence """ return _amici.ExpDataPtr_getObservedEventsStdDevPtr(self, ie) def clear_observations(self): """ Set all observations and their standard deviations to NaN. Useful, e.g., after calling ExpData::setTimepoints. """ return _amici.ExpDataPtr_clear_observations(self) id = property(_amici.ExpDataPtr_id_get, _amici.ExpDataPtr_id_set, doc='Arbitrary (not necessarily unique) identifier.') def reinitializeAllFixedParameterDependentInitialStatesForPresimulation(self, nx_rdata: int): """ Set reinitialization of all states based on model constants for presimulation (only meaningful if preequilibration is performed). Convenience function to populate `reinitialization_state_idxs_presim` and `reinitialization_state_idxs_sim` :param nx_rdata: Number of states (Model::nx_rdata) """ return _amici.ExpDataPtr_reinitializeAllFixedParameterDependentInitialStatesForPresimulation(self, nx_rdata) def reinitializeAllFixedParameterDependentInitialStatesForSimulation(self, nx_rdata: int): """ Set reinitialization of all states based on model constants for the 'main' simulation (only meaningful if presimulation or preequilibration is performed). Convenience function to populate `reinitialization_state_idxs_presim` and `reinitialization_state_idxs_sim` :param nx_rdata: Number of states (Model::nx_rdata) """ return _amici.ExpDataPtr_reinitializeAllFixedParameterDependentInitialStatesForSimulation(self, nx_rdata) def reinitializeAllFixedParameterDependentInitialStates(self, nx_rdata: int): """ Set reinitialization of all states based on model constants for all simulation phases. Convenience function to populate `reinitialization_state_idxs_presim` and `reinitialization_state_idxs_sim` :param nx_rdata: Number of states (Model::nx_rdata) """ return _amici.ExpDataPtr_reinitializeAllFixedParameterDependentInitialStates(self, nx_rdata) fixedParameters = property(_amici.ExpDataPtr_fixedParameters_get, _amici.ExpDataPtr_fixedParameters_set, doc='\n Model constants\n\n Vector of size Model::nk() or empty\n ') fixedParametersPreequilibration = property(_amici.ExpDataPtr_fixedParametersPreequilibration_get, _amici.ExpDataPtr_fixedParametersPreequilibration_set, doc='\n Model constants for pre-equilibration\n\n Vector of size Model::nk() or empty.\n ') fixedParametersPresimulation = property(_amici.ExpDataPtr_fixedParametersPresimulation_get, _amici.ExpDataPtr_fixedParametersPresimulation_set, doc='\n Model constants for pre-simulation\n\n Vector of size Model::nk() or empty.\n ') parameters = property(_amici.ExpDataPtr_parameters_get, _amici.ExpDataPtr_parameters_set, doc='\n Model parameters\n\n Vector of size Model::np() or empty with parameter scaled according to\n SimulationParameter::pscale.\n ') x0 = property(_amici.ExpDataPtr_x0_get, _amici.ExpDataPtr_x0_set, doc='\n Initial state\n\n Vector of size Model::nx() or empty\n ') sx0 = property(_amici.ExpDataPtr_sx0_get, _amici.ExpDataPtr_sx0_set, doc='\n Initial state sensitivities\n\n Dimensions:\n Model::nx() * Model::nplist(), Model::nx() * ExpData::plist.size(), if\n ExpData::plist is not empty, or empty\n ') pscale = property(_amici.ExpDataPtr_pscale_get, _amici.ExpDataPtr_pscale_set, doc='\n Parameter scales\n\n Vector of parameter scale of size Model::np(), indicating how/if each\n parameter is to be scaled.\n ') plist = property(_amici.ExpDataPtr_plist_get, _amici.ExpDataPtr_plist_set, doc='Parameter indices w.r.t. which to compute sensitivities') tstart_ = property(_amici.ExpDataPtr_tstart__get, _amici.ExpDataPtr_tstart__set, doc='\n Starting time of the simulation.\n\n Output timepoints are absolute timepoints, independent of\n :math:`t_{start}`.\n For output timepoints :math:`t < t_{start}`, the initial state will be\n returned.\n ') t_presim = property(_amici.ExpDataPtr_t_presim_get, _amici.ExpDataPtr_t_presim_set, doc='\n Duration of pre-simulation.\n\n If this is > 0, presimulation will be performed from\n (model->t0 - t_presim) to model->t0 using the fixedParameters in\n fixedParametersPresimulation\n ') ts_ = property(_amici.ExpDataPtr_ts__get, _amici.ExpDataPtr_ts__set, doc='\n Timepoints for which model state/outputs/... are requested\n\n Vector of timepoints.\n ') reinitializeFixedParameterInitialStates = property(_amici.ExpDataPtr_reinitializeFixedParameterInitialStates_get, _amici.ExpDataPtr_reinitializeFixedParameterInitialStates_set, doc='\n Flag indicating whether reinitialization of states depending on\n fixed parameters is activated\n ') reinitialization_state_idxs_presim = property(_amici.ExpDataPtr_reinitialization_state_idxs_presim_get, _amici.ExpDataPtr_reinitialization_state_idxs_presim_set, doc='\n Indices of states to be reinitialized based on provided\n presimulation constants / fixed parameters.\n ') reinitialization_state_idxs_sim = property(_amici.ExpDataPtr_reinitialization_state_idxs_sim_get, _amici.ExpDataPtr_reinitialization_state_idxs_sim_set, doc='\n Indices of states to be reinitialized based on provided\n constants / fixed parameters.\n ')
_amici.ExpDataPtr_swigregister(ExpDataPtr) M_E = _amici.M_E M_LOG2E = _amici.M_LOG2E M_LOG10E = _amici.M_LOG10E M_LN2 = _amici.M_LN2 M_LN10 = _amici.M_LN10 M_PI = _amici.M_PI M_PI_2 = _amici.M_PI_2 M_PI_4 = _amici.M_PI_4 M_1_PI = _amici.M_1_PI M_2_PI = _amici.M_2_PI M_2_SQRTPI = _amici.M_2_SQRTPI M_SQRT2 = _amici.M_SQRT2 M_SQRT1_2 = _amici.M_SQRT1_2 BLASLayout_rowMajor = _amici.BLASLayout_rowMajor BLASLayout_colMajor = _amici.BLASLayout_colMajor BLASTranspose_noTrans = _amici.BLASTranspose_noTrans BLASTranspose_trans = _amici.BLASTranspose_trans BLASTranspose_conjTrans = _amici.BLASTranspose_conjTrans ParameterScaling_none = _amici.ParameterScaling_none ParameterScaling_ln = _amici.ParameterScaling_ln ParameterScaling_log10 = _amici.ParameterScaling_log10 ObservableScaling_lin = _amici.ObservableScaling_lin ObservableScaling_log = _amici.ObservableScaling_log ObservableScaling_log10 = _amici.ObservableScaling_log10 SecondOrderMode_none = _amici.SecondOrderMode_none SecondOrderMode_full = _amici.SecondOrderMode_full SecondOrderMode_directional = _amici.SecondOrderMode_directional SensitivityOrder_none = _amici.SensitivityOrder_none " Don't compute sensitivities." SensitivityOrder_first = _amici.SensitivityOrder_first ' First-order sensitivities.' SensitivityOrder_second = _amici.SensitivityOrder_second ' Second-order sensitivities.' SensitivityMethod_none = _amici.SensitivityMethod_none " Don't compute sensitivities." SensitivityMethod_forward = _amici.SensitivityMethod_forward ' Forward sensitivity analysis.' SensitivityMethod_adjoint = _amici.SensitivityMethod_adjoint ' Adjoint sensitivity analysis.' LinearSolver_dense = _amici.LinearSolver_dense LinearSolver_band = _amici.LinearSolver_band LinearSolver_LAPACKDense = _amici.LinearSolver_LAPACKDense LinearSolver_LAPACKBand = _amici.LinearSolver_LAPACKBand LinearSolver_diag = _amici.LinearSolver_diag LinearSolver_SPGMR = _amici.LinearSolver_SPGMR LinearSolver_SPBCG = _amici.LinearSolver_SPBCG LinearSolver_SPTFQMR = _amici.LinearSolver_SPTFQMR LinearSolver_KLU = _amici.LinearSolver_KLU LinearSolver_SuperLUMT = _amici.LinearSolver_SuperLUMT InternalSensitivityMethod_simultaneous = _amici.InternalSensitivityMethod_simultaneous InternalSensitivityMethod_staggered = _amici.InternalSensitivityMethod_staggered InternalSensitivityMethod_staggered1 = _amici.InternalSensitivityMethod_staggered1 InterpolationType_hermite = _amici.InterpolationType_hermite InterpolationType_polynomial = _amici.InterpolationType_polynomial LinearMultistepMethod_adams = _amici.LinearMultistepMethod_adams LinearMultistepMethod_BDF = _amici.LinearMultistepMethod_BDF NonlinearSolverIteration_functional = _amici.NonlinearSolverIteration_functional NonlinearSolverIteration_fixedpoint = _amici.NonlinearSolverIteration_fixedpoint ' deprecated' NonlinearSolverIteration_newton = _amici.NonlinearSolverIteration_newton SteadyStateComputationMode_newtonOnly = _amici.SteadyStateComputationMode_newtonOnly SteadyStateComputationMode_integrationOnly = _amici.SteadyStateComputationMode_integrationOnly SteadyStateComputationMode_integrateIfNewtonFails = _amici.SteadyStateComputationMode_integrateIfNewtonFails SteadyStateSensitivityMode_newtonOnly = _amici.SteadyStateSensitivityMode_newtonOnly SteadyStateSensitivityMode_integrationOnly = _amici.SteadyStateSensitivityMode_integrationOnly SteadyStateSensitivityMode_integrateIfNewtonFails = _amici.SteadyStateSensitivityMode_integrateIfNewtonFails SteadyStateStatus_failed_too_long_simulation = _amici.SteadyStateStatus_failed_too_long_simulation SteadyStateStatus_failed_damping = _amici.SteadyStateStatus_failed_damping SteadyStateStatus_failed_factorization = _amici.SteadyStateStatus_failed_factorization SteadyStateStatus_failed_convergence = _amici.SteadyStateStatus_failed_convergence SteadyStateStatus_failed = _amici.SteadyStateStatus_failed SteadyStateStatus_not_run = _amici.SteadyStateStatus_not_run SteadyStateStatus_success = _amici.SteadyStateStatus_success SteadyStateContext_newtonSensi = _amici.SteadyStateContext_newtonSensi SteadyStateContext_sensiStorage = _amici.SteadyStateContext_sensiStorage SteadyStateContext_solverCreation = _amici.SteadyStateContext_solverCreation NewtonDampingFactorMode_off = _amici.NewtonDampingFactorMode_off NewtonDampingFactorMode_on = _amici.NewtonDampingFactorMode_on FixedParameterContext_simulation = _amici.FixedParameterContext_simulation FixedParameterContext_preequilibration = _amici.FixedParameterContext_preequilibration FixedParameterContext_presimulation = _amici.FixedParameterContext_presimulation RDataReporting_full = _amici.RDataReporting_full RDataReporting_residuals = _amici.RDataReporting_residuals RDataReporting_likelihood = _amici.RDataReporting_likelihood SplineBoundaryCondition_given = _amici.SplineBoundaryCondition_given SplineBoundaryCondition_zeroDerivative = _amici.SplineBoundaryCondition_zeroDerivative SplineBoundaryCondition_natural = _amici.SplineBoundaryCondition_natural SplineBoundaryCondition_naturalZeroDerivative = _amici.SplineBoundaryCondition_naturalZeroDerivative SplineBoundaryCondition_periodic = _amici.SplineBoundaryCondition_periodic SplineExtrapolation_noExtrapolation = _amici.SplineExtrapolation_noExtrapolation SplineExtrapolation_constant = _amici.SplineExtrapolation_constant SplineExtrapolation_linear = _amici.SplineExtrapolation_linear SplineExtrapolation_polynomial = _amici.SplineExtrapolation_polynomial SplineExtrapolation_periodic = _amici.SplineExtrapolation_periodic Constraint_none = _amici.Constraint_none Constraint_non_negative = _amici.Constraint_non_negative Constraint_non_positive = _amici.Constraint_non_positive Constraint_positive = _amici.Constraint_positive Constraint_negative = _amici.Constraint_negative
[docs] class ModelDimensions(object): """ Container for model dimensions. Holds number of states, observables, etc. """ thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc='The membership flag') __repr__ = _swig_repr
[docs] def __init__(self, *args): """ *Overload 1:* Default ctor | *Overload 2:* Constructor with model dimensions :type nx_rdata: int :param nx_rdata: Number of state variables :type nxtrue_rdata: int :param nxtrue_rdata: Number of state variables of the non-augmented model :type nx_solver: int :param nx_solver: Number of state variables with conservation laws applied :type nxtrue_solver: int :param nxtrue_solver: Number of state variables of the non-augmented model with conservation laws applied :type nx_solver_reinit: int :param nx_solver_reinit: Number of state variables with conservation laws subject to reinitialization :type np: int :param np: Number of parameters :type nk: int :param nk: Number of constants :type ny: int :param ny: Number of observables :type nytrue: int :param nytrue: Number of observables of the non-augmented model :type nz: int :param nz: Number of event observables :type nztrue: int :param nztrue: Number of event observables of the non-augmented model :type ne: int :param ne: Number of events :type ne_solver: int :param ne_solver: Number of events that require root-finding :type nspl: int :param nspl: Number of splines :type nJ: int :param nJ: Number of objective functions :type nw: int :param nw: Number of repeating elements :type ndwdx: int :param ndwdx: Number of nonzero elements in the `x` derivative of the repeating elements :type ndwdp: int :param ndwdp: Number of nonzero elements in the `p` derivative of the repeating elements :type ndwdw: int :param ndwdw: Number of nonzero elements in the `w` derivative of the repeating elements :type ndxdotdw: int :param ndxdotdw: Number of nonzero elements in the :math:`w` derivative of :math:`xdot` :type ndJydy: IntVector :param ndJydy: Number of nonzero elements in the :math:`y` derivative of :math:`dJy` (shape `nytrue`) :type ndxrdatadxsolver: int :param ndxrdatadxsolver: Number of nonzero elements in the :math:`x` derivative of :math:`x_rdata` :type ndxrdatadtcl: int :param ndxrdatadtcl: Number of nonzero elements in the :math:`tcl` derivative of :math:`x_rdata` :type ndtotal_cldx_rdata: int :param ndtotal_cldx_rdata: Number of nonzero elements in the :math:`x_rdata` derivative of :math:`total_cl` :type nnz: int :param nnz: Number of nonzero elements in Jacobian :type ubw: int :param ubw: Upper matrix bandwidth in the Jacobian :type lbw: int :param lbw: Lower matrix bandwidth in the Jacobian """ _amici.ModelDimensions_swiginit(self, _amici.new_ModelDimensions(*args))
nx_rdata = property(_amici.ModelDimensions_nx_rdata_get, _amici.ModelDimensions_nx_rdata_set, doc=' Number of states') nxtrue_rdata = property(_amici.ModelDimensions_nxtrue_rdata_get, _amici.ModelDimensions_nxtrue_rdata_set, doc=' Number of states in the unaugmented system') nx_solver = property(_amici.ModelDimensions_nx_solver_get, _amici.ModelDimensions_nx_solver_set, doc=' Number of states with conservation laws applied') nxtrue_solver = property(_amici.ModelDimensions_nxtrue_solver_get, _amici.ModelDimensions_nxtrue_solver_set, doc='\n Number of states in the unaugmented system with conservation laws\n applied\n ') nx_solver_reinit = property(_amici.ModelDimensions_nx_solver_reinit_get, _amici.ModelDimensions_nx_solver_reinit_set, doc=' Number of solver states subject to reinitialization') np = property(_amici.ModelDimensions_np_get, _amici.ModelDimensions_np_set, doc=' Number of parameters') nk = property(_amici.ModelDimensions_nk_get, _amici.ModelDimensions_nk_set, doc=' Number of constants') ny = property(_amici.ModelDimensions_ny_get, _amici.ModelDimensions_ny_set, doc=' Number of observables') nytrue = property(_amici.ModelDimensions_nytrue_get, _amici.ModelDimensions_nytrue_set, doc=' Number of observables in the unaugmented system') nz = property(_amici.ModelDimensions_nz_get, _amici.ModelDimensions_nz_set, doc=' Number of event outputs') nztrue = property(_amici.ModelDimensions_nztrue_get, _amici.ModelDimensions_nztrue_set, doc=' Number of event outputs in the unaugmented system') ne = property(_amici.ModelDimensions_ne_get, _amici.ModelDimensions_ne_set, doc=' Number of events') ne_solver = property(_amici.ModelDimensions_ne_solver_get, _amici.ModelDimensions_ne_solver_set, doc=' Number of events that require root-finding') nspl = property(_amici.ModelDimensions_nspl_get, _amici.ModelDimensions_nspl_set, doc=' Number of spline functions in the model') nw = property(_amici.ModelDimensions_nw_get, _amici.ModelDimensions_nw_set, doc=' Number of common expressions') ndwdx = property(_amici.ModelDimensions_ndwdx_get, _amici.ModelDimensions_ndwdx_set, doc='\n Number of nonzero elements in the `x` derivative of the\n repeating elements\n ') ndwdp = property(_amici.ModelDimensions_ndwdp_get, _amici.ModelDimensions_ndwdp_set, doc='\n Number of nonzero elements in the `p` derivative of the\n repeating elements\n ') ndwdw = property(_amici.ModelDimensions_ndwdw_get, _amici.ModelDimensions_ndwdw_set, doc='\n Number of nonzero elements in the `w` derivative of the\n repeating elements\n ') ndxdotdw = property(_amici.ModelDimensions_ndxdotdw_get, _amici.ModelDimensions_ndxdotdw_set, doc=' Number of nonzero elements in the :math:`w` derivative of :math:`xdot`') ndJydy = property(_amici.ModelDimensions_ndJydy_get, _amici.ModelDimensions_ndJydy_set, doc='\n Number of nonzero elements in the :math:`y` derivative of\n :math:`dJy` (dimension `nytrue`)\n ') ndxrdatadxsolver = property(_amici.ModelDimensions_ndxrdatadxsolver_get, _amici.ModelDimensions_ndxrdatadxsolver_set, doc=' Number of nonzero elements in the :math:`x` derivative of :math:`x_rdata`') ndxrdatadtcl = property(_amici.ModelDimensions_ndxrdatadtcl_get, _amici.ModelDimensions_ndxrdatadtcl_set, doc=' Number of nonzero elements in the :math:`tcl` derivative of :math:`x_rdata`') ndtotal_cldx_rdata = property(_amici.ModelDimensions_ndtotal_cldx_rdata_get, _amici.ModelDimensions_ndtotal_cldx_rdata_set, doc='\n Number of nonzero elements in the :math:`x_rdata` derivative of\n :math:`total_cl`\n ') nnz = property(_amici.ModelDimensions_nnz_get, _amici.ModelDimensions_nnz_set, doc=' Number of nonzero entries in Jacobian') nJ = property(_amici.ModelDimensions_nJ_get, _amici.ModelDimensions_nJ_set, doc=' Dimension of the augmented objective function for 2nd order ASA') ubw = property(_amici.ModelDimensions_ubw_get, _amici.ModelDimensions_ubw_set, doc=' Upper bandwidth of the Jacobian') lbw = property(_amici.ModelDimensions_lbw_get, _amici.ModelDimensions_lbw_set, doc=' Lower bandwidth of the Jacobian') __swig_destroy__ = _amici.delete_ModelDimensions
[docs] class SimulationParameters(object): """Container for various simulation parameters.""" thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc='The membership flag') __repr__ = _swig_repr
[docs] def __init__(self, *args): """ *Overload 1:* Constructor :type timepoints: DoubleVector :param timepoints: Timepoints for which simulation results are requested | *Overload 2:* Constructor :type fixedParameters: DoubleVector :param fixedParameters: Model constants :type parameters: DoubleVector :param parameters: Model parameters """ _amici.SimulationParameters_swiginit(self, _amici.new_SimulationParameters(*args))
[docs] def reinitializeAllFixedParameterDependentInitialStatesForPresimulation(self, nx_rdata: int): """ Set reinitialization of all states based on model constants for presimulation (only meaningful if preequilibration is performed). Convenience function to populate `reinitialization_state_idxs_presim` and `reinitialization_state_idxs_sim` :param nx_rdata: Number of states (Model::nx_rdata) """ return _amici.SimulationParameters_reinitializeAllFixedParameterDependentInitialStatesForPresimulation(self, nx_rdata)
[docs] def reinitializeAllFixedParameterDependentInitialStatesForSimulation(self, nx_rdata: int): """ Set reinitialization of all states based on model constants for the 'main' simulation (only meaningful if presimulation or preequilibration is performed). Convenience function to populate `reinitialization_state_idxs_presim` and `reinitialization_state_idxs_sim` :param nx_rdata: Number of states (Model::nx_rdata) """ return _amici.SimulationParameters_reinitializeAllFixedParameterDependentInitialStatesForSimulation(self, nx_rdata)
[docs] def reinitializeAllFixedParameterDependentInitialStates(self, nx_rdata: int): """ Set reinitialization of all states based on model constants for all simulation phases. Convenience function to populate `reinitialization_state_idxs_presim` and `reinitialization_state_idxs_sim` :param nx_rdata: Number of states (Model::nx_rdata) """ return _amici.SimulationParameters_reinitializeAllFixedParameterDependentInitialStates(self, nx_rdata)
fixedParameters = property(_amici.SimulationParameters_fixedParameters_get, _amici.SimulationParameters_fixedParameters_set, doc='\n Model constants\n\n Vector of size Model::nk() or empty\n ') fixedParametersPreequilibration = property(_amici.SimulationParameters_fixedParametersPreequilibration_get, _amici.SimulationParameters_fixedParametersPreequilibration_set, doc='\n Model constants for pre-equilibration\n\n Vector of size Model::nk() or empty.\n ') fixedParametersPresimulation = property(_amici.SimulationParameters_fixedParametersPresimulation_get, _amici.SimulationParameters_fixedParametersPresimulation_set, doc='\n Model constants for pre-simulation\n\n Vector of size Model::nk() or empty.\n ') parameters = property(_amici.SimulationParameters_parameters_get, _amici.SimulationParameters_parameters_set, doc='\n Model parameters\n\n Vector of size Model::np() or empty with parameter scaled according to\n SimulationParameter::pscale.\n ') x0 = property(_amici.SimulationParameters_x0_get, _amici.SimulationParameters_x0_set, doc='\n Initial state\n\n Vector of size Model::nx() or empty\n ') sx0 = property(_amici.SimulationParameters_sx0_get, _amici.SimulationParameters_sx0_set, doc='\n Initial state sensitivities\n\n Dimensions:\n Model::nx() * Model::nplist(), Model::nx() * ExpData::plist.size(), if\n ExpData::plist is not empty, or empty\n ') pscale = property(_amici.SimulationParameters_pscale_get, _amici.SimulationParameters_pscale_set, doc='\n Parameter scales\n\n Vector of parameter scale of size Model::np(), indicating how/if each\n parameter is to be scaled.\n ') plist = property(_amici.SimulationParameters_plist_get, _amici.SimulationParameters_plist_set, doc='Parameter indices w.r.t. which to compute sensitivities') tstart_ = property(_amici.SimulationParameters_tstart__get, _amici.SimulationParameters_tstart__set, doc='\n Starting time of the simulation.\n\n Output timepoints are absolute timepoints, independent of\n :math:`t_{start}`.\n For output timepoints :math:`t < t_{start}`, the initial state will be\n returned.\n ') t_presim = property(_amici.SimulationParameters_t_presim_get, _amici.SimulationParameters_t_presim_set, doc='\n Duration of pre-simulation.\n\n If this is > 0, presimulation will be performed from\n (model->t0 - t_presim) to model->t0 using the fixedParameters in\n fixedParametersPresimulation\n ') ts_ = property(_amici.SimulationParameters_ts__get, _amici.SimulationParameters_ts__set, doc='\n Timepoints for which model state/outputs/... are requested\n\n Vector of timepoints.\n ') reinitializeFixedParameterInitialStates = property(_amici.SimulationParameters_reinitializeFixedParameterInitialStates_get, _amici.SimulationParameters_reinitializeFixedParameterInitialStates_set, doc='\n Flag indicating whether reinitialization of states depending on\n fixed parameters is activated\n ') reinitialization_state_idxs_presim = property(_amici.SimulationParameters_reinitialization_state_idxs_presim_get, _amici.SimulationParameters_reinitialization_state_idxs_presim_set, doc='\n Indices of states to be reinitialized based on provided\n presimulation constants / fixed parameters.\n ') reinitialization_state_idxs_sim = property(_amici.SimulationParameters_reinitialization_state_idxs_sim_get, _amici.SimulationParameters_reinitialization_state_idxs_sim_set, doc='\n Indices of states to be reinitialized based on provided\n constants / fixed parameters.\n ') __swig_destroy__ = _amici.delete_SimulationParameters
_amici.SimulationParameters_swigregister(SimulationParameters) class AbstractModel(object): """ Abstract base class of amici::Model defining functions that need to be implemented in an AMICI model. Some functions have empty default implementations or throw. This class shall not have any data members. """ thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc='The membership flag') def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): raise AttributeError('No constructor defined - class is abstract') __repr__ = _swig_repr __swig_destroy__ = _amici.delete_AbstractModel def getSolver(self) -> 'Solver': """ Retrieves the solver object :return: The Solver instance """ return _amici.AbstractModel_getSolver(self) def getAmiciVersion(self) -> 'str': """ Returns the AMICI version that was used to generate the model :return: AMICI version string """ return _amici.AbstractModel_getAmiciVersion(self) def getAmiciCommit(self) -> 'str': """ Returns the AMICI commit that was used to generate the model :return: AMICI commit string """ return _amici.AbstractModel_getAmiciCommit(self) def isFixedParameterStateReinitializationAllowed(self) -> bool: """ Function indicating whether reinitialization of states depending on fixed parameters is permissible :return: flag indicating whether reinitialization of states depending on fixed parameters is permissible """ return _amici.AbstractModel_isFixedParameterStateReinitializationAllowed(self) def fdsigmaydy(self, dsigmaydy: 'float', t: 'float', p: 'float', k: 'float', y: 'float'): """ Model-specific implementation of fsigmay :param dsigmaydy: partial derivative of standard deviation of measurements w.r.t. model outputs :param t: current time :param p: parameter vector :param k: constant vector :param y: model output at timepoint t """ return _amici.AbstractModel_fdsigmaydy(self, dsigmaydy, t, p, k, y) def fdx_rdatadx_solver(self, dx_rdatadx_solver: 'float', x: 'float', tcl: 'float', p: 'float', k: 'float'): """ Compute dx_rdata / dx_solver :param dx_rdatadx_solver: dx_rdata / dx_solver :param p: parameter vector :param k: constant vector :param x: State variables with conservation laws applied :param tcl: Total abundances for conservation laws """ return _amici.AbstractModel_fdx_rdatadx_solver(self, dx_rdatadx_solver, x, tcl, p, k) def fdx_rdatadp(self, dx_rdatadp: 'float', x: 'float', tcl: 'float', p: 'float', k: 'float', ip: int): """ Compute dx_rdata / dp :param dx_rdatadp: dx_rdata / dp :param p: parameter vector :param k: constant vector :param x: State variables with conservation laws applied :param tcl: Total abundances for conservation laws :param ip: Sensitivity index """ return _amici.AbstractModel_fdx_rdatadp(self, dx_rdatadp, x, tcl, p, k, ip) def fdx_rdatadtcl(self, dx_rdatadtcl: 'float', x: 'float', tcl: 'float', p: 'float', k: 'float'): """ Compute dx_rdata / dtcl :param dx_rdatadtcl: dx_rdata / dtcl :param p: parameter vector :param k: constant vector :param x: State variables with conservation laws applied :param tcl: Total abundances for conservation laws """ return _amici.AbstractModel_fdx_rdatadtcl(self, dx_rdatadtcl, x, tcl, p, k) def fdtotal_cldp(self, dtotal_cldp: 'float', x_rdata: 'float', p: 'float', k: 'float', ip: int): """ Compute dtotal_cl / dp :param dtotal_cldp: dtotal_cl / dp :param x_rdata: State variables with conservation laws applied :param p: parameter vector :param k: constant vector :param ip: Sensitivity index """ return _amici.AbstractModel_fdtotal_cldp(self, dtotal_cldp, x_rdata, p, k, ip) def fdtotal_cldx_rdata(self, dtotal_cldx_rdata: 'float', x_rdata: 'float', p: 'float', k: 'float', tcl: 'float'): """ Compute dtotal_cl / dx_rdata :param dtotal_cldx_rdata: dtotal_cl / dx_rdata :param x_rdata: State variables with conservation laws applied :param p: parameter vector :param k: constant vector :param tcl: Total abundances for conservation laws """ return _amici.AbstractModel_fdtotal_cldx_rdata(self, dtotal_cldx_rdata, x_rdata, p, k, tcl) def fdspline_valuesdp(self, dspline_valuesdp: 'float', p: 'float', k: 'float', ip: int): """ Model-specific implementation the parametric derivatives of spline node values :param dspline_valuesdp: vector to which derivatives will be written :param p: parameter vector :param k: constants vector :param ip: Sensitivity index """ return _amici.AbstractModel_fdspline_valuesdp(self, dspline_valuesdp, p, k, ip) def fdspline_slopesdp(self, dspline_slopesdp: 'float', p: 'float', k: 'float', ip: int): """ Model-specific implementation the parametric derivatives of slopevalues at spline nodes :param dspline_slopesdp: vector to which derivatives will be written :param p: parameter vector :param k: constants vector :param ip: Sensitivity index """ return _amici.AbstractModel_fdspline_slopesdp(self, dspline_slopesdp, p, k, ip) _amici.AbstractModel_swigregister(AbstractModel)
[docs] def getUnscaledParameter(scaledParameter: 'float', scaling: int) -> 'float': """ Remove parameter scaling according to `scaling` :param scaledParameter: scaled parameter :param scaling: parameter scaling :return: Unscaled parameter """ return _amici.getUnscaledParameter(scaledParameter, scaling)
[docs] def getScaledParameter(unscaledParameter: 'float', scaling: int) -> 'float': """ Apply parameter scaling according to `scaling` :param unscaledParameter: :param scaling: parameter scaling :return: Scaled parameter """ return _amici.getScaledParameter(unscaledParameter, scaling)
[docs] class CpuTimer(object): """ Tracks elapsed CPU time using std::clock.""" thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc='The membership flag') __repr__ = _swig_repr
[docs] def __init__(self): """Constructor""" _amici.CpuTimer_swiginit(self, _amici.new_CpuTimer())
[docs] def reset(self): """Reset the timer""" return _amici.CpuTimer_reset(self)
[docs] def elapsed_seconds(self) -> 'float': """ Get elapsed CPU time in seconds since initialization or last reset :return: CPU time in seconds """ return _amici.CpuTimer_elapsed_seconds(self)
[docs] def elapsed_milliseconds(self) -> 'float': """ Get elapsed CPU time in milliseconds since initialization or last reset :return: CPU time in milliseconds """ return _amici.CpuTimer_elapsed_milliseconds(self)
uses_thread_clock = _amici.CpuTimer_uses_thread_clock '\n Whether the timer uses a thread clock (i.e. provides proper,\n thread-specific CPU time).\n ' __swig_destroy__ = _amici.delete_CpuTimer
_amici.CpuTimer_swigregister(CpuTimer) def _edata_repr(self: 'ExpData'): n_data_y = sum((self.isSetObservedData(it, iy) for it in range(self.nt()) for iy in range(self.nytrue()))) n_sigma_y = sum((self.isSetObservedDataStdDev(it, iy) for it in range(self.nt()) for iy in range(self.nytrue()))) n_data_z = sum((self.isSetObservedEvents(ie, iz) for ie in range(self.nmaxevent()) for iz in range(self.nztrue()))) n_sigma_z = sum((self.isSetObservedEventsStdDev(ie, iz) for ie in range(self.nmaxevent()) for iz in range(self.nztrue()))) custom_simulation_settings = [] if self.pscale: custom_simulation_settings.append(f'parameter scales') if self.fixedParameters: custom_simulation_settings.append(f'constants') if self.fixedParametersPreequilibration: custom_simulation_settings.append(f'pre-equilibration condition') if self.t_presim: tmp = f'pre-simulation condition (t={self.t_presim})' if self.fixedParametersPresimulation: tmp += ' with custom constants' custom_simulation_settings.append(tmp) if self.reinitializeFixedParameterInitialStates and self.reinitialization_state_idxs_sim: custom_simulation_settings.append(f'{len(self.reinitialization_state_idxs_sim)} reinitialized states (simulation)') if self.reinitializeFixedParameterInitialStates and self.reinitialization_state_idxs_presim: custom_simulation_settings.append(f'{len(self.reinitialization_state_idxs_presim)} reinitialized states (presimulation)') if self.parameters: custom_simulation_settings.append(f'parameters') if self.x0: custom_simulation_settings.append(f'initial states') if self.sx0: custom_simulation_settings.append(f'initial state sensitivities') if custom_simulation_settings: custom_simulation_settings = ' with custom ' + ', '.join(custom_simulation_settings) else: custom_simulation_settings = ' without custom settings' return '\n'.join([self.this.__repr__()[:-1], f" condition '{}' starting at t={self.tstart_}" + custom_simulation_settings, f' {self.nt()}x{self.nytrue()} time-resolved datapoints', f' ({n_data_y}/{self.nt() * self.nytrue()} measurements & {n_sigma_y}/{self.nt() * self.nytrue()} sigmas set)', f' {self.nmaxevent()}x{self.nztrue()} event-resolved datapoints', f' ({n_data_z}/{self.nmaxevent() * self.nztrue()} measurements & {n_sigma_z}/{self.nmaxevent() * self.nztrue()} sigmas set)', '>'])
[docs] class ExpData(SimulationParameters): """ ExpData carries all information about experimental or condition-specific data. """ thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc='The membership flag') __repr__ = _swig_repr
[docs] def __init__(self, *args): """ *Overload 1:* Default constructor. | *Overload 2:* Copy constructor. | *Overload 3:* Constructor that only initializes dimensions. :type nytrue: int :param nytrue: Number of observables :type nztrue: int :param nztrue: Number of event outputs :type nmaxevent: int :param nmaxevent: Maximal number of events to track | *Overload 4:* constructor that initializes timepoints from vectors :type nytrue: int :param nytrue: Number of observables :type nztrue: int :param nztrue: Number of event outputs :type nmaxevent: int :param nmaxevent: Maximal number of events to track :type ts: DoubleVector :param ts: Timepoints (dimension: nt) | *Overload 5:* constructor that initializes timepoints and fixed parameters from vectors :type nytrue: int :param nytrue: Number of observables :type nztrue: int :param nztrue: Number of event outputs :type nmaxevent: int :param nmaxevent: Maximal number of events to track :type ts: DoubleVector :param ts: Timepoints (dimension: nt) :type fixedParameters: DoubleVector :param fixedParameters: Model constants (dimension: nk) | *Overload 6:* constructor that initializes timepoints and data from vectors :type nytrue: int :param nytrue: Number of observables :type nztrue: int :param nztrue: Number of event outputs :type nmaxevent: int :param nmaxevent: Maximal number of events to track :type ts: DoubleVector :param ts: Timepoints (dimension: nt) :type observedData: DoubleVector :param observedData: observed data (dimension: nt x nytrue, row-major) :type observedDataStdDev: DoubleVector :param observedDataStdDev: standard deviation of observed data (dimension: nt x nytrue, row-major) :type observedEvents: DoubleVector :param observedEvents: observed events (dimension: nmaxevents x nztrue, row-major) :type observedEventsStdDev: DoubleVector :param observedEventsStdDev: standard deviation of observed events/roots (dimension: nmaxevents x nztrue, row-major) | *Overload 7:* constructor that initializes with Model :type model: :py:class:`Model` :param model: pointer to model specification object | *Overload 8:* constructor that initializes with returnData, adds noise according to specified sigmas :type rdata: :py:class:`ReturnData` :param rdata: return data pointer with stored simulation results :type sigma_y: float :param sigma_y: scalar standard deviations for all observables :type sigma_z: float :param sigma_z: scalar standard deviations for all event observables | *Overload 9:* constructor that initializes with returnData, adds noise according to specified sigmas :type rdata: :py:class:`ReturnData` :param rdata: return data pointer with stored simulation results :type sigma_y: DoubleVector :param sigma_y: vector of standard deviations for observables (dimension: nytrue or nt x nytrue, row-major) :type sigma_z: DoubleVector :param sigma_z: vector of standard deviations for event observables (dimension: nztrue or nmaxevent x nztrue, row-major) """ '\n Convenience wrapper for :py:class:`amici.amici.ExpData` constructors\n\n :param args: arguments\n\n :returns: ExpData Instance\n ' if args: from amici.numpy import ReturnDataView if isinstance(args[0], (ExpData, ExpDataPtr, Model, ModelPtr)): args = (_get_ptr(args[0]), *args[1:]) elif isinstance(args[0], ReturnDataView): args = (_get_ptr(args[0]['ptr']), *args[1:]) _amici.ExpData_swiginit(self, _amici.new_ExpData(*args))
__swig_destroy__ = _amici.delete_ExpData
[docs] def nytrue(self) -> int: """ number of observables of the non-augmented model :return: number of observables of the non-augmented model """ return _amici.ExpData_nytrue(self)
[docs] def nztrue(self) -> int: """ number of event observables of the non-augmented model :return: number of event observables of the non-augmented model """ return _amici.ExpData_nztrue(self)
[docs] def nmaxevent(self) -> int: """ maximal number of events to track :return: maximal number of events to track """ return _amici.ExpData_nmaxevent(self)
[docs] def nt(self) -> int: """ number of timepoints :return: number of timepoints """ return _amici.ExpData_nt(self)
[docs] def setTimepoints(self, ts: Sequence[float]): """ Set output timepoints. If the number of timepoint increases, this will grow the observation/sigma matrices and fill new entries with NaN. If the number of timepoints decreases, this will shrink the observation/sigma matrices. Note that the mapping from timepoints to measurements will not be preserved. E.g., say there are measurements at t = 2, and this function is called with [1, 2], then the old measurements will belong to t = 1. :param ts: timepoints """ return _amici.ExpData_setTimepoints(self, ts)
[docs] def getTimepoints(self) -> Sequence[float]: """ Get output timepoints. :return: ExpData::ts """ return _amici.ExpData_getTimepoints(self)
[docs] def getTimepoint(self, it: int) -> 'float': """ Get timepoint for the given index :param it: timepoint index :return: timepoint timepoint at index """ return _amici.ExpData_getTimepoint(self, it)
[docs] def setObservedData(self, *args): """ *Overload 1:* Set all measurements. :type observedData: DoubleVector :param observedData: observed data (dimension: nt x nytrue, row-major) | *Overload 2:* Set measurements for a given observable index :type observedData: DoubleVector :param observedData: observed data (dimension: nt) :type iy: int :param iy: observed data index """ return _amici.ExpData_setObservedData(self, *args)
[docs] def isSetObservedData(self, it: int, iy: int) -> bool: """ Whether there is a measurement for the given time- and observable- index. :param it: time index :param iy: observable index :return: boolean specifying if data was set """ return _amici.ExpData_isSetObservedData(self, it, iy)
[docs] def getObservedData(self) -> Sequence[float]: """ Get all measurements. :return: observed data (dimension: nt x nytrue, row-major) """ return _amici.ExpData_getObservedData(self)
[docs] def getObservedDataPtr(self, it: int) -> 'float': """ Get measurements for a given timepoint index. :param it: timepoint index :return: pointer to observed data at index (dimension: nytrue) """ return _amici.ExpData_getObservedDataPtr(self, it)
[docs] def setObservedDataStdDev(self, *args): """ *Overload 1:* Set standard deviations for measurements. :type observedDataStdDev: DoubleVector :param observedDataStdDev: standard deviation of observed data (dimension: nt x nytrue, row-major) | *Overload 2:* Set identical standard deviation for all measurements. :type stdDev: float :param stdDev: standard deviation (dimension: scalar) | *Overload 3:* Set standard deviations of observed data for a specific observable index. :type observedDataStdDev: DoubleVector :param observedDataStdDev: standard deviation of observed data (dimension: nt) :type iy: int :param iy: observed data index | *Overload 4:* Set all standard deviation for a given observable index to the input value. :type stdDev: float :param stdDev: standard deviation (dimension: scalar) :type iy: int :param iy: observed data index """ return _amici.ExpData_setObservedDataStdDev(self, *args)
[docs] def isSetObservedDataStdDev(self, it: int, iy: int) -> bool: """ Whether standard deviation for a measurement at specified timepoint- and observable index has been set. :param it: time index :param iy: observable index :return: boolean specifying if standard deviation of data was set """ return _amici.ExpData_isSetObservedDataStdDev(self, it, iy)
[docs] def getObservedDataStdDev(self) -> Sequence[float]: """ Get measurement standard deviations. :return: standard deviation of observed data """ return _amici.ExpData_getObservedDataStdDev(self)
[docs] def getObservedDataStdDevPtr(self, it: int) -> 'float': """ Get pointer to measurement standard deviations. :param it: timepoint index :return: pointer to standard deviation of observed data at index """ return _amici.ExpData_getObservedDataStdDevPtr(self, it)
[docs] def setObservedEvents(self, *args): """ *Overload 1:* Set observed event data. :type observedEvents: DoubleVector :param observedEvents: observed data (dimension: nmaxevent x nztrue, row-major) | *Overload 2:* Set observed event data for specific event observable. :type observedEvents: DoubleVector :param observedEvents: observed data (dimension: nmaxevent) :type iz: int :param iz: observed event data index """ return _amici.ExpData_setObservedEvents(self, *args)
[docs] def isSetObservedEvents(self, ie: int, iz: int) -> bool: """ Check whether event data at specified indices has been set. :param ie: event index :param iz: event observable index :return: boolean specifying if data was set """ return _amici.ExpData_isSetObservedEvents(self, ie, iz)
[docs] def getObservedEvents(self) -> Sequence[float]: """ Get observed event data. :return: observed event data """ return _amici.ExpData_getObservedEvents(self)
[docs] def getObservedEventsPtr(self, ie: int) -> 'float': """ Get pointer to observed data at ie-th occurrence. :param ie: event occurrence :return: pointer to observed event data at ie-th occurrence """ return _amici.ExpData_getObservedEventsPtr(self, ie)
[docs] def setObservedEventsStdDev(self, *args): """ *Overload 1:* Set standard deviation of observed event data. :type observedEventsStdDev: DoubleVector :param observedEventsStdDev: standard deviation of observed event data | *Overload 2:* Set standard deviation of observed event data. :type stdDev: float :param stdDev: standard deviation (dimension: scalar) | *Overload 3:* Set standard deviation of observed data for a specific observable. :type observedEventsStdDev: DoubleVector :param observedEventsStdDev: standard deviation of observed data (dimension: nmaxevent) :type iz: int :param iz: observed data index | *Overload 4:* Set all standard deviations of a specific event-observable. :type stdDev: float :param stdDev: standard deviation (dimension: scalar) :type iz: int :param iz: observed data index """ return _amici.ExpData_setObservedEventsStdDev(self, *args)
[docs] def isSetObservedEventsStdDev(self, ie: int, iz: int) -> bool: """ Check whether standard deviation of event data at specified indices has been set. :param ie: event index :param iz: event observable index :return: boolean specifying if standard deviation of event data was set """ return _amici.ExpData_isSetObservedEventsStdDev(self, ie, iz)
[docs] def getObservedEventsStdDev(self) -> Sequence[float]: """ Get standard deviation of observed event data. :return: standard deviation of observed event data """ return _amici.ExpData_getObservedEventsStdDev(self)
[docs] def getObservedEventsStdDevPtr(self, ie: int) -> 'float': """ Get pointer to standard deviation of observed event data at ie-th occurrence. :param ie: event occurrence :return: pointer to standard deviation of observed event data at ie-th occurrence """ return _amici.ExpData_getObservedEventsStdDevPtr(self, ie)
[docs] def clear_observations(self): """ Set all observations and their standard deviations to NaN. Useful, e.g., after calling ExpData::setTimepoints. """ return _amici.ExpData_clear_observations(self)
id = property(_amici.ExpData_id_get, _amici.ExpData_id_set, doc='Arbitrary (not necessarily unique) identifier.') def __repr__(self): return _edata_repr(self) def __eq__(self, other): return other.__class__ == self.__class__ and __eq__(self, other) def __deepcopy__(self, memo): return type(self)(self)
_amici.ExpData_swigregister(ExpData) def checkSigmaPositivity(*args): """ *Overload 1:* checks input vector of sigmas for not strictly positive values :type sigmaVector: DoubleVector :param sigmaVector: vector input to be checked :type vectorName: string :param vectorName: name of the input | *Overload 2:* checks input scalar sigma for not strictly positive value :type sigma: float :param sigma: input to be checked :type sigmaName: string :param sigmaName: name of the input """ return _amici.checkSigmaPositivity(*args) def _solver_repr(self: 'Solver'): return '\n'.join([self.this.__repr__()[:-1], f' reporting_mode: {RDataReporting(self.getReturnDataReportingMode())!r}', f' sens_meth: {SensitivityMethod(self.getSensitivityMethod())!r}', f' sens_order: {SensitivityOrder(self.getSensitivityOrder())!r}', f' sens_meth_preeq: {SensitivityMethod(self.getSensitivityMethodPreequilibration())!r}', f' maxsteps: {self.getMaxSteps()}', f' maxtime: {self.getMaxTime()}s', f' abs_tol: {self.getAbsoluteTolerance()}', f' rel_tol: {self.getRelativeTolerance()}', f' abs_tol_b: {self.getAbsoluteToleranceB()}', f' rel_tol_b: {self.getRelativeToleranceB()}', f' abs_tol_fsa: {self.getAbsoluteToleranceFSA()}', f' rel_tol_fsa: {self.getRelativeToleranceFSA()}', f' abs_tol_quad: {self.getAbsoluteToleranceQuadratures()}', f' rel_tol_quad: {self.getRelativeToleranceQuadratures()}', f' abs_tol_ss: {self.getAbsoluteToleranceSteadyState()}', f' rel_tol_ss: {self.getRelativeToleranceSteadyState()}', f' abs_tol_sss: {self.getAbsoluteToleranceSteadyStateSensi()}', f' rel_tol_sss: {self.getRelativeToleranceSteadyStateSensi()}', f' int_sens_meth: {InternalSensitivityMethod(self.getInternalSensitivityMethod())!r}', f' int_type: {InterpolationType(self.getInterpolationType())!r}', f' linsol: {LinearSolver(self.getLinearSolver())!r}', f' lmm: {LinearMultistepMethod(self.getLinearMultistepMethod())!r}', f' newton_damp_mode: {NewtonDampingFactorMode(self.getNewtonDampingFactorMode())!r}', f' newton_damp_lb: {self.getNewtonDampingFactorLowerBound()}', f' newton_maxsteps: {self.getNewtonMaxSteps()}', f' newton_ss_check: {self.getNewtonStepSteadyStateCheck()}', f' sens_ss_check: {self.getSensiSteadyStateCheck()}', f' interpolation_type: {InterpolationType(self.getInterpolationType())!r}', f' ism: {InternalSensitivityMethod(self.getInternalSensitivityMethod())!r}', f' nlsol_iter: {NonlinearSolverIteration(self.getNonlinearSolverIteration())!r}', f' stability_limit: {self.getStabilityLimitFlag()}', f' state_ordering: {self.getStateOrdering()}', '>'])
[docs] class Solver(object): """ The Solver class provides a generic interface to CVODES and IDAS solvers, individual realizations are realized in the CVodeSolver and the IDASolver class. All transient private/protected members (CVODES/IDAS memory, interface variables and status flags) are specified as mutable and not included in serialization or equality checks. No solver setting parameter should be marked mutable. NOTE: Any changes in data members here must be propagated to copy ctor, equality operator, serialization functions in serialization.h, and amici::hdf5::(read/write)SolverSettings(From/To)HDF5 in hdf5.cpp. """ thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc='The membership flag')
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): raise AttributeError('No constructor defined - class is abstract')
__repr__ = _swig_repr __swig_destroy__ = _amici.delete_Solver
[docs] def clone(self) -> 'Solver': """ Clone this instance :return: The clone """ return _amici.Solver_clone(self)
[docs] def getSensitivityMethod(self) -> 'SensitivityMethod': """ Return current sensitivity method :return: method enum """ return _amici.Solver_getSensitivityMethod(self)
[docs] def setSensitivityMethod(self, sensi_meth: 'SensitivityMethod'): """ Set sensitivity method :param sensi_meth: """ return _amici.Solver_setSensitivityMethod(self, sensi_meth)
[docs] def getSensitivityMethodPreequilibration(self) -> 'SensitivityMethod': """ Return current sensitivity method during preequilibration :return: method enum """ return _amici.Solver_getSensitivityMethodPreequilibration(self)
[docs] def setSensitivityMethodPreequilibration(self, sensi_meth_preeq: 'SensitivityMethod'): """ Set sensitivity method for preequilibration :param sensi_meth_preeq: """ return _amici.Solver_setSensitivityMethodPreequilibration(self, sensi_meth_preeq)
[docs] def getNewtonMaxSteps(self) -> int: """ Get maximum number of allowed Newton steps for steady state computation :return: """ return _amici.Solver_getNewtonMaxSteps(self)
[docs] def setNewtonMaxSteps(self, newton_maxsteps: int): """ Set maximum number of allowed Newton steps for steady state computation :param newton_maxsteps: """ return _amici.Solver_setNewtonMaxSteps(self, newton_maxsteps)
[docs] def getNewtonDampingFactorMode(self) -> 'NewtonDampingFactorMode': """ Get a state of the damping factor used in the Newton solver :return: """ return _amici.Solver_getNewtonDampingFactorMode(self)
[docs] def setNewtonDampingFactorMode(self, dampingFactorMode: 'NewtonDampingFactorMode'): """ Turn on/off a damping factor in the Newton method :param dampingFactorMode: """ return _amici.Solver_setNewtonDampingFactorMode(self, dampingFactorMode)
[docs] def getNewtonDampingFactorLowerBound(self) -> 'float': """ Get a lower bound of the damping factor used in the Newton solver :return: """ return _amici.Solver_getNewtonDampingFactorLowerBound(self)
[docs] def setNewtonDampingFactorLowerBound(self, dampingFactorLowerBound: 'float'): """ Set a lower bound of the damping factor in the Newton solver :param dampingFactorLowerBound: """ return _amici.Solver_setNewtonDampingFactorLowerBound(self, dampingFactorLowerBound)
[docs] def getSensitivityOrder(self) -> 'SensitivityOrder': """ Get sensitivity order :return: sensitivity order """ return _amici.Solver_getSensitivityOrder(self)
[docs] def setSensitivityOrder(self, sensi: 'SensitivityOrder'): """ Set the sensitivity order :param sensi: sensitivity order """ return _amici.Solver_setSensitivityOrder(self, sensi)
[docs] def getRelativeTolerance(self) -> 'float': """ Get the relative tolerances for the forward problem Same tolerance is used for the backward problem if not specified differently via setRelativeToleranceASA. :return: relative tolerances """ return _amici.Solver_getRelativeTolerance(self)
[docs] def setRelativeTolerance(self, rtol: 'float'): """ Sets the relative tolerances for the forward problem Same tolerance is used for the backward problem if not specified differently via setRelativeToleranceASA. :param rtol: relative tolerance (non-negative number) """ return _amici.Solver_setRelativeTolerance(self, rtol)
[docs] def getAbsoluteTolerance(self) -> 'float': """ Get the absolute tolerances for the forward problem Same tolerance is used for the backward problem if not specified differently via setAbsoluteToleranceASA. :return: absolute tolerances """ return _amici.Solver_getAbsoluteTolerance(self)
[docs] def setAbsoluteTolerance(self, atol: 'float'): """ Sets the absolute tolerances for the forward problem Same tolerance is used for the backward problem if not specified differently via setAbsoluteToleranceASA. :param atol: absolute tolerance (non-negative number) """ return _amici.Solver_setAbsoluteTolerance(self, atol)
[docs] def getRelativeToleranceFSA(self) -> 'float': """ Returns the relative tolerances for the forward sensitivity problem :return: relative tolerances """ return _amici.Solver_getRelativeToleranceFSA(self)
[docs] def setRelativeToleranceFSA(self, rtol: 'float'): """ Sets the relative tolerances for the forward sensitivity problem :param rtol: relative tolerance (non-negative number) """ return _amici.Solver_setRelativeToleranceFSA(self, rtol)
[docs] def getAbsoluteToleranceFSA(self) -> 'float': """ Returns the absolute tolerances for the forward sensitivity problem :return: absolute tolerances """ return _amici.Solver_getAbsoluteToleranceFSA(self)
[docs] def setAbsoluteToleranceFSA(self, atol: 'float'): """ Sets the absolute tolerances for the forward sensitivity problem :param atol: absolute tolerance (non-negative number) """ return _amici.Solver_setAbsoluteToleranceFSA(self, atol)
[docs] def getRelativeToleranceB(self) -> 'float': """ Returns the relative tolerances for the adjoint sensitivity problem :return: relative tolerances """ return _amici.Solver_getRelativeToleranceB(self)
[docs] def setRelativeToleranceB(self, rtol: 'float'): """ Sets the relative tolerances for the adjoint sensitivity problem :param rtol: relative tolerance (non-negative number) """ return _amici.Solver_setRelativeToleranceB(self, rtol)
[docs] def getAbsoluteToleranceB(self) -> 'float': """ Returns the absolute tolerances for the backward problem for adjoint sensitivity analysis :return: absolute tolerances """ return _amici.Solver_getAbsoluteToleranceB(self)
[docs] def setAbsoluteToleranceB(self, atol: 'float'): """ Sets the absolute tolerances for the backward problem for adjoint sensitivity analysis :param atol: absolute tolerance (non-negative number) """ return _amici.Solver_setAbsoluteToleranceB(self, atol)
[docs] def getRelativeToleranceQuadratures(self) -> 'float': """ Returns the relative tolerance for the quadrature problem :return: relative tolerance """ return _amici.Solver_getRelativeToleranceQuadratures(self)
[docs] def setRelativeToleranceQuadratures(self, rtol: 'float'): """ sets the relative tolerance for the quadrature problem :param rtol: relative tolerance (non-negative number) """ return _amici.Solver_setRelativeToleranceQuadratures(self, rtol)
[docs] def getAbsoluteToleranceQuadratures(self) -> 'float': """ returns the absolute tolerance for the quadrature problem :return: absolute tolerance """ return _amici.Solver_getAbsoluteToleranceQuadratures(self)
[docs] def setAbsoluteToleranceQuadratures(self, atol: 'float'): """ sets the absolute tolerance for the quadrature problem :param atol: absolute tolerance (non-negative number) """ return _amici.Solver_setAbsoluteToleranceQuadratures(self, atol)
[docs] def getSteadyStateToleranceFactor(self) -> 'float': """ returns the steady state simulation tolerance factor. Steady state simulation tolerances are the product of the simulation tolerances and this factor, unless manually set with `set(Absolute/Relative)ToleranceSteadyState()`. :return: steady state simulation tolerance factor """ return _amici.Solver_getSteadyStateToleranceFactor(self)
[docs] def setSteadyStateToleranceFactor(self, factor: 'float'): """ set the steady state simulation tolerance factor. Steady state simulation tolerances are the product of the simulation tolerances and this factor, unless manually set with `set(Absolute/Relative)ToleranceSteadyState()`. :param factor: tolerance factor (non-negative number) """ return _amici.Solver_setSteadyStateToleranceFactor(self, factor)
[docs] def getRelativeToleranceSteadyState(self) -> 'float': """ returns the relative tolerance for the steady state problem :return: relative tolerance """ return _amici.Solver_getRelativeToleranceSteadyState(self)
[docs] def setRelativeToleranceSteadyState(self, rtol: 'float'): """ sets the relative tolerance for the steady state problem :param rtol: relative tolerance (non-negative number) """ return _amici.Solver_setRelativeToleranceSteadyState(self, rtol)
[docs] def getAbsoluteToleranceSteadyState(self) -> 'float': """ returns the absolute tolerance for the steady state problem :return: absolute tolerance """ return _amici.Solver_getAbsoluteToleranceSteadyState(self)
[docs] def setAbsoluteToleranceSteadyState(self, atol: 'float'): """ sets the absolute tolerance for the steady state problem :param atol: absolute tolerance (non-negative number) """ return _amici.Solver_setAbsoluteToleranceSteadyState(self, atol)
[docs] def getSteadyStateSensiToleranceFactor(self) -> 'float': """ returns the steady state sensitivity simulation tolerance factor. Steady state sensitivity simulation tolerances are the product of the sensitivity simulation tolerances and this factor, unless manually set with `set(Absolute/Relative)ToleranceSteadyStateSensi()`. :return: steady state simulation tolerance factor """ return _amici.Solver_getSteadyStateSensiToleranceFactor(self)
[docs] def setSteadyStateSensiToleranceFactor(self, factor: 'float'): """ set the steady state sensitivity simulation tolerance factor. Steady state sensitivity simulation tolerances are the product of the sensitivity simulation tolerances and this factor, unless manually set with `set(Absolute/Relative)ToleranceSteadyStateSensi()`. :param factor: tolerance factor (non-negative number) """ return _amici.Solver_setSteadyStateSensiToleranceFactor(self, factor)
[docs] def getRelativeToleranceSteadyStateSensi(self) -> 'float': """ returns the relative tolerance for the sensitivities of the steady state problem :return: relative tolerance """ return _amici.Solver_getRelativeToleranceSteadyStateSensi(self)
[docs] def setRelativeToleranceSteadyStateSensi(self, rtol: 'float'): """ sets the relative tolerance for the sensitivities of the steady state problem :param rtol: relative tolerance (non-negative number) """ return _amici.Solver_setRelativeToleranceSteadyStateSensi(self, rtol)
[docs] def getAbsoluteToleranceSteadyStateSensi(self) -> 'float': """ returns the absolute tolerance for the sensitivities of the steady state problem :return: absolute tolerance """ return _amici.Solver_getAbsoluteToleranceSteadyStateSensi(self)
[docs] def setAbsoluteToleranceSteadyStateSensi(self, atol: 'float'): """ sets the absolute tolerance for the sensitivities of the steady state problem :param atol: absolute tolerance (non-negative number) """ return _amici.Solver_setAbsoluteToleranceSteadyStateSensi(self, atol)
[docs] def getMaxSteps(self) -> int: """ returns the maximum number of solver steps for the forward problem :return: maximum number of solver steps """ return _amici.Solver_getMaxSteps(self)
[docs] def setMaxSteps(self, maxsteps: int): """ sets the maximum number of solver steps for the forward problem :param maxsteps: maximum number of solver steps (positive number) """ return _amici.Solver_setMaxSteps(self, maxsteps)
[docs] def getMaxTime(self) -> 'float': """ Returns the maximum time allowed for integration :return: Time in seconds """ return _amici.Solver_getMaxTime(self)
[docs] def setMaxTime(self, maxtime: 'float'): """ Set the maximum CPU time allowed for integration :param maxtime: Time in seconds. Zero means infinite time. """ return _amici.Solver_setMaxTime(self, maxtime)
[docs] def getMaxStepsBackwardProblem(self) -> int: """ returns the maximum number of solver steps for the backward problem :return: maximum number of solver steps """ return _amici.Solver_getMaxStepsBackwardProblem(self)
[docs] def setMaxStepsBackwardProblem(self, maxsteps: int): """ sets the maximum number of solver steps for the backward problem :param maxsteps: maximum number of solver steps (non-negative number) Notes: default behaviour (100 times the value for the forward problem) can be restored by passing maxsteps=0 """ return _amici.Solver_setMaxStepsBackwardProblem(self, maxsteps)
[docs] def getLinearMultistepMethod(self) -> 'LinearMultistepMethod': """ returns the linear system multistep method :return: linear system multistep method """ return _amici.Solver_getLinearMultistepMethod(self)
[docs] def setLinearMultistepMethod(self, lmm: 'LinearMultistepMethod'): """ sets the linear system multistep method :param lmm: linear system multistep method """ return _amici.Solver_setLinearMultistepMethod(self, lmm)
[docs] def getNonlinearSolverIteration(self) -> 'NonlinearSolverIteration': """ returns the nonlinear system solution method :return: """ return _amici.Solver_getNonlinearSolverIteration(self)
[docs] def setNonlinearSolverIteration(self, iter: 'NonlinearSolverIteration'): """ sets the nonlinear system solution method :param iter: nonlinear system solution method """ return _amici.Solver_setNonlinearSolverIteration(self, iter)
[docs] def getInterpolationType(self) -> 'InterpolationType': """ getInterpolationType :return: """ return _amici.Solver_getInterpolationType(self)
[docs] def setInterpolationType(self, interpType: 'InterpolationType'): """ sets the interpolation of the forward solution that is used for the backwards problem :param interpType: interpolation type """ return _amici.Solver_setInterpolationType(self, interpType)
[docs] def getStateOrdering(self) -> int: """ Gets KLU / SuperLUMT state ordering mode :return: State-ordering as integer according to SUNLinSolKLU::StateOrdering or SUNLinSolSuperLUMT::StateOrdering (which differ). """ return _amici.Solver_getStateOrdering(self)
[docs] def setStateOrdering(self, ordering: int): """ Sets KLU / SuperLUMT state ordering mode This only applies when linsol is set to LinearSolver::KLU or LinearSolver::SuperLUMT. Mind the difference between SUNLinSolKLU::StateOrdering and SUNLinSolSuperLUMT::StateOrdering. :param ordering: state ordering """ return _amici.Solver_setStateOrdering(self, ordering)
[docs] def getStabilityLimitFlag(self) -> bool: """ returns stability limit detection mode :return: stldet can be false (deactivated) or true (activated) """ return _amici.Solver_getStabilityLimitFlag(self)
[docs] def setStabilityLimitFlag(self, stldet: bool): """ set stability limit detection mode :param stldet: can be false (deactivated) or true (activated) """ return _amici.Solver_setStabilityLimitFlag(self, stldet)
[docs] def getLinearSolver(self) -> 'LinearSolver': """ getLinearSolver :return: """ return _amici.Solver_getLinearSolver(self)
[docs] def setLinearSolver(self, linsol: 'LinearSolver'): """ setLinearSolver :param linsol: """ return _amici.Solver_setLinearSolver(self, linsol)
[docs] def getInternalSensitivityMethod(self) -> 'InternalSensitivityMethod': """ returns the internal sensitivity method :return: internal sensitivity method """ return _amici.Solver_getInternalSensitivityMethod(self)
[docs] def setInternalSensitivityMethod(self, ism: 'InternalSensitivityMethod'): """ sets the internal sensitivity method :param ism: internal sensitivity method """ return _amici.Solver_setInternalSensitivityMethod(self, ism)
[docs] def getReturnDataReportingMode(self) -> 'RDataReporting': """ returns the ReturnData reporting mode :return: ReturnData reporting mode """ return _amici.Solver_getReturnDataReportingMode(self)
[docs] def setReturnDataReportingMode(self, rdrm: 'RDataReporting'): """ sets the ReturnData reporting mode :param rdrm: ReturnData reporting mode """ return _amici.Solver_setReturnDataReportingMode(self, rdrm)
[docs] def nx(self) -> int: """ number of states with which the solver was initialized :return: x.getLength() """ return _amici.Solver_nx(self)
[docs] def nplist(self) -> int: """ number of parameters with which the solver was initialized :return: sx.getLength() """ return _amici.Solver_nplist(self)
[docs] def nquad(self) -> int: """ number of quadratures with which the solver was initialized :return: xQB.getLength() """ return _amici.Solver_nquad(self)
[docs] def computingFSA(self) -> bool: """ check if FSA is being computed :return: flag """ return _amici.Solver_computingFSA(self)
[docs] def computingASA(self) -> bool: """ check if ASA is being computed :return: flag """ return _amici.Solver_computingASA(self)
[docs] def getNewtonStepSteadyStateCheck(self) -> bool: """ Returns how convergence checks for steadystate computation are performed. If activated, convergence checks are limited to every 25 steps in the simulation solver to limit performance impact. :return: boolean flag indicating newton step (true) or the right hand side (false) """ return _amici.Solver_getNewtonStepSteadyStateCheck(self)
[docs] def getSensiSteadyStateCheck(self) -> bool: """ Returns how convergence checks for steadystate computation are performed. :return: boolean flag indicating state and sensitivity equations (true) or only state variables (false). """ return _amici.Solver_getSensiSteadyStateCheck(self)
[docs] def setNewtonStepSteadyStateCheck(self, flag: bool): """ Sets how convergence checks for steadystate computation are performed. :param flag: boolean flag to pick newton step (true) or the right hand side (false, default) """ return _amici.Solver_setNewtonStepSteadyStateCheck(self, flag)
[docs] def setSensiSteadyStateCheck(self, flag: bool): """ Sets for which variables convergence checks for steadystate computation are performed. :param flag: boolean flag to pick state and sensitivity equations (true, default) or only state variables (false). """ return _amici.Solver_setSensiSteadyStateCheck(self, flag)
[docs] def setMaxNonlinIters(self, max_nonlin_iters: int): """ Set the maximum number of nonlinear solver iterations permitted per step. :param max_nonlin_iters: maximum number of nonlinear solver iterations """ return _amici.Solver_setMaxNonlinIters(self, max_nonlin_iters)
[docs] def getMaxNonlinIters(self) -> int: """ Get the maximum number of nonlinear solver iterations permitted per step. :return: maximum number of nonlinear solver iterations """ return _amici.Solver_getMaxNonlinIters(self)
[docs] def setMaxConvFails(self, max_conv_fails: int): """ Set the maximum number of nonlinear solver convergence failures permitted per step. :param max_conv_fails: maximum number of nonlinear solver convergence """ return _amici.Solver_setMaxConvFails(self, max_conv_fails)
[docs] def getMaxConvFails(self) -> int: """ Get the maximum number of nonlinear solver convergence failures permitted per step. :return: maximum number of nonlinear solver convergence """ return _amici.Solver_getMaxConvFails(self)
[docs] def setConstraints(self, constraints: Sequence[float]): """ Set constraints on the model state. See :param constraints: """ return _amici.Solver_setConstraints(self, constraints)
[docs] def getConstraints(self) -> Sequence[float]: """ Get constraints on the model state. :return: constraints """ return _amici.Solver_getConstraints(self)
[docs] def setMaxStepSize(self, max_step_size: 'float'): """ Set the maximum step size :param max_step_size: maximum step size. `0.0` means no limit. """ return _amici.Solver_setMaxStepSize(self, max_step_size)
[docs] def getMaxStepSize(self) -> 'float': """ Get the maximum step size :return: maximum step size """ return _amici.Solver_getMaxStepSize(self)
logger = property(_amici.Solver_logger_get, _amici.Solver_logger_set, doc=' logger') def __deepcopy__(self, memo): return self.clone()
_amici.Solver_swigregister(Solver) def wrapErrHandlerFn(error_code: int, module: 'string', function: 'string', msg: 'string', eh_data: 'None'): """ Extracts diagnosis information from solver memory block and passes them to the specified output function :param error_code: error identifier :param module: name of the module in which the error occurred :param function: name of the function in which the error occurred :param msg: error message :param eh_data: amici::Solver as void* """ return _amici.wrapErrHandlerFn(error_code, module, function, msg, eh_data) class IDASolver(Solver): """The IDASolver class is a wrapper around the SUNDIALS IDAS solver.""" thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc='The membership flag') __repr__ = _swig_repr __swig_destroy__ = _amici.delete_IDASolver def clone(self) -> 'Solver': """ Clone this instance :return: The clone """ return _amici.IDASolver_clone(self) def reInitPostProcessF(self, tnext: float): return _amici.IDASolver_reInitPostProcessF(self, tnext) def reInitPostProcessB(self, tnext: float): return _amici.IDASolver_reInitPostProcessB(self, tnext) def quadSStolerancesB(self, which: int, reltolQB: float, abstolQB: float): return _amici.IDASolver_quadSStolerancesB(self, which, reltolQB, abstolQB) def quadSStolerances(self, reltolQ: float, abstolQ: float): return _amici.IDASolver_quadSStolerances(self, reltolQ, abstolQ) def solve(self, tout: float, itask: int) -> int: return _amici.IDASolver_solve(self, tout, itask) def solveF(self, tout: float, itask: int, ncheckPtr: 'int *') -> int: return _amici.IDASolver_solveF(self, tout, itask, ncheckPtr) def getDky(self, t: float, k: int): return _amici.IDASolver_getDky(self, t, k) def getSens(self): return _amici.IDASolver_getSens(self) def getSensDky(self, t: float, k: int): return _amici.IDASolver_getSensDky(self, t, k) def getB(self, which: int): return _amici.IDASolver_getB(self, which) def getDkyB(self, t: float, k: int, which: int): return _amici.IDASolver_getDkyB(self, t, k, which) def getQuadB(self, which: int): return _amici.IDASolver_getQuadB(self, which) def getQuadDkyB(self, t: float, k: int, which: int): return _amici.IDASolver_getQuadDkyB(self, t, k, which) def getQuad(self, t: 'amici::realtype &'): return _amici.IDASolver_getQuad(self, t) def getQuadDky(self, t: float, k: int): return _amici.IDASolver_getQuadDky(self, t, k) def setStopTime(self, tstop: float): return _amici.IDASolver_setStopTime(self, tstop) def getModel(self) -> 'Model': return _amici.IDASolver_getModel(self) def setLinearSolver(self): return _amici.IDASolver_setLinearSolver(self) def setLinearSolverB(self, which: int): return _amici.IDASolver_setLinearSolverB(self, which) def setNonLinearSolver(self): return _amici.IDASolver_setNonLinearSolver(self) def setNonLinearSolverSens(self): return _amici.IDASolver_setNonLinearSolverSens(self) def setNonLinearSolverB(self, which: int): return _amici.IDASolver_setNonLinearSolverB(self, which) def __repr__(self): return _solver_repr(self) def __init__(self, *args): _amici.IDASolver_swiginit(self, _amici.new_IDASolver(*args)) _amici.IDASolver_swigregister(IDASolver) class CVodeSolver(Solver): """The CVodeSolver class is a wrapper around the SUNDIALS CVODES solver.""" thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc='The membership flag') __repr__ = _swig_repr __swig_destroy__ = _amici.delete_CVodeSolver def clone(self) -> 'Solver': """ Clone this instance :return: The clone """ return _amici.CVodeSolver_clone(self) def solve(self, tout: float, itask: int) -> int: return _amici.CVodeSolver_solve(self, tout, itask) def solveF(self, tout: float, itask: int, ncheckPtr: 'int *') -> int: return _amici.CVodeSolver_solveF(self, tout, itask, ncheckPtr) def getDky(self, t: float, k: int): return _amici.CVodeSolver_getDky(self, t, k) def getSensDky(self, t: float, k: int): return _amici.CVodeSolver_getSensDky(self, t, k) def getQuadDkyB(self, t: float, k: int, which: int): return _amici.CVodeSolver_getQuadDkyB(self, t, k, which) def getDkyB(self, t: float, k: int, which: int): return _amici.CVodeSolver_getDkyB(self, t, k, which) def setStopTime(self, tstop: float): return _amici.CVodeSolver_setStopTime(self, tstop) def getModel(self) -> 'Model': return _amici.CVodeSolver_getModel(self) def setLinearSolver(self, *args): return _amici.CVodeSolver_setLinearSolver(self, *args) def setLinearSolverB(self, which: int): return _amici.CVodeSolver_setLinearSolverB(self, which) def setNonLinearSolver(self): return _amici.CVodeSolver_setNonLinearSolver(self) def setNonLinearSolverSens(self): return _amici.CVodeSolver_setNonLinearSolverSens(self) def setNonLinearSolverB(self, which: int): return _amici.CVodeSolver_setNonLinearSolverB(self, which) def __repr__(self): return _solver_repr(self) def __init__(self, *args): _amici.CVodeSolver_swiginit(self, _amici.new_CVodeSolver(*args)) _amici.CVodeSolver_swigregister(CVodeSolver) ModelQuantity_J = _amici.ModelQuantity_J ModelQuantity_JB = _amici.ModelQuantity_JB ModelQuantity_Jv = _amici.ModelQuantity_Jv ModelQuantity_JvB = _amici.ModelQuantity_JvB ModelQuantity_JDiag = _amici.ModelQuantity_JDiag ModelQuantity_sx = _amici.ModelQuantity_sx ModelQuantity_sy = _amici.ModelQuantity_sy ModelQuantity_sz = _amici.ModelQuantity_sz ModelQuantity_srz = _amici.ModelQuantity_srz ModelQuantity_ssigmay = _amici.ModelQuantity_ssigmay ModelQuantity_ssigmaz = _amici.ModelQuantity_ssigmaz ModelQuantity_xdot = _amici.ModelQuantity_xdot ModelQuantity_sxdot = _amici.ModelQuantity_sxdot ModelQuantity_xBdot = _amici.ModelQuantity_xBdot ModelQuantity_x0_rdata = _amici.ModelQuantity_x0_rdata ModelQuantity_x0 = _amici.ModelQuantity_x0 ModelQuantity_x_rdata = _amici.ModelQuantity_x_rdata ModelQuantity_x = _amici.ModelQuantity_x ModelQuantity_dwdw = _amici.ModelQuantity_dwdw ModelQuantity_dwdx = _amici.ModelQuantity_dwdx ModelQuantity_dwdp = _amici.ModelQuantity_dwdp ModelQuantity_y = _amici.ModelQuantity_y ModelQuantity_dydp = _amici.ModelQuantity_dydp ModelQuantity_dydx = _amici.ModelQuantity_dydx ModelQuantity_w = _amici.ModelQuantity_w ModelQuantity_root = _amici.ModelQuantity_root ModelQuantity_qBdot = _amici.ModelQuantity_qBdot ModelQuantity_qBdot_ss = _amici.ModelQuantity_qBdot_ss ModelQuantity_xBdot_ss = _amici.ModelQuantity_xBdot_ss ModelQuantity_JSparseB_ss = _amici.ModelQuantity_JSparseB_ss ModelQuantity_deltax = _amici.ModelQuantity_deltax ModelQuantity_deltasx = _amici.ModelQuantity_deltasx ModelQuantity_deltaxB = _amici.ModelQuantity_deltaxB ModelQuantity_k = _amici.ModelQuantity_k ModelQuantity_p = _amici.ModelQuantity_p ModelQuantity_ts = _amici.ModelQuantity_ts ModelQuantity_dJydy = _amici.ModelQuantity_dJydy ModelQuantity_dJydy_matlab = _amici.ModelQuantity_dJydy_matlab ModelQuantity_deltaqB = _amici.ModelQuantity_deltaqB ModelQuantity_dsigmaydp = _amici.ModelQuantity_dsigmaydp ModelQuantity_dsigmaydy = _amici.ModelQuantity_dsigmaydy ModelQuantity_dsigmazdp = _amici.ModelQuantity_dsigmazdp ModelQuantity_dJydsigma = _amici.ModelQuantity_dJydsigma ModelQuantity_dJydx = _amici.ModelQuantity_dJydx ModelQuantity_dzdx = _amici.ModelQuantity_dzdx ModelQuantity_dzdp = _amici.ModelQuantity_dzdp ModelQuantity_dJrzdsigma = _amici.ModelQuantity_dJrzdsigma ModelQuantity_dJrzdz = _amici.ModelQuantity_dJrzdz ModelQuantity_dJrzdx = _amici.ModelQuantity_dJrzdx ModelQuantity_dJzdsigma = _amici.ModelQuantity_dJzdsigma ModelQuantity_dJzdz = _amici.ModelQuantity_dJzdz ModelQuantity_dJzdx = _amici.ModelQuantity_dJzdx ModelQuantity_drzdp = _amici.ModelQuantity_drzdp ModelQuantity_drzdx = _amici.ModelQuantity_drzdx
[docs] class Model(AbstractModel, ModelDimensions): """ The Model class represents an AMICI ODE/DAE model. The model can compute various model related quantities based on symbolically generated code. """ thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc='The membership flag')
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): raise AttributeError('No constructor defined - class is abstract')
__repr__ = _swig_repr __swig_destroy__ = _amici.delete_Model
[docs] def clone(self) -> 'Model': """ Clone this instance. :return: The clone """ return _amici.Model_clone(self)
[docs] def initializeSplines(self): """Initialization of spline functions""" return _amici.Model_initializeSplines(self)
[docs] def initializeSplineSensitivities(self): """Initialization of spline sensitivity functions""" return _amici.Model_initializeSplineSensitivities(self)
[docs] def nplist(self) -> int: """ Get number of parameters wrt to which sensitivities are computed. :return: Length of sensitivity index vector """ return _amici.Model_nplist(self)
[docs] def np(self) -> int: """ Get total number of model parameters. :return: Length of parameter vector """ return _amici.Model_np(self)
[docs] def nk(self) -> int: """ Get number of constants :return: Length of constant vector """ return _amici.Model_nk(self)
[docs] def ncl(self) -> int: """ Get number of conservation laws. :return: Number of conservation laws (i.e., difference between `nx_rdata` and `nx_solver`). """ return _amici.Model_ncl(self)
[docs] def nx_reinit(self) -> int: """ Get number of solver states subject to reinitialization. :return: Model member `nx_solver_reinit` """ return _amici.Model_nx_reinit(self)
[docs] def k(self) -> 'float': """ Get fixed parameters. :return: Pointer to constants array """ return _amici.Model_k(self)
[docs] def nMaxEvent(self) -> int: """ Get maximum number of events that may occur for each type. :return: Maximum number of events that may occur for each type """ return _amici.Model_nMaxEvent(self)
[docs] def setNMaxEvent(self, nmaxevent: int): """ Set maximum number of events that may occur for each type. :param nmaxevent: Maximum number of events that may occur for each type """ return _amici.Model_setNMaxEvent(self, nmaxevent)
[docs] def nt(self) -> int: """ Get number of timepoints. :return: Number of timepoints """ return _amici.Model_nt(self)
[docs] def getParameterScale(self) -> 'ParameterScalingVector': """ Get parameter scale for each parameter. :return: Vector of parameter scales """ return _amici.Model_getParameterScale(self)
[docs] def getUnscaledParameters(self) -> Sequence[float]: """ Get parameters with transformation according to parameter scale applied. :return: Unscaled parameters """ return _amici.Model_getUnscaledParameters(self)
[docs] def getParameters(self) -> Sequence[float]: """ Get parameter vector. :return: The user-set parameters (see also `Model::getUnscaledParameters`) """ return _amici.Model_getParameters(self)
[docs] def getParameterById(self, par_id: 'str') -> 'float': """ Get value of first model parameter with the specified ID. :param par_id: Parameter ID :return: Parameter value """ return _amici.Model_getParameterById(self, par_id)
[docs] def getParameterByName(self, par_name: 'str') -> 'float': """ Get value of first model parameter with the specified name. :param par_name: Parameter name :return: Parameter value """ return _amici.Model_getParameterByName(self, par_name)
[docs] def setParameters(self, p: Sequence[float]): """ Set the parameter vector. :param p: Vector of parameters """ return _amici.Model_setParameters(self, p)
[docs] def setParameterById(self, *args): """ *Overload 1:* Set model parameters according to the parameter IDs and mapped values. :type p: StringDoubleMap :param p: Map of parameters IDs and values :type ignoreErrors: boolean, optional :param ignoreErrors: Ignore errors such as parameter IDs in p which are not model parameters | *Overload 2:* Set value of first model parameter with the specified ID. :type par_id: str :param par_id: Parameter ID :type value: float :param value: Parameter value """ return _amici.Model_setParameterById(self, *args)
[docs] def setParametersByIdRegex(self, par_id_regex: 'str', value: 'float') -> int: """ Set all values of model parameters with IDs matching the specified regular expression. :param par_id_regex: Parameter ID regex :param value: Parameter value :return: Number of parameter IDs that matched the regex """ return _amici.Model_setParametersByIdRegex(self, par_id_regex, value)
[docs] def setParameterByName(self, *args): """ *Overload 1:* Set value of first model parameter with the specified name. :type par_name: str :param par_name: Parameter name :type value: float :param value: Parameter value | *Overload 2:* Set model parameters according to the parameter name and mapped values. :type p: StringDoubleMap :param p: Map of parameters names and values :type ignoreErrors: boolean, optional :param ignoreErrors: Ignore errors such as parameter names in p which are not model parameters | *Overload 3:* Set model parameters according to the parameter name and mapped values. :type p: StringDoubleMap :param p: Map of parameters names and values :param ignoreErrors: Ignore errors such as parameter names in p which are not model parameters """ return _amici.Model_setParameterByName(self, *args)
[docs] def setParametersByNameRegex(self, par_name_regex: 'str', value: 'float') -> int: """ Set all values of all model parameters with names matching the specified regex. :param par_name_regex: Parameter name regex :param value: Parameter value :return: Number of fixed parameter names that matched the regex """ return _amici.Model_setParametersByNameRegex(self, par_name_regex, value)
[docs] def getFixedParameters(self) -> Sequence[float]: """ Get values of fixed parameters. :return: Vector of fixed parameters with same ordering as in Model::getFixedParameterIds """ return _amici.Model_getFixedParameters(self)
[docs] def getFixedParameterById(self, par_id: 'str') -> 'float': """ Get value of fixed parameter with the specified ID. :param par_id: Parameter ID :return: Parameter value """ return _amici.Model_getFixedParameterById(self, par_id)
[docs] def getFixedParameterByName(self, par_name: 'str') -> 'float': """ Get value of fixed parameter with the specified name. If multiple parameters have the same name, the first parameter with matching name is returned. :param par_name: Parameter name :return: Parameter value """ return _amici.Model_getFixedParameterByName(self, par_name)
[docs] def setFixedParameters(self, k: Sequence[float]): """ Set values for constants. :param k: Vector of fixed parameters """ return _amici.Model_setFixedParameters(self, k)
[docs] def setFixedParameterById(self, par_id: 'str', value: 'float'): """ Set value of first fixed parameter with the specified ID. :param par_id: Fixed parameter id :param value: Fixed parameter value """ return _amici.Model_setFixedParameterById(self, par_id, value)
[docs] def setFixedParametersByIdRegex(self, par_id_regex: 'str', value: 'float') -> int: """ Set values of all fixed parameters with the ID matching the specified regex. :param par_id_regex: Fixed parameter name regex :param value: Fixed parameter value :return: Number of fixed parameter IDs that matched the regex """ return _amici.Model_setFixedParametersByIdRegex(self, par_id_regex, value)
[docs] def setFixedParameterByName(self, par_name: 'str', value: 'float'): """ Set value of first fixed parameter with the specified name. :param par_name: Fixed parameter ID :param value: Fixed parameter value """ return _amici.Model_setFixedParameterByName(self, par_name, value)
[docs] def setFixedParametersByNameRegex(self, par_name_regex: 'str', value: 'float') -> int: """ Set value of all fixed parameters with name matching the specified regex. :param par_name_regex: Fixed parameter name regex :param value: Fixed parameter value :return: Number of fixed parameter names that matched the regex """ return _amici.Model_setFixedParametersByNameRegex(self, par_name_regex, value)
[docs] def getName(self) -> 'str': """ Get the model name. :return: Model name """ return _amici.Model_getName(self)
[docs] def hasParameterNames(self) -> bool: """ Report whether the model has parameter names set. :return: Boolean indicating whether parameter names were set. Also returns `true` if the number of corresponding variables is just zero. """ return _amici.Model_hasParameterNames(self)
[docs] def getParameterNames(self) -> Sequence[str]: """ Get names of the model parameters. :return: The parameter names """ return _amici.Model_getParameterNames(self)
[docs] def hasStateNames(self) -> bool: """ Report whether the model has state names set. :return: Boolean indicating whether state names were set. Also returns `true` if the number of corresponding variables is just zero. """ return _amici.Model_hasStateNames(self)
[docs] def getStateNames(self) -> Sequence[str]: """ Get names of the model states. :return: State names """ return _amici.Model_getStateNames(self)
[docs] def getStateNamesSolver(self) -> Sequence[str]: """ Get names of the solver states. :return: State names """ return _amici.Model_getStateNamesSolver(self)
[docs] def hasFixedParameterNames(self) -> bool: """ Report whether the model has fixed parameter names set. :return: Boolean indicating whether fixed parameter names were set. Also returns `true` if the number of corresponding variables is just zero. """ return _amici.Model_hasFixedParameterNames(self)
[docs] def getFixedParameterNames(self) -> Sequence[str]: """ Get names of the fixed model parameters. :return: Fixed parameter names """ return _amici.Model_getFixedParameterNames(self)
[docs] def hasObservableNames(self) -> bool: """ Report whether the model has observable names set. :return: Boolean indicating whether observable names were set. Also returns `true` if the number of corresponding variables is just zero. """ return _amici.Model_hasObservableNames(self)
[docs] def getObservableNames(self) -> Sequence[str]: """ Get names of the observables. :return: Observable names """ return _amici.Model_getObservableNames(self)
[docs] def hasExpressionNames(self) -> bool: """ Report whether the model has expression names set. :return: Boolean indicating whether expression names were set. Also returns `true` if the number of corresponding variables is just zero. """ return _amici.Model_hasExpressionNames(self)
[docs] def getExpressionNames(self) -> Sequence[str]: """ Get names of the expressions. :return: Expression names """ return _amici.Model_getExpressionNames(self)
[docs] def hasParameterIds(self) -> bool: """ Report whether the model has parameter IDs set. :return: Boolean indicating whether parameter IDs were set. Also returns `true` if the number of corresponding variables is just zero. """ return _amici.Model_hasParameterIds(self)
[docs] def getParameterIds(self) -> Sequence[str]: """ Get IDs of the model parameters. :return: Parameter IDs """ return _amici.Model_getParameterIds(self)
[docs] def hasStateIds(self) -> bool: """ Report whether the model has state IDs set. :return: Boolean indicating whether state IDs were set. Also returns `true` if the number of corresponding variables is just zero. """ return _amici.Model_hasStateIds(self)
[docs] def getStateIds(self) -> Sequence[str]: """ Get IDs of the model states. :return: State IDs """ return _amici.Model_getStateIds(self)
[docs] def getStateIdsSolver(self) -> Sequence[str]: """ Get IDs of the solver states. :return: State IDs """ return _amici.Model_getStateIdsSolver(self)
[docs] def hasFixedParameterIds(self) -> bool: """ Report whether the model has fixed parameter IDs set. :return: Boolean indicating whether fixed parameter IDs were set. Also returns `true` if the number of corresponding variables is just zero. """ return _amici.Model_hasFixedParameterIds(self)
[docs] def getFixedParameterIds(self) -> Sequence[str]: """ Get IDs of the fixed model parameters. :return: Fixed parameter IDs """ return _amici.Model_getFixedParameterIds(self)
[docs] def hasObservableIds(self) -> bool: """ Report whether the model has observable IDs set. :return: Boolean indicating whether observable ids were set. Also returns `true` if the number of corresponding variables is just zero. """ return _amici.Model_hasObservableIds(self)
[docs] def getObservableIds(self) -> Sequence[str]: """ Get IDs of the observables. :return: Observable IDs """ return _amici.Model_getObservableIds(self)
[docs] def hasExpressionIds(self) -> bool: """ Report whether the model has expression IDs set. :return: Boolean indicating whether expression ids were set. Also returns `true` if the number of corresponding variables is just zero. """ return _amici.Model_hasExpressionIds(self)
[docs] def getExpressionIds(self) -> Sequence[str]: """ Get IDs of the expression. :return: Expression IDs """ return _amici.Model_getExpressionIds(self)
[docs] def hasQuadraticLLH(self) -> bool: """ Checks whether the defined noise model is gaussian, i.e., the nllh is quadratic :return: boolean flag """ return _amici.Model_hasQuadraticLLH(self)
[docs] def getTimepoints(self) -> Sequence[float]: """ Get the timepoint vector. :return: Timepoint vector """ return _amici.Model_getTimepoints(self)
[docs] def getTimepoint(self, it: int) -> 'float': """ Get simulation timepoint for time index `it`. :param it: Time index :return: Timepoint """ return _amici.Model_getTimepoint(self, it)
[docs] def setTimepoints(self, ts: Sequence[float]): """ Set the timepoint vector. :param ts: New timepoint vector """ return _amici.Model_setTimepoints(self, ts)
[docs] def t0(self) -> 'float': """ Get simulation start time. :return: Simulation start time """ return _amici.Model_t0(self)
[docs] def setT0(self, t0: 'float'): """ Set simulation start time. Output timepoints are absolute timepoints, independent of :math:`t_{0}`. For output timepoints :math:`t < t_{0}`, the initial state will be returned. :param t0: Simulation start time """ return _amici.Model_setT0(self, t0)
[docs] def getStateIsNonNegative(self) -> Sequence[bool]: """ Get flags indicating whether states should be treated as non-negative. :return: Vector of flags """ return _amici.Model_getStateIsNonNegative(self)
[docs] def setStateIsNonNegative(self, stateIsNonNegative: Sequence[bool]): """ Set flags indicating whether states should be treated as non-negative. :param stateIsNonNegative: Vector of flags """ return _amici.Model_setStateIsNonNegative(self, stateIsNonNegative)
[docs] def setAllStatesNonNegative(self): """ Set flags indicating that all states should be treated as non-negative. """ return _amici.Model_setAllStatesNonNegative(self)
[docs] def setMinimumSigmaResiduals(self, min_sigma: 'float'): """ Sets the estimated lower boundary for sigma_y. When :meth:`setAddSigmaResiduals` is activated, this lower boundary must ensure that log(sigma) + min_sigma > 0. :param min_sigma: lower boundary """ return _amici.Model_setMinimumSigmaResiduals(self, min_sigma)
[docs] def getMinimumSigmaResiduals(self) -> 'float': """ Gets the specified estimated lower boundary for sigma_y. :return: lower boundary """ return _amici.Model_getMinimumSigmaResiduals(self)
[docs] def setAddSigmaResiduals(self, sigma_res: bool): """ Specifies whether residuals should be added to account for parameter dependent sigma. If set to true, additional residuals of the form :math:`\\sqrt{\\log(\\sigma) +C}` will be added. This enables least-squares optimization for variables with Gaussian noise assumption and parameter dependent standard deviation sigma. The constant :math:`C` can be set via :meth:`setMinimumSigmaResiduals`. :param sigma_res: if true, additional residuals are added """ return _amici.Model_setAddSigmaResiduals(self, sigma_res)
[docs] def getAddSigmaResiduals(self) -> bool: """ Checks whether residuals should be added to account for parameter dependent sigma. :return: sigma_res """ return _amici.Model_getAddSigmaResiduals(self)
[docs] def getParameterList(self) -> Sequence[int]: """ Get the list of parameters for which sensitivities are computed. :return: List of parameter indices """ return _amici.Model_getParameterList(self)
[docs] def plist(self, pos: int) -> int: """ Get entry in parameter list by index. :param pos: Index in sensitivity parameter list :return: Index in parameter list """ return _amici.Model_plist(self, pos)
[docs] def setParameterList(self, plist: Sequence[int]): """ Set the list of parameters for which sensitivities are to be computed. NOTE: Resets initial state sensitivities. :param plist: List of parameter indices """ return _amici.Model_setParameterList(self, plist)
[docs] def getInitialStates(self) -> Sequence[float]: """ Get the initial states. :return: Initial state vector """ return _amici.Model_getInitialStates(self)
[docs] def setInitialStates(self, x0: Sequence[float]): """ Set the initial states. :param x0: Initial state vector """ return _amici.Model_setInitialStates(self, x0)
[docs] def hasCustomInitialStates(self) -> bool: """ Return whether custom initial states have been set. :return: `true` if has custom initial states, otherwise `false` """ return _amici.Model_hasCustomInitialStates(self)
[docs] def getInitialStateSensitivities(self) -> Sequence[float]: """ Get the initial states sensitivities. :return: vector of initial state sensitivities """ return _amici.Model_getInitialStateSensitivities(self)
[docs] def setInitialStateSensitivities(self, sx0: Sequence[float]): """ Set the initial state sensitivities. :param sx0: vector of initial state sensitivities with chainrule applied. This could be a slice of ReturnData::sx or ReturnData::sx0 """ return _amici.Model_setInitialStateSensitivities(self, sx0)
[docs] def hasCustomInitialStateSensitivities(self) -> bool: """ Return whether custom initial state sensitivities have been set. :return: `true` if has custom initial state sensitivities, otherwise `false`. """ return _amici.Model_hasCustomInitialStateSensitivities(self)
[docs] def setUnscaledInitialStateSensitivities(self, sx0: Sequence[float]): """ Set the initial state sensitivities. :param sx0: Vector of initial state sensitivities without chainrule applied. This could be the readin from a `model.sx0data` saved to HDF5. """ return _amici.Model_setUnscaledInitialStateSensitivities(self, sx0)
[docs] def setSteadyStateComputationMode(self, mode: int): """ Set the mode how steady state is computed in the steadystate simulation. :param mode: Steadystate computation mode """ return _amici.Model_setSteadyStateComputationMode(self, mode)
[docs] def getSteadyStateComputationMode(self) -> int: """ Gets the mode how steady state is computed in the steadystate simulation. :return: Mode """ return _amici.Model_getSteadyStateComputationMode(self)
[docs] def setSteadyStateSensitivityMode(self, mode: 'SteadyStateSensitivityMode'): """ Set the mode how sensitivities are computed in the steadystate simulation. :param mode: Steadystate sensitivity mode """ return _amici.Model_setSteadyStateSensitivityMode(self, mode)
[docs] def getSteadyStateSensitivityMode(self) -> 'SteadyStateSensitivityMode': """ Gets the mode how sensitivities are computed in the steadystate simulation. :return: Mode """ return _amici.Model_getSteadyStateSensitivityMode(self)
[docs] def setReinitializeFixedParameterInitialStates(self, flag: bool): """ Set whether initial states depending on fixed parameters are to be reinitialized after preequilibration and presimulation. :param flag: Fixed parameters reinitialized? """ return _amici.Model_setReinitializeFixedParameterInitialStates(self, flag)
[docs] def getReinitializeFixedParameterInitialStates(self) -> bool: """ Get whether initial states depending on fixedParameters are to be reinitialized after preequilibration and presimulation. :return: flag `true` / `false` """ return _amici.Model_getReinitializeFixedParameterInitialStates(self)
[docs] def requireSensitivitiesForAllParameters(self): """ Require computation of sensitivities for all parameters p [[ in natural order. NOTE: Resets initial state sensitivities. """ return _amici.Model_requireSensitivitiesForAllParameters(self)
[docs] def getObservableScaling(self, iy: int) -> int: """ Get scaling type for observable :param iy: observable index :return: scaling type """ return _amici.Model_getObservableScaling(self, iy)
[docs] def setAlwaysCheckFinite(self, alwaysCheck: bool): """ Set whether the result of every call to `Model::f*` should be checked for finiteness. :param alwaysCheck: """ return _amici.Model_setAlwaysCheckFinite(self, alwaysCheck)
[docs] def getAlwaysCheckFinite(self) -> bool: """ Get setting of whether the result of every call to `Model::f*` should be checked for finiteness. :return: that """ return _amici.Model_getAlwaysCheckFinite(self)
[docs] def setReinitializationStateIdxs(self, idxs: Sequence[int]): """ Set indices of states to be reinitialized based on provided constants / fixed parameters :param idxs: Array of state indices """ return _amici.Model_setReinitializationStateIdxs(self, idxs)
[docs] def getReinitializationStateIdxs(self) -> Sequence[int]: """ Return indices of states to be reinitialized based on provided constants / fixed parameters :return: Those indices. """ return _amici.Model_getReinitializationStateIdxs(self)
pythonGenerated = property(_amici.Model_pythonGenerated_get, _amici.Model_pythonGenerated_set, doc=' Flag indicating Matlab- or Python-based model generation')
[docs] def get_trigger_timepoints(self) -> Sequence[float]: """ Get trigger times for events that don't require root-finding. :return: List of unique trigger points for events that don't require root-finding (i.e. that trigger at predetermined timepoints), in ascending order. """ return _amici.Model_get_trigger_timepoints(self)
[docs] def get_steadystate_mask(self) -> Sequence[float]: """ Get steady-state mask as std::vector. See `set_steadystate_mask` for details. :return: Steady-state mask """ return _amici.Model_get_steadystate_mask(self)
[docs] def set_steadystate_mask(self, mask: Sequence[float]): """ Set steady-state mask. The mask is used to exclude certain state variables from the steady-state convergence check. Positive values indicate that the corresponding state variable should be included in the convergence check, while non-positive values indicate that the corresponding state variable should be excluded. An empty mask is interpreted as including all state variables. :param mask: Mask of length `nx_solver`. """ return _amici.Model_set_steadystate_mask(self, mask)
o2mode = property(_amici.Model_o2mode_get, _amici.Model_o2mode_set, doc='\n Flag indicating whether for\n `amici::Solver::sensi_` == `amici::SensitivityOrder::second`\n directional or full second order derivative will be computed\n ') idlist = property(_amici.Model_idlist_get, _amici.Model_idlist_set, doc=' Flag array for DAE equations') logger = property(_amici.Model_logger_get, _amici.Model_logger_set, doc=' Logger') state_independent_events_ = property(_amici.Model_state_independent_events__get, _amici.Model_state_independent_events__set, doc="\n Map of trigger timepoints to event indices for events that don't\n require root-finding.\n ") def __deepcopy__(self, memo): return self.clone()
[docs] def setParameterScale(self, *args): return _amici.Model_setParameterScale(self, *args)
_amici.Model_swigregister(Model) model_quantity_to_str = cvar.model_quantity_to_str def equals(*args) -> bool: """ *Overload 1:* Check equality of data members excluding solver memory :type a: :py:class:`Solver` :param a: :type b: :py:class:`Solver` :param b: :rtype: boolean :return: | *Overload 2:* Equality operator :type a: :py:class:`CVodeSolver` :param a: :type b: :py:class:`CVodeSolver` :param b: :rtype: boolean :return: Whether a and b are equal | *Overload 3:* Check equality of data members. :type a: :py:class:`Model` :param a: First model instance :type b: :py:class:`Model` :param b: Second model instance :rtype: boolean :return: Equality """ return _amici.equals(*args) def __eq__(*args) -> bool: return _amici.__eq__(*args) class Model_ODE(Model): """ The Model class represents an AMICI ODE model. The model does not contain any data, but represents the state of the model at a specific time t. The states must not always be in sync, but may be updated asynchronously. """ thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc='The membership flag') def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): raise AttributeError('No constructor defined - class is abstract') __repr__ = _swig_repr def getSolver(self) -> 'Solver': return _amici.Model_ODE_getSolver(self) __swig_destroy__ = _amici.delete_Model_ODE _amici.Model_ODE_swigregister(Model_ODE) class Model_DAE(Model): """ The Model class represents an AMICI DAE model. The model does not contain any data, but represents the state of the model at a specific time t. The states must not always be in sync, but may be updated asynchronously. """ thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc='The membership flag') def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): raise AttributeError('No constructor defined - class is abstract') __repr__ = _swig_repr def getSolver(self) -> 'Solver': return _amici.Model_DAE_getSolver(self) __swig_destroy__ = _amici.delete_Model_DAE _amici.Model_DAE_swigregister(Model_DAE) LogSeverity_error = _amici.LogSeverity_error LogSeverity_warning = _amici.LogSeverity_warning LogSeverity_debug = _amici.LogSeverity_debug
[docs] class LogItem(object): """A log item.""" thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc='The membership flag') __repr__ = _swig_repr
[docs] def __init__(self, *args): """ *Overload 1:* Default ctor. | *Overload 2:* Construct a LogItem :type severity: int :param severity: :type identifier: str :param identifier: :type message: str :param message: """ _amici.LogItem_swiginit(self, _amici.new_LogItem(*args))
severity = property(_amici.LogItem_severity_get, _amici.LogItem_severity_set, doc=' Severity level') identifier = property(_amici.LogItem_identifier_get, _amici.LogItem_identifier_set, doc=' Short identifier for the logged event') message = property(_amici.LogItem_message_get, _amici.LogItem_message_set, doc=' A more detailed and readable message') def __repr__(self): return f'{self.__class__.__name__}(severity={self.severity}, identifier={self.identifier!r}, message={self.message!r})' __swig_destroy__ = _amici.delete_LogItem
[docs] class ReturnData(ModelDimensions): """ Stores all data to be returned by amici::runAmiciSimulation. NOTE: multi-dimensional arrays are stored in row-major order (C-style) """ thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc='The membership flag') __repr__ = _swig_repr
[docs] def __init__(self, *args): """ *Overload 1:* Default constructor | *Overload 2:* Constructor :type ts: DoubleVector :param ts: see amici::SimulationParameters::ts :type model_dimensions: :py:class:`ModelDimensions` :param model_dimensions: Model dimensions :type nplist: int :param nplist: see amici::ModelDimensions::nplist :type nmaxevent: int :param nmaxevent: see amici::ModelDimensions::nmaxevent :type nt: int :param nt: see amici::ModelDimensions::nt :type newton_maxsteps: int :param newton_maxsteps: see amici::Solver::newton_maxsteps :type pscale: ParameterScalingVector :param pscale: see amici::SimulationParameters::pscale :type o2mode: int :param o2mode: see amici::SimulationParameters::o2mode :type sensi: SensitivityOrder :param sensi: see amici::Solver::sensi :type sensi_meth: SensitivityMethod :param sensi_meth: see amici::Solver::sensi_meth :type rdrm: RDataReporting :param rdrm: see amici::Solver::rdata_reporting :type quadratic_llh: boolean :param quadratic_llh: whether model defines a quadratic nllh and computing res, sres and FIM makes sense :type sigma_res: boolean :param sigma_res: indicates whether additional residuals are to be added for each sigma :type sigma_offset: float :param sigma_offset: offset to ensure real-valuedness of sigma residuals | *Overload 3:* constructor that uses information from model and solver to appropriately initialize fields :type solver: :py:class:`Solver` :param solver: solver instance :type model: :py:class:`Model` :param model: model instance """ _amici.ReturnData_swiginit(self, _amici.new_ReturnData(*args))
__swig_destroy__ = _amici.delete_ReturnData id = property(_amici.ReturnData_id_get, _amici.ReturnData_id_set, doc='Arbitrary (not necessarily unique) identifier.') ts = property(_amici.ReturnData_ts_get, _amici.ReturnData_ts_set, doc='timepoints (shape `nt`)') xdot = property(_amici.ReturnData_xdot_get, _amici.ReturnData_xdot_set, doc=' time derivative (shape `nx`) evaluated at `t_last`.') J = property(_amici.ReturnData_J_get, _amici.ReturnData_J_set, doc='\n Jacobian of differential equation right hand side (shape `nx` x `nx`,\n row-major) evaluated at `t_last`.\n ') w = property(_amici.ReturnData_w_get, _amici.ReturnData_w_set, doc='\n w data from the model (recurring terms in xdot, for imported SBML models\n from python, this contains the flux vector) (shape `nt` x `nw`, row\n major)\n ') z = property(_amici.ReturnData_z_get, _amici.ReturnData_z_set, doc=' event output (shape `nmaxevent` x `nz`, row-major)') sigmaz = property(_amici.ReturnData_sigmaz_get, _amici.ReturnData_sigmaz_set, doc='\n event output sigma standard deviation (shape `nmaxevent` x `nz`,\n row-major)\n ') sz = property(_amici.ReturnData_sz_get, _amici.ReturnData_sz_set, doc='\n parameter derivative of event output\n (shape `nmaxevent` x `nplist` x `nz`, row-major)\n ') ssigmaz = property(_amici.ReturnData_ssigmaz_get, _amici.ReturnData_ssigmaz_set, doc='\n parameter derivative of event output standard deviation\n (shape `nmaxevent` x `nplist` x `nz`, row-major)\n ') rz = property(_amici.ReturnData_rz_get, _amici.ReturnData_rz_set, doc=' event trigger output (shape `nmaxevent` x `nz`, row-major)') srz = property(_amici.ReturnData_srz_get, _amici.ReturnData_srz_set, doc='\n parameter derivative of event trigger output\n (shape `nmaxevent` x `nplist` x `nz`, row-major)\n ') s2rz = property(_amici.ReturnData_s2rz_get, _amici.ReturnData_s2rz_set, doc='\n second-order parameter derivative of event trigger output (shape\n `nmaxevent` x `nztrue` x `nplist` x `nplist`, row-major)\n ') x = property(_amici.ReturnData_x_get, _amici.ReturnData_x_set, doc=' state (shape `nt` x `nx`, row-major)') sx = property(_amici.ReturnData_sx_get, _amici.ReturnData_sx_set, doc='parameter derivative of state (shape `nt` x `nplist` x `nx`, row-major)') y = property(_amici.ReturnData_y_get, _amici.ReturnData_y_set, doc=' observable (shape `nt` x `ny`, row-major)') sigmay = property(_amici.ReturnData_sigmay_get, _amici.ReturnData_sigmay_set, doc=' observable standard deviation (shape `nt` x `ny`, row-major)') sy = property(_amici.ReturnData_sy_get, _amici.ReturnData_sy_set, doc='\n parameter derivative of observable (shape `nt` x `nplist` x `ny`,\n row-major)\n ') ssigmay = property(_amici.ReturnData_ssigmay_get, _amici.ReturnData_ssigmay_set, doc='\n parameter derivative of observable standard deviation\n (shape `nt` x `nplist` x `ny`, row-major)\n ') res = property(_amici.ReturnData_res_get, _amici.ReturnData_res_set, doc=' observable (shape `nt*ny`, row-major)') sres = property(_amici.ReturnData_sres_get, _amici.ReturnData_sres_set, doc='parameter derivative of residual (shape `nt*ny` x `nplist`, row-major)') FIM = property(_amici.ReturnData_FIM_get, _amici.ReturnData_FIM_set, doc=' fisher information matrix (shape `nplist` x `nplist`, row-major)') numsteps = property(_amici.ReturnData_numsteps_get, _amici.ReturnData_numsteps_set, doc=' number of integration steps forward problem (shape `nt`)') numstepsB = property(_amici.ReturnData_numstepsB_get, _amici.ReturnData_numstepsB_set, doc=' number of integration steps backward problem (shape `nt`)') numrhsevals = property(_amici.ReturnData_numrhsevals_get, _amici.ReturnData_numrhsevals_set, doc=' number of right hand side evaluations forward problem (shape `nt`)') numrhsevalsB = property(_amici.ReturnData_numrhsevalsB_get, _amici.ReturnData_numrhsevalsB_set, doc=' number of right hand side evaluations backward problem (shape `nt`)') numerrtestfails = property(_amici.ReturnData_numerrtestfails_get, _amici.ReturnData_numerrtestfails_set, doc=' number of error test failures forward problem (shape `nt`)') numerrtestfailsB = property(_amici.ReturnData_numerrtestfailsB_get, _amici.ReturnData_numerrtestfailsB_set, doc=' number of error test failures backward problem (shape `nt`)') numnonlinsolvconvfails = property(_amici.ReturnData_numnonlinsolvconvfails_get, _amici.ReturnData_numnonlinsolvconvfails_set, doc='number of linear solver convergence failures forward problem (shape `nt`)') numnonlinsolvconvfailsB = property(_amici.ReturnData_numnonlinsolvconvfailsB_get, _amici.ReturnData_numnonlinsolvconvfailsB_set, doc='\n number of linear solver convergence failures backward problem (shape\n `nt`)\n ') order = property(_amici.ReturnData_order_get, _amici.ReturnData_order_set, doc=' employed order forward problem (shape `nt`)') cpu_time = property(_amici.ReturnData_cpu_time_get, _amici.ReturnData_cpu_time_set, doc='\n computation time of forward solve [ms]\n\n .. warning::\n If AMICI was built without boost, this tracks the CPU-time of the\n current process. Therefore, in a multi-threaded context, this value\n may be incorrect.\n ') cpu_timeB = property(_amici.ReturnData_cpu_timeB_get, _amici.ReturnData_cpu_timeB_set, doc='\n computation time of backward solve [ms]\n\n .. warning::\n If AMICI was built without boost, this tracks the CPU-time of the\n current process. Therefore, in a multi-threaded context, this value\n may be incorrect.\n ') cpu_time_total = property(_amici.ReturnData_cpu_time_total_get, _amici.ReturnData_cpu_time_total_set, doc='\n total CPU time from entering runAmiciSimulation until exiting [ms]\n\n .. warning::\n If AMICI was built without boost, this tracks the CPU-time of the\n current process. Therefore, in a multi-threaded context, this value\n may be incorrect.\n ') preeq_status = property(_amici.ReturnData_preeq_status_get, _amici.ReturnData_preeq_status_set, doc=' flags indicating success of steady state solver (preequilibration)') preeq_cpu_time = property(_amici.ReturnData_preeq_cpu_time_get, _amici.ReturnData_preeq_cpu_time_set, doc='\n computation time of the steady state solver [ms]\n (preequilibration)\n\n .. warning::\n If AMICI was built without boost, this tracks the CPU-time of the\n current process. Therefore, in a multi-threaded context, this value\n may be incorrect.\n ') preeq_cpu_timeB = property(_amici.ReturnData_preeq_cpu_timeB_get, _amici.ReturnData_preeq_cpu_timeB_set, doc='\n computation time of the steady state solver of the backward\n problem [ms] (preequilibration)\n\n .. warning::\n If AMICI was built without boost, this tracks the CPU-time of the\n current process. Therefore, in a multi-threaded context, this value\n may be incorrect.\n ') posteq_status = property(_amici.ReturnData_posteq_status_get, _amici.ReturnData_posteq_status_set, doc=' flags indicating success of steady state solver (postequilibration)') posteq_cpu_time = property(_amici.ReturnData_posteq_cpu_time_get, _amici.ReturnData_posteq_cpu_time_set, doc='\n computation time of the steady state solver [ms]\n (postequilibration)\n\n .. warning::\n If AMICI was built without boost, this tracks the CPU-time of the\n current process. Therefore, in a multi-threaded context, this value\n may be incorrect.\n ') posteq_cpu_timeB = property(_amici.ReturnData_posteq_cpu_timeB_get, _amici.ReturnData_posteq_cpu_timeB_set, doc='\n computation time of the steady state solver of the backward\n problem [ms] (postequilibration)\n\n .. warning::\n If AMICI was built without boost, this tracks the CPU-time of the\n current process. Therefore, in a multi-threaded context, this value\n may be incorrect.\n ') preeq_numsteps = property(_amici.ReturnData_preeq_numsteps_get, _amici.ReturnData_preeq_numsteps_set, doc='\n number of Newton steps for steady state problem (preequilibration)\n [newton, simulation, newton] (length = 3)\n ') preeq_numstepsB = property(_amici.ReturnData_preeq_numstepsB_get, _amici.ReturnData_preeq_numstepsB_set, doc='\n number of simulation steps for adjoint steady state problem\n (preequilibration) [== 0 if analytical solution worked, > 0 otherwise]\n ') posteq_numsteps = property(_amici.ReturnData_posteq_numsteps_get, _amici.ReturnData_posteq_numsteps_set, doc='\n number of Newton steps for steady state problem (preequilibration)\n [newton, simulation, newton] (shape `3`) (postequilibration)\n ') posteq_numstepsB = property(_amici.ReturnData_posteq_numstepsB_get, _amici.ReturnData_posteq_numstepsB_set, doc='\n number of simulation steps for adjoint steady state problem\n (postequilibration) [== 0 if analytical solution worked, > 0 otherwise]\n ') preeq_t = property(_amici.ReturnData_preeq_t_get, _amici.ReturnData_preeq_t_set, doc='time when steadystate was reached via simulation (preequilibration)') preeq_wrms = property(_amici.ReturnData_preeq_wrms_get, _amici.ReturnData_preeq_wrms_set, doc='\n weighted root-mean-square of the rhs when steadystate\n was reached (preequilibration)\n ') posteq_t = property(_amici.ReturnData_posteq_t_get, _amici.ReturnData_posteq_t_set, doc='time when steadystate was reached via simulation (postequilibration)') posteq_wrms = property(_amici.ReturnData_posteq_wrms_get, _amici.ReturnData_posteq_wrms_set, doc='\n weighted root-mean-square of the rhs when steadystate\n was reached (postequilibration)\n ') x0 = property(_amici.ReturnData_x0_get, _amici.ReturnData_x0_set, doc=' initial state (shape `nx`)') x_ss = property(_amici.ReturnData_x_ss_get, _amici.ReturnData_x_ss_set, doc=' preequilibration steady state (shape `nx`)') sx0 = property(_amici.ReturnData_sx0_get, _amici.ReturnData_sx0_set, doc=' initial sensitivities (shape `nplist` x `nx`, row-major)') sx_ss = property(_amici.ReturnData_sx_ss_get, _amici.ReturnData_sx_ss_set, doc='\n preequilibration sensitivities\n (shape `nplist` x `nx`, row-major)\n ') llh = property(_amici.ReturnData_llh_get, _amici.ReturnData_llh_set, doc=' log-likelihood value') chi2 = property(_amici.ReturnData_chi2_get, _amici.ReturnData_chi2_set, doc=' :math:`\\chi^2` value') sllh = property(_amici.ReturnData_sllh_get, _amici.ReturnData_sllh_set, doc=' parameter derivative of log-likelihood (shape `nplist`)') s2llh = property(_amici.ReturnData_s2llh_get, _amici.ReturnData_s2llh_set, doc='\n second-order parameter derivative of log-likelihood\n (shape `nJ-1` x `nplist`, row-major)\n ') status = property(_amici.ReturnData_status_get, _amici.ReturnData_status_set, doc='\n Simulation status code.\n\n One of:\n\n * AMICI_SUCCESS, indicating successful simulation\n * AMICI_MAX_TIME_EXCEEDED, indicating that the simulation did not finish\n within the allowed time (see Solver.{set,get}MaxTime)\n * AMICI_ERROR, indicating that some error occurred during simulation\n (a more detailed error message will have been printed).\n * AMICI_NOT_RUN, if no simulation was started\n ') nx = property(_amici.ReturnData_nx_get, _amici.ReturnData_nx_set, doc=' number of states (alias `nx_rdata`, kept for backward compatibility)') nxtrue = property(_amici.ReturnData_nxtrue_get, _amici.ReturnData_nxtrue_set, doc='\n number of states in the unaugmented system\n (alias nxtrue_rdata, kept for backward compatibility)\n ') nplist = property(_amici.ReturnData_nplist_get, _amici.ReturnData_nplist_set, doc=' number of parameter for which sensitivities were requested') nmaxevent = property(_amici.ReturnData_nmaxevent_get, _amici.ReturnData_nmaxevent_set, doc=' maximal number of occurring events (for every event type)') nt = property(_amici.ReturnData_nt_get, _amici.ReturnData_nt_set, doc=' number of considered timepoints') newton_maxsteps = property(_amici.ReturnData_newton_maxsteps_get, _amici.ReturnData_newton_maxsteps_set, doc=' maximal number of newton iterations for steady state calculation') pscale = property(_amici.ReturnData_pscale_get, _amici.ReturnData_pscale_set, doc=' scaling of parameterization') o2mode = property(_amici.ReturnData_o2mode_get, _amici.ReturnData_o2mode_set, doc=' flag indicating whether second-order sensitivities were requested') sensi = property(_amici.ReturnData_sensi_get, _amici.ReturnData_sensi_set, doc=' sensitivity order') sensi_meth = property(_amici.ReturnData_sensi_meth_get, _amici.ReturnData_sensi_meth_set, doc=' sensitivity method') rdata_reporting = property(_amici.ReturnData_rdata_reporting_get, _amici.ReturnData_rdata_reporting_set, doc=' reporting mode') sigma_res = property(_amici.ReturnData_sigma_res_get, _amici.ReturnData_sigma_res_set, doc='\n boolean indicating whether residuals for standard deviations have been\n added\n ') messages = property(_amici.ReturnData_messages_get, _amici.ReturnData_messages_set, doc=' log messages') t_last = property(_amici.ReturnData_t_last_get, _amici.ReturnData_t_last_set, doc=' The final internal time of the solver.')
[docs] def runAmiciSimulation(solver: 'Solver', edata: 'ExpData', model: 'Model', rethrow: bool=False) -> 'ReturnData': """ Core integration routine. Initializes the solver and runs the forward and backward problem. :param solver: Solver instance :param edata: pointer to experimental data object :param model: model specification object :param rethrow: rethrow integration exceptions? :return: rdata pointer to return data object """ return _amici.runAmiciSimulation(solver, edata, model, rethrow)
[docs] def runAmiciSimulations(solver: 'Solver', edatas: 'ExpDataPtrVector', model: 'Model', failfast: bool, num_threads: int) -> 'Iterable[ReturnData]': """ Same as runAmiciSimulation, but for multiple ExpData instances. When compiled with OpenMP support, this function runs multi-threaded. :param solver: Solver instance :param edatas: experimental data objects :param model: model specification object :param failfast: flag to allow early termination :param num_threads: number of threads for parallel execution :return: vector of pointers to return data objects """ return _amici.runAmiciSimulations(solver, edatas, model, failfast, num_threads)
[docs] def simulation_status_to_str(status: int) -> 'str': """ Get the string representation of the given simulation status code (see ReturnData::status). :param status: Status code :return: Name of the variable representing this status code. """ return _amici.simulation_status_to_str(status)
[docs] class ExpDataPtrVector(object): thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc='The membership flag') __repr__ = _swig_repr def iterator(self) -> 'swig::SwigPyIterator *': return _amici.ExpDataPtrVector_iterator(self) def __iter__(self): return self.iterator() def __nonzero__(self) -> bool: return _amici.ExpDataPtrVector___nonzero__(self) def __bool__(self) -> bool: return _amici.ExpDataPtrVector___bool__(self) def __len__(self) -> int: return _amici.ExpDataPtrVector___len__(self) def __getslice__(self, i: int, j: int) -> 'std::vector< amici::ExpData *,std::allocator< amici::ExpData * > > *': return _amici.ExpDataPtrVector___getslice__(self, i, j) def __setslice__(self, *args): return _amici.ExpDataPtrVector___setslice__(self, *args) def __delslice__(self, i: int, j: int): return _amici.ExpDataPtrVector___delslice__(self, i, j) def __delitem__(self, *args): return _amici.ExpDataPtrVector___delitem__(self, *args) def __getitem__(self, *args) -> 'std::vector< amici::ExpData * >::value_type': return _amici.ExpDataPtrVector___getitem__(self, *args) def __setitem__(self, *args): return _amici.ExpDataPtrVector___setitem__(self, *args) def pop(self) -> 'std::vector< amici::ExpData * >::value_type': return _amici.ExpDataPtrVector_pop(self) def append(self, x: 'ExpData'): return _amici.ExpDataPtrVector_append(self, x) def empty(self) -> bool: return _amici.ExpDataPtrVector_empty(self) def size(self) -> int: return _amici.ExpDataPtrVector_size(self) def swap(self, v: 'ExpDataPtrVector'): return _amici.ExpDataPtrVector_swap(self, v) def begin(self) -> 'std::vector< amici::ExpData * >::iterator': return _amici.ExpDataPtrVector_begin(self) def end(self) -> 'std::vector< amici::ExpData * >::iterator': return _amici.ExpDataPtrVector_end(self) def rbegin(self) -> 'std::vector< amici::ExpData * >::reverse_iterator': return _amici.ExpDataPtrVector_rbegin(self) def rend(self) -> 'std::vector< amici::ExpData * >::reverse_iterator': return _amici.ExpDataPtrVector_rend(self) def clear(self): return _amici.ExpDataPtrVector_clear(self) def get_allocator(self) -> 'std::vector< amici::ExpData * >::allocator_type': return _amici.ExpDataPtrVector_get_allocator(self) def pop_back(self): return _amici.ExpDataPtrVector_pop_back(self) def erase(self, *args) -> 'std::vector< amici::ExpData * >::iterator': return _amici.ExpDataPtrVector_erase(self, *args) def __init__(self, *args): _amici.ExpDataPtrVector_swiginit(self, _amici.new_ExpDataPtrVector(*args)) def push_back(self, x: 'ExpData'): return _amici.ExpDataPtrVector_push_back(self, x) def front(self) -> 'std::vector< amici::ExpData * >::value_type': return _amici.ExpDataPtrVector_front(self) def back(self) -> 'std::vector< amici::ExpData * >::value_type': return _amici.ExpDataPtrVector_back(self) def assign(self, n: int, x: 'ExpData'): return _amici.ExpDataPtrVector_assign(self, n, x) def resize(self, *args): return _amici.ExpDataPtrVector_resize(self, *args) def insert(self, *args): return _amici.ExpDataPtrVector_insert(self, *args) def reserve(self, n: int): return _amici.ExpDataPtrVector_reserve(self, n) def capacity(self) -> int: return _amici.ExpDataPtrVector_capacity(self) def __repr__(self): return self.this.__repr__()[:-1] + '; ' + repr(list(self)) + ' >' __swig_destroy__ = _amici.delete_ExpDataPtrVector
[docs] class LogItemVector(object): thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc='The membership flag') __repr__ = _swig_repr def iterator(self) -> 'swig::SwigPyIterator *': return _amici.LogItemVector_iterator(self) def __iter__(self): return self.iterator() def __nonzero__(self) -> bool: return _amici.LogItemVector___nonzero__(self) def __bool__(self) -> bool: return _amici.LogItemVector___bool__(self) def __len__(self) -> int: return _amici.LogItemVector___len__(self) def __getslice__(self, i: int, j: int) -> 'std::vector< amici::LogItem,std::allocator< amici::LogItem > > *': return _amici.LogItemVector___getslice__(self, i, j) def __setslice__(self, *args): return _amici.LogItemVector___setslice__(self, *args) def __delslice__(self, i: int, j: int): return _amici.LogItemVector___delslice__(self, i, j) def __delitem__(self, *args): return _amici.LogItemVector___delitem__(self, *args) def __getitem__(self, *args) -> 'std::vector< amici::LogItem >::value_type const &': return _amici.LogItemVector___getitem__(self, *args) def __setitem__(self, *args): return _amici.LogItemVector___setitem__(self, *args) def pop(self) -> 'std::vector< amici::LogItem >::value_type': return _amici.LogItemVector_pop(self) def append(self, x: 'LogItem'): return _amici.LogItemVector_append(self, x) def empty(self) -> bool: return _amici.LogItemVector_empty(self) def size(self) -> int: return _amici.LogItemVector_size(self) def swap(self, v: 'LogItemVector'): return _amici.LogItemVector_swap(self, v) def begin(self) -> 'std::vector< amici::LogItem >::iterator': return _amici.LogItemVector_begin(self) def end(self) -> 'std::vector< amici::LogItem >::iterator': return _amici.LogItemVector_end(self) def rbegin(self) -> 'std::vector< amici::LogItem >::reverse_iterator': return _amici.LogItemVector_rbegin(self) def rend(self) -> 'std::vector< amici::LogItem >::reverse_iterator': return _amici.LogItemVector_rend(self) def clear(self): return _amici.LogItemVector_clear(self) def get_allocator(self) -> 'std::vector< amici::LogItem >::allocator_type': return _amici.LogItemVector_get_allocator(self) def pop_back(self): return _amici.LogItemVector_pop_back(self) def erase(self, *args) -> 'std::vector< amici::LogItem >::iterator': return _amici.LogItemVector_erase(self, *args) def __init__(self, *args): _amici.LogItemVector_swiginit(self, _amici.new_LogItemVector(*args)) def push_back(self, x: 'LogItem'): return _amici.LogItemVector_push_back(self, x) def front(self) -> 'std::vector< amici::LogItem >::value_type const &': return _amici.LogItemVector_front(self) def back(self) -> 'std::vector< amici::LogItem >::value_type const &': return _amici.LogItemVector_back(self) def assign(self, n: int, x: 'LogItem'): return _amici.LogItemVector_assign(self, n, x) def resize(self, *args): return _amici.LogItemVector_resize(self, *args) def insert(self, *args): return _amici.LogItemVector_insert(self, *args) def reserve(self, n: int): return _amici.LogItemVector_reserve(self, n) def capacity(self) -> int: return _amici.LogItemVector_capacity(self) def __repr__(self): return self.this.__repr__()[:-1] + '; ' + repr(list(self)) + ' >' __swig_destroy__ = _amici.delete_LogItemVector
[docs] def parameterScalingFromIntVector(intVec: Sequence[int]) -> tuple['ParameterScaling']: """ Swig-Generated class, which, in contrast to other Vector classes, does not allow for simple interoperability with common Python types, but must be created using :func:`amici.amici.parameterScalingFromIntVector` """ return _amici.parameterScalingFromIntVector(intVec)
[docs] class ParameterScalingVector(object): thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc='The membership flag') __repr__ = _swig_repr def iterator(self) -> 'swig::SwigPyIterator *': return _amici.ParameterScalingVector_iterator(self) def __iter__(self): return self.iterator() def __nonzero__(self) -> bool: return _amici.ParameterScalingVector___nonzero__(self) def __bool__(self) -> bool: return _amici.ParameterScalingVector___bool__(self) def __len__(self) -> int: return _amici.ParameterScalingVector___len__(self) def __getslice__(self, i: int, j: int) -> 'std::vector< amici::ParameterScaling,std::allocator< amici::ParameterScaling > > *': return _amici.ParameterScalingVector___getslice__(self, i, j) def __setslice__(self, *args): return _amici.ParameterScalingVector___setslice__(self, *args) def __delslice__(self, i: int, j: int): return _amici.ParameterScalingVector___delslice__(self, i, j) def __delitem__(self, *args): return _amici.ParameterScalingVector___delitem__(self, *args) def __getitem__(self, *args) -> 'std::vector< enum amici::ParameterScaling >::value_type const &': return _amici.ParameterScalingVector___getitem__(self, *args) def __setitem__(self, *args): return _amici.ParameterScalingVector___setitem__(self, *args) def pop(self) -> 'std::vector< enum amici::ParameterScaling >::value_type': return _amici.ParameterScalingVector_pop(self) def append(self, x: 'std::vector< enum amici::ParameterScaling >::value_type const &'): return _amici.ParameterScalingVector_append(self, x) def empty(self) -> bool: return _amici.ParameterScalingVector_empty(self) def size(self) -> int: return _amici.ParameterScalingVector_size(self) def swap(self, v: 'ParameterScalingVector'): return _amici.ParameterScalingVector_swap(self, v) def begin(self) -> 'std::vector< enum amici::ParameterScaling >::iterator': return _amici.ParameterScalingVector_begin(self) def end(self) -> 'std::vector< enum amici::ParameterScaling >::iterator': return _amici.ParameterScalingVector_end(self) def rbegin(self) -> 'std::vector< enum amici::ParameterScaling >::reverse_iterator': return _amici.ParameterScalingVector_rbegin(self) def rend(self) -> 'std::vector< enum amici::ParameterScaling >::reverse_iterator': return _amici.ParameterScalingVector_rend(self) def clear(self): return _amici.ParameterScalingVector_clear(self) def get_allocator(self) -> 'std::vector< enum amici::ParameterScaling >::allocator_type': return _amici.ParameterScalingVector_get_allocator(self) def pop_back(self): return _amici.ParameterScalingVector_pop_back(self) def erase(self, *args) -> 'std::vector< enum amici::ParameterScaling >::iterator': return _amici.ParameterScalingVector_erase(self, *args) def __init__(self, *args): _amici.ParameterScalingVector_swiginit(self, _amici.new_ParameterScalingVector(*args)) def push_back(self, x: 'std::vector< enum amici::ParameterScaling >::value_type const &'): return _amici.ParameterScalingVector_push_back(self, x) def front(self) -> 'std::vector< enum amici::ParameterScaling >::value_type const &': return _amici.ParameterScalingVector_front(self) def back(self) -> 'std::vector< enum amici::ParameterScaling >::value_type const &': return _amici.ParameterScalingVector_back(self) def assign(self, n: int, x: 'std::vector< enum amici::ParameterScaling >::value_type const &'): return _amici.ParameterScalingVector_assign(self, n, x) def resize(self, *args): return _amici.ParameterScalingVector_resize(self, *args) def insert(self, *args): return _amici.ParameterScalingVector_insert(self, *args) def reserve(self, n: int): return _amici.ParameterScalingVector_reserve(self, n) def capacity(self) -> int: return _amici.ParameterScalingVector_capacity(self) def __repr__(self): return self.this.__repr__()[:-1] + '; ' + repr(list(self)) + ' >' __swig_destroy__ = _amici.delete_ParameterScalingVector
[docs] def compiledWithOpenMP() -> bool: """AMICI extension was compiled with OpenMP?""" return _amici.compiledWithOpenMP()
from enum import IntEnum def enum(prefix): values = {k: v for k, v in globals().items() if k.startswith(prefix + '_')} values = {k[len(prefix) + 1:]: v for k, v in values.items()} return IntEnum(prefix, values) ParameterScaling = enum('ParameterScaling') ObservableScaling = enum('ObservableScaling') SecondOrderMode = enum('SecondOrderMode') SensitivityOrder = enum('SensitivityOrder') SensitivityMethod = enum('SensitivityMethod') LinearSolver = enum('LinearSolver') InternalSensitivityMethod = enum('InternalSensitivityMethod') InterpolationType = enum('InterpolationType') LinearMultistepMethod = enum('LinearMultistepMethod') NonlinearSolverIteration = enum('NonlinearSolverIteration') SteadyStateComputationMode = enum('SteadyStateComputationMode') SteadyStateSensitivityMode = enum('SteadyStateSensitivityMode') SteadyStateStatus = enum('SteadyStateStatus') NewtonDampingFactorMode = enum('NewtonDampingFactorMode') FixedParameterContext = enum('FixedParameterContext') RDataReporting = enum('RDataReporting') Constraint = enum('Constraint')
[docs] class SteadyStateStatusVector(object): thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc='The membership flag') __repr__ = _swig_repr def iterator(self) -> 'swig::SwigPyIterator *': return _amici.SteadyStateStatusVector_iterator(self) def __iter__(self): return self.iterator() def __nonzero__(self) -> bool: return _amici.SteadyStateStatusVector___nonzero__(self) def __bool__(self) -> bool: return _amici.SteadyStateStatusVector___bool__(self) def __len__(self) -> int: return _amici.SteadyStateStatusVector___len__(self) def __getslice__(self, i: int, j: int) -> 'std::vector< amici::SteadyStateStatus,std::allocator< amici::SteadyStateStatus > > *': return _amici.SteadyStateStatusVector___getslice__(self, i, j) def __setslice__(self, *args): return _amici.SteadyStateStatusVector___setslice__(self, *args) def __delslice__(self, i: int, j: int): return _amici.SteadyStateStatusVector___delslice__(self, i, j) def __delitem__(self, *args): return _amici.SteadyStateStatusVector___delitem__(self, *args) def __getitem__(self, *args) -> 'std::vector< enum amici::SteadyStateStatus >::value_type const &': return _amici.SteadyStateStatusVector___getitem__(self, *args) def __setitem__(self, *args): return _amici.SteadyStateStatusVector___setitem__(self, *args) def pop(self) -> 'std::vector< enum amici::SteadyStateStatus >::value_type': return _amici.SteadyStateStatusVector_pop(self) def append(self, x: 'std::vector< enum amici::SteadyStateStatus >::value_type const &'): return _amici.SteadyStateStatusVector_append(self, x) def empty(self) -> bool: return _amici.SteadyStateStatusVector_empty(self) def size(self) -> int: return _amici.SteadyStateStatusVector_size(self) def swap(self, v: 'SteadyStateStatusVector'): return _amici.SteadyStateStatusVector_swap(self, v) def begin(self) -> 'std::vector< enum amici::SteadyStateStatus >::iterator': return _amici.SteadyStateStatusVector_begin(self) def end(self) -> 'std::vector< enum amici::SteadyStateStatus >::iterator': return _amici.SteadyStateStatusVector_end(self) def rbegin(self) -> 'std::vector< enum amici::SteadyStateStatus >::reverse_iterator': return _amici.SteadyStateStatusVector_rbegin(self) def rend(self) -> 'std::vector< enum amici::SteadyStateStatus >::reverse_iterator': return _amici.SteadyStateStatusVector_rend(self) def clear(self): return _amici.SteadyStateStatusVector_clear(self) def get_allocator(self) -> 'std::vector< enum amici::SteadyStateStatus >::allocator_type': return _amici.SteadyStateStatusVector_get_allocator(self) def pop_back(self): return _amici.SteadyStateStatusVector_pop_back(self) def erase(self, *args) -> 'std::vector< enum amici::SteadyStateStatus >::iterator': return _amici.SteadyStateStatusVector_erase(self, *args) def __init__(self, *args): _amici.SteadyStateStatusVector_swiginit(self, _amici.new_SteadyStateStatusVector(*args)) def push_back(self, x: 'std::vector< enum amici::SteadyStateStatus >::value_type const &'): return _amici.SteadyStateStatusVector_push_back(self, x) def front(self) -> 'std::vector< enum amici::SteadyStateStatus >::value_type const &': return _amici.SteadyStateStatusVector_front(self) def back(self) -> 'std::vector< enum amici::SteadyStateStatus >::value_type const &': return _amici.SteadyStateStatusVector_back(self) def assign(self, n: int, x: 'std::vector< enum amici::SteadyStateStatus >::value_type const &'): return _amici.SteadyStateStatusVector_assign(self, n, x) def resize(self, *args): return _amici.SteadyStateStatusVector_resize(self, *args) def insert(self, *args): return _amici.SteadyStateStatusVector_insert(self, *args) def reserve(self, n: int): return _amici.SteadyStateStatusVector_reserve(self, n) def capacity(self) -> int: return _amici.SteadyStateStatusVector_capacity(self) def __repr__(self): return self.this.__repr__()[:-1] + '; ' + repr(list(self)) + ' >' __swig_destroy__ = _amici.delete_SteadyStateStatusVector
_amici.SteadyStateStatusVector_swigregister(SteadyStateStatusVector) AmiciModel = Union[Model, ModelPtr] AmiciSolver = Union[Solver, SolverPtr] AmiciExpData = Union[ExpData, ExpDataPtr] AmiciReturnData = Union[ReturnData, ReturnDataPtr] AmiciExpDataVector = Union[ExpDataPtrVector, Sequence[AmiciExpData]] def _get_ptr(obj: AmiciModel | AmiciExpData | AmiciSolver | AmiciReturnData) -> Model | ExpData | Solver | ReturnData: """ Convenience wrapper that returns the smart pointer pointee, if applicable :param obj: Potential smart pointer :returns: Non-smart pointer """ if isinstance(obj, (ModelPtr, ExpDataPtr, SolverPtr, ReturnDataPtr)): return obj.get() return obj __all__ = [x for x in dir(sys.modules[__name__]) if not x.startswith('_') and x not in {'np', 'sys', 'os', 'numpy', 'IntEnum', 'enum', 'pi', 'TYPE_CHECKING', 'Iterable', 'Sequence'}]